Tag Archives: online poker

What to Expect in an Online Poker Tournament

Online poker has been growing by leaps and bounds and, consequently, websites are engaging in more aggressive online promotional efforts to get players to join their membership rolls.

One of the most successful promotional efforts has been the holding of poker tournaments. These online poker tournaments mean an opportunity to sharpen your skills, gain a chance to meet new poker buddies, learn a few new poker tricks and, of course, win big.

First Step: Establish a Proper Mindset

People who join tournaments have a different mindset from the usual players. They’re in this to win; they’re not here to have fun or to spend a few leisure hours tossing cards and bets around. They have a clear-cut goal or objective in mind – and it would be disrespectful on your part if you don’t take the game as seriously as these other players do.

If you’re thinking of joining a tournament to find out what it’s like – fine, the other players can accept that. However, entering a tournament because you’re bored, or because you have it in mind to ‘mess-up’ other people’s game may get you tossed out by the other players. It’s a different matter though if you’re only saying so to gain a psychological edge over your competitors.

Bottom line: your level of play must match the seriousness of the game.

Next: Type of Tournaments

There are numerous tournaments available on the online poker circuit, ranging from those with entry fees to those without, the types of poker that will be played (‘Texas Hold-‘em or something else), and so on.

Most online tournaments are the multi-table formats where players are assigned from table to table as vacancies crop up. The players start with a fixed amount of chips, with the objective of eliminating other players by winning more hands than the rest. As said, as vacancies open up in other tables, you may be reassigned to them until a few players are left.

Another tournament is the shootout where you stay at your table until everyone else has been eliminated, after which you – and the other winners at other tables – face each other for another elimination round. Last player left standing is the winner.

Third: Choosing Your Tournaments

Choosing the tournament you want to participate in should be considered in light of two factors: one, your level of play; and two, your objective in playing.

If you’re a beginner, it would be best to look for beginner’s tournaments where you get a chance to improve your skills and capabilities while playing with others at your skill level. Getting into a higher game-playing level may be easy but you have to expect faster plays with these players – you may end up slowing down the game, which will lead the others to start complaining – which may get you booted out or worse.

Secondly, knowing your objectives will determine your mindset. Some tournaments are played to select players for the next higher levels. Players in such tournaments will, therefore, have their minds set on that goal; they may well play cautiously and tight because they have a longer-term goal. The game may also be a straight “Winner Takes All” pot – in which case, they may play aggressively and impatiently, wanting to get the hands done quickly.

In either case, there are weaknesses to exploit – and strengths to be wary of. This may mean adapting your playing style to play to your opponents weaknesses while avoiding their strengths.

Canadian Lotteries to Offer Online Poker

Canadian Lotteries to Offer Online Poker

Canadian lottery players will now be able to play one of the most popular online games-poker. Some Canadian lottery corporations are starting to offer players safe and regulated online poker. Once confined to the shadowy world of online gaming online poker has gained some measure of respectability in recent years. Loto-Quebec is the latest lottery to announce the addition of an online poker website that will launch in the fall. Loto-Quebec says the new website will counter the many illegal gambling websites and expects to make about $50 million by 2012.

The new website will be launched by Loto-Quebec and Atlantic and B.C. lottery corporations. The Atlantic and B.C. lottery corporations already have their own online poker operations. The Atlantic Lottery Corporation has operated an online gambling website since 2004 and allows players to purchase online lottery tickets in addition to poker. The B.C. lottery website offers online poker allowing players to bet as much as $9,999.per week. The B.C. lottery website also sells online lottery tickets. The industry expects big bets to translate into big profits for the lottery corporations

Some Canadian provinces are taking a wait and see approach to online poker and gaming. Kevin Van Egdom, with the Western Canada Lottery Corp stated, “Nothing has been written off forever, but we have no plans to do that.” The Western Canada Lottery Corp provides lottery services for Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Van Egdom further stated, “We’re responsible for offering lottery games and selling lottery products through authorized retailers, where you buy them in person. Each region makes its own decision and Quebec’s doesn’t play into ours.”

Ontario Gaming and Lottery Corp. is also taking a wait and see approach. The company says it has spent a ‘considerable amount of time’ investigating the possibility on online gaming and online lottery tickets. Ontario Lottery spokesman Rui Brum said that “No decision has been made,” and that it would be up to the new board of directors whether the lottery will offer online gaming.

John Kennedy FitzGerald, the CEO of the Vancouver-based Interactive Gaming Council says he hopes that government sanctioned lotteries offering gaming is a step towards regulation of the online gaming industry and not a step towards a government monopoly of the online gaming sector. FitzGerald stated, “It’s a natural progression for governments to be more involved. At least we have the government saying they recognize the industry and know it’s here to stay.”