Tag Archives: online poker tips

Online Poker Tips

So you’ve decided to learn how to play poker and one of your first thoughts is to check out some of the online poker tips which you can find, which you hope will help you to better your game.

This is all well and good, but before you go anywhere looking for online poker tips, you might first want to learn how to play poker properly. That’s right, before you can even begin to use any of the online poker tips or put them to any good use, you will first need to learn how to play poker.

This is a relatively simple operation when you are first starting out, as you will very rarely see any real action. Mostly you can be prepared to lose most of your games, if you haven’t already folded your cards beforehand.

If however, you are bound and determined to use online poker tips to help you with your game, the first thing that you should learn is that there is no shame in folding your hand on a fairly regular basis.

There is absolutely no profit in staying in a game when you know that you have a bad hand, unless you are a good bluffer. And if you only just started playing poker, this might not necessarily be your most strong feature.

That said, it also helps you to get acquainted with the game if you have more than a passing knowledge of the game. And to have this, you will need to stay in a few hands where you might just lose everything, but you can always chalk that up to a learning experience!

In fact, although they are not the ideal way in which to learn the game of poker, you will find that online poker tips can have a good outcome for many a beginning poker player, as it is at this time that you are more likely to try your best to learn all that there is about playing poker.

Online poker tips can come in handy no matter what game of poker you are playing, and you might even find that they come in handy when you are playing in real brick and mortar poker rooms as well.

Mostly though, poker playing strategies and tips are going to be the same across the board, whether they are of the variety of online poker tips or not, and it is up to you the player, to use them in a fitting manner. Once you learn to do this, and once you learn to pay a proper game of poker, you will find that poker is a fun as well as an intelligent game, over and above its gambling qualities.

Online Poker: Online Poker Tips Explained On Winaday Casino

Online Poker Tips

There are many sites with tips and tricks relating to online Poker. Experience, of course, is the best teacher of all. For the newbies though, there are some tips that are vital to know before starting play. We, at Winaday Casino, have put together some Online Poker Tips that we think will be most useful to know:

Don’t play every hand you get When you’re new to playing poker online, you may want to play every hand, even ones that aren’t good. Fact is, playing more usually means losing more. If you’re staying in more that half the hands you’re dealt, you may want to reassess the hands you’re getting.

Only play while sober Sure, it can be fun playing a casual game with buddies over a few drinks. If you’re serious about the game, and want to increase your chances of winning, nothing beats being sober and alert.

Don’t bluff unnecessarily Many players think bluffing is something that they need to do in every game. Bluffing doesn’t always work, because other players can often see through your bluffs.

Know when to fold and when to hold Don’t put good money after bad. Sometimes the odds warrant a call, but if you’re sure you’ve lost, you must immediately fold. The money in the kitty isn’t yours now, and playing to the end won’t make it come back.

Don’t call at the end of a hand to “keep him straight” If you really feel an opponent has the hand he’s betting on and you’re beat, why lose more of your money?

Don’t play when depressed or you need a “pick me up” Playing emotionally rather than rationally is never a good idea. Take a break if you’re starting to play in the hope of getting on a winning streak after a long losing streak. Other players can sense and take advantage of your mood fluctuations and you’ll be worse off for it.

Focus on the cards It’s very important to keep an eye on happenings at the table. In Texas Hold ‘em, figure out the best possible hand to fit the flop, ensuring that you observe possibilities for flushes and straights. In 7-card Stud, carefully observe the cards that are showing and the ones that were folded before calling opponents.

Observe your opponents Even when you’re not in a hand, closely observing other players can pay off big time. If you know that a player always raises his hand in a certain way, and another has a particular expression or displays subtle body language when he bluffs, and a third player folds to every re-raise, watch out for these clues and take advantage of them.

Play within limits Don’t make bets that blow your budget, or if you tend to think of other ways you could use that money. It’s better to play longer at lower bet levels than to go bust after just a few high-stakes games.

Pick the right game for your budget and skill level As the stakes rise, so does the average skill level of the players. If you’re making good money at a lower level game, there’s no point in switching to a game with bigger stakes.

We are sure all the online poker tips above will answer some of your questions on how to win poker. So what are you waiting for? Choose an online poker machine here on Winaday Casino, keep the online poker tips in mind and start playing!