Tag Archives: paul

Review of Online Poker Code Crack

The Online Poker Code Crack is an award winning in-depth look at the software that controls the online poker rooms across the Internet. It is written by a former software engineer and avid professional poker player, Paul Westin, the Online Poker Code Crack reveals exactly how to avoid bad beats, how to give bad beats and how to get deeper in any online poker tournament.

Initially, I approached the subject of “cracking” the online poker code with caution as many claims in years past told of how their software could reveal hole cards, predict flops, turns and rivers, and even some boldly claimed to be able to know the flop before the hand was dealt.

Nevertheless, I was invited to try the Online Poker Code Crack, and did so with an open mind toward winning and believing the product could accomplish exactly what it claimed. Paul Westin first describes the inner workings of online poker software and explains in detail how several different algorithms and subroutines determine the outcome of the cards.

It is widely believed that the Random Number Generator is the main focal point in the software, however, Westin dismisses this fact and reveals the RNG as nothing more than a small part of the program in determining winning hands at the river. He further reveals the codes used in online poker that makes the determination and further shows how using these additional subroutines will allow anyone to get deeper, and cash bigger in online poker tournaments.

It is without a doubt, Westin has the knowledge and experience, both as a software engineer and poker player, to effectively reveal the inner workings of the online poker software. I found his explanation of the RNG and his further teachings of the associated subroutines to be easily understood and exactly on point in helping anyone to win a tournament online.

After using the Online Poker Code Crack in a tournament I played on a popular poker site, I was actually amazed at how efficient and on-target Westin was. I found it even more surprising when I was easily able to cash in this tourney as a result of Westin’s Online Poker Code Crack.

I give this 5 stars for ease of use, ease of implementation and relatively low cost! If you are playing online poker, It is in your best interests to investigate Paul Westin’s Online Poker Code Crack, for the sake of your bankroll and to help improve your winnings

Play your opponent accordingly

The next time you sit down at a poker table, you need to remember that every player sitting around that table has different tendencies. For instance, Paul might call your all-in when he’s holding top pair, but Mary wouldn’t dare think of doing so. Given the differences in player habits, it’s imperative that you approach each player accordingly.

Here’s the tricky part: You don’t know what player tendencies are when you’re sitting down to play. Fortunately, there is a way to solve this problem, but it requires a great deal of patience.

When you first sit down at a poker table, you need to play tight for at least the first hour. By doing so, you will be watching how the other players approach the game and picking up reads. For example, you might find out that Paul likes to raise to $15 pre-flop in a $1/$2 No Limit Game when he’s holding A/10-suited or better. You might also find out that John will always limp-in with a medium pair, attempting to stealthily hit his set and win a big pot. And you might learn that James subconsciously taps his fingers on the table when he’s on a draw.

Now imagine getting involved with these players when first sitting down, and without having all that information. You would be at a distinct disadvantage. Once you sit back and pick up all this information, it’s time to go into attack mode, but don’t get carried away. Patience and well-timed aggression are the keys to success.

Since you know that Paul will call your all-in when holding top pair, if you sense he has top pair on the flop and you’re on a flush draw, then you’re at a mathematical disadvantage. Therefore, you don’t want to push all-in. Your best approach will be to bet half the pot, which can mean anything and keep Paul guessing. If he comes back at you, then you will have a difficult decision to make, but a lot will depend on how much money is already in the pot, and if you have him covered in regard to chip counts.

Let’s say it’s the same situation, but you’re up against Mary instead of Paul. In this case, you want to push all-in when you sense she has top pair and you’re on a flush draw. You want to do this because you know she will fold, and you will not have to worry about hitting your flush. Instead of gambling and hoping to hit the flush to win a big pot, you will win a small pot without any risk.

As you can see, the game of poker isn’t black and white. You can’t automatically decide to call, fold, raise, or push all-in based on the cards. Instead, you need to play the game by prying open your opponent’s mind and figuring out what he or she likes and doesn’t like to do. This will give you a significant advantage and should lead to increased profits.