Tag Archives: party

Poker: Strip Poker – Adding Zest to a Boring Game

Strip poker is just like any other poker game. The difference in playing strip poker is that players strip items of clothing when they lose a bet. Strip poker has been with us for ages, and contrary to popular belief, strip poker is originally not a sensual, erotic game. Poker developed hundreds of years ago, and strip poker originated from the basic game of poker. Because poker enables one to win while others are losing, the losers then can bet their clothing. This is to take back their cash from the winning opponent. Before, items of clothing are considered of special value.

Strip poker is played like a regular poker game. But strip poker sometimes entice non-poker players to get hooked in the game, a feat that cannot be done by regular poker games. Strip poker adds zest to a dying party. It can bring fun back to your poker games. There are as many strip poker variations as regular poker game variations.

Sometimes, strip poker is used as a kind of foreplay and sometimes it is considered as a way of flirting. Strip poker games can have speedy, medium or slow stripping modes. Excitement can either be withheld or let loose. Speedy strip poker games can start like a regular poker game, but everyone (except the winner of course) removes an item of clothing. This is a very fast way and very good excuse for stripping naked, not to mention this will give you great motivation in playing poker. Medium mode stripping in a strip poker game means that the winner is the only person who is not stripping, but the losers have the option to buy back clothes in the coming rounds. The slowest way of stripping via a strip poker game is when only the person with the lowest poker score will be the one who will strip.

There are countless variations of this game. One variation even makes use of poker chips and that when you lose all your poker chips, you will be required to bet your clothing. This is yet another slow method—if your only objective is to strip. However, stripping in a strip poker game will most likely be for the benefit of the game only, and not just about the stripping per se.

Some strip poker games have been popular. In Jamaica, there is even a strip poker international competition! They employed 4 super models to play strip poker, and the winner takes on serious money. However, this is a for adults only event. And it is very unlikely to see strip poker in the Olympic games! Although, we all know that you’d love to see strip poker players from all over the world battle out for the gold medal.

Because of strip poker’s popularity, there have been thousand of sites dedicated to the game. It can range from intimate poker play, to party poker type games. Also, because of the advent of cyber online technology, strip poker is already available online. Some strip poker games have poker chips, money bets and stripping all combined in the touch of a button, or click of a mouse. Some strip poker sites even has strippers available online. Through a hefty credit card application and registration, one can avail of hours of online strip poker gaming. Some online strip poker sites have pictures that strip as you win, but some have real time strippers that you can view stripping via a web camera. Strip poker, just like any other adult game or enterprise, is regulated in most parts of the world. Some more liberal nations, such as those in Europe have strip poker TV shows! The difference between that and American strip poker shows is that the Euro version allows total nakedness via a TV broadcast!

Whether you are playing strip poker for your foreplay, or as a form of a sexual tease, whether you are playing strip poker party version or just adding the element of stripping to a rather boring game, no one can contest the hours of enjoyment that can only be attributed to poker… Strip poker that is!

How to Sponsor a Motorcycle Poker Run (Page 1 of 2)

My first motorcycle was a 1943 Flat Head Harley Davidson. When I found the bike for sale I had no money, but I knew I wanted this dream machine. I wasn’t making enough money to pay for it so I needed a plan. I came up with a way to raise money and throw a great party at the same time. I organized a Poker Run. I made enough money to buy the Harley, had a few bucks left over and had allot of fun along the way.

The Poker Run was originally an event bikers played out on their Harley, but over the years it has been borrowed by Boaters, Runners, Bicyclist and I’m sure by others as well. The concept of a Poker Run is to travel a course or route and while doing so pick up poker cards along the way. Each person makes a 5 card poker hand from the cards they collect with the best hand winning money or prize. The way this is carried out for bikers is, each biker travels the planed route, every few miles there is a checkpoint at which each biker must stop and pickup a poker card. There are 7 checkpoints with the 7th checkpoint being at the final destination. Once all riders have reached the end, the rider with the best 5 card poker hand wins a grand prize. There can be variations to the prize scheme but the idea is to award cash or merchandise prizes at the end.

Sponsoring a poker run is fairly simple but takes time and some not so hard work. The first thing you need to do is plan the travel route and positioning of the check points. The route should be laid out so that the last check point is at the final destination. This is where the Poker Run party will be held. In order to do this you may need to get approval from the cities you plan to travel your poker run thru, there may be some paperwork and fees for this. Always check with the city municipalities to ensure compliance with local laws.

At the end of the run is a park or event facility, somewhere where a biker crowd can hang their hat for a few hours. Depending on where you live you may need a permit (especially if alcohol will be served) for the park. Of course you will need permission for any kind of event hall or facility you plan to use.

Next you need to do a little financial planning. By figuring out how much you will use for prize money and how much the party after the Poker Run will cost, you can calculate how many riders you’ll need and what the entrance fee will be. Keep in mind entrance fees should be less then $100 per bike, charge too much and the turn out will be poor. A word of caution here, be sure you do a good job of knowing the total cost of the event. Poor math can quickly turn a profit into a loss.

The next thing you will need to do is register riders. The best way to do this is to make a website where registration can be made and money can be collected. This of course may be more than you want to do so the old fashion method of mail-in or phone-in registration will work just as well. Along with registering riders for your poker run, you should also sell tickets to friends and others that just may simply want to attend the party after the ride is over. A scheme where a certain cost for the bike and it’s rider and another much lower cost for a passenger is a good approach.