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Free Roulette Systems – Roulette Betting Systems: Online roulette tips and strategies (Page 1 of 2)

Free Roulette Systems – Roulette Betting Systems: Online roulette tips and strategies

Roulette Systems Studio is a roulette tool used to create different type of roulette systems based on red and black betting, custom progression, start bet after custom sequences and many other things related to real time game control process.

I will try here to describe shortly what represent this software.

First of all I want to say that it is an online roulette tool and the player has the option to create an unlimited number of roulette systems based on black and red colors.

From this point let refer to this software using it short name MMMX.

So we can start from the most import it feature& 8217;s that represent an auto play module. Yes this mean the software will play by itself following the rules set by the player. So the player can build his own roulette system by creating one palette that will contain a set of rules that will describe it.

Once the palette is created it is saved to our roulette systems database in an open source format.

What mean a roulette system in an open source format? This mean that another player that will use this palette will know always how will act this roulette system in any situations.

The most useful thing in our network is that we store all roulette systems in a shared database so all network members have access to it.

Why we store these roulette systems in a shared database? This is the way we use to share the players knowledge among our network members and this help our players to work in a team while developing the most complicated roulette systems.

So we store all roulette systems in an open source format and the player has the option to keep the roulette system private in case he is not a part of a group and don& 8217;t want to share his ideas with the other members.

Also the software will allow every player to decide how he wants to act inside our network and this mean to be an independent roulette system developer or to be a member of a team that will develop roulette systems.

Remember until now you all used only black box roulette systems and this mean you never knew what really does that roulette system but we changed the rules on this market by adding this concept as a standard so soon all worldwide online roulette players will use this new concept.

What represent a black box roulette system? This is a roulette system where the player don& 8217;t has the option to see how it was built and this mean the player never can know about the risks involve this roulette system.

What represent an open source roulette system? This is a roulette system made in an open source format so the player always will know how will act every roulette system on every performed step. By this I mean the player will know always how much money the software will bet also on which colors it will bet also when the software will stop the game also the player have the real control under the game.

Playing Under The Gun: A Texas Holdem Problem

Tight Tight Tight!- The first player to act preflop in hold’em is also in the worst position at the table; before any other players at the table get to act, you have to make the first action at the table. Once you raise or call, 1-9 players, depending on how many players are at your table, get to respond to your initial action. What does this mean? When you’re under the gun, you should be much, much more selective about the hands you choose to enter the pot with. Not only do you have to act first at the start of the hand, but you have 3rd position post flop, with only the blinds to act before you. This drastically devalues a lot of potential hands that you might consider playing normally in other positions, like small pocket pairs and connected suited hands, without the safety net of position to act last or ensure the pot isn’t raised after you enter the pot.

Hand selections- At a full ring table, the hands you should be playing from under the gun are few and far between. I’d only play AA-QQ and AKs at a tight, tough game, and add JJ-99 and AKo and AQs at a weaker, wilder game. The smaller pocket pairs and connected suited hands usually won’t get to the flop cheap enough to make it worth playing, and the other big broadway hands will find themselves dominated far too often to make it worth playing. A play that many players like to make from UTG is to limp with monster hands; too many people now recognize the limp from UTG to be a monster now for it to be effective, and players may limp with hands they’d normally just fold to a UTG open. knowing that you have a monster and that their hand is well disguised. Six handed tables, which have gained popularity in recent years, provide an opportunity to play a wider selection from UTG; you can open AA-77 and AJs+, and even limping with 22-66 and connected suited hands becomes a viable option.

Variations- You may want to play a few hands other than the very tight range listed in order to keep players guessing, especially in a cash game where players tend to grind through long sessions. Instead of trying the “monster” limp, you may be more inclined to throw a speculative raising hand into your raising mix that you include into your opening range. Instead of saying, “I’m going to open every fifth connected suited hand I get UTG,” something that works with my game is to pick a solid speculative drawing hand, like J10s or 67s, or even a hand like 33, and decide that every time I’m dealt that hand UTG, I’ll open with it like I would AA/KK, and play it on the flop similarly. It adds a bit of deception to your game, and makes it harder for people to play you straightforwardly with your UTG raises.