Tag Archives: online games

Community of Million Gamers – Online Gaming Communities

Are online gaming communities the new members’ clubs or will the next generation of online gamers will be lacking any social skill who cannot recognize a three dimensional object even if it falls on his head? Looking at some of today’s online games shows that despite all the gloomy prophecies, virtual games create a new, bigger, world-wider form of communities based on human interaction.
One of the most ancient and common claims against online gaming was directed towards its anti social nature. Internet opponents saw online gaming as the community enemy, which causes people to prefer the solitary act of playing internet games over taking part in more traditional types of social activities such as playing sports games, visiting the local bingo hall, etc.
However, the growth and the development of online games, made this claim a little bit irrelevant. About ten years of broadband internet access proves the opposite: online gaming is a social activity by nature. From classic card, board, puzzle, and sports games to massive multi player online games (Second life, World of Warcraft, etc), online games are nothing but isolated and/or antisocial.
Let’s take online backgammon for example. Backgammon, the ancient board game, was traditionally played in backgammon clubs as a one-and-one game or a tournament.Backgammon rules used to be spread around in the old fashioned viral marketing – by word of mouth.
But what would do a small town backgammon player who has no backgammon clubs nearby? Online gaming solved this dilemma. The largest online backgammon rooms host hundreds of thousands of players who can practice backgammon games against each other, chat with one another, discuss game tactics and strategy, share information, gossip and do whatever members of community do when gather together.
Another game that proves the importance of the social aspect in today’s online games is Second Life. The relatively new game has become a phenomenon. Although defined as a game, Second Life had shed all traditional characteristics of a game: it has no rules, no strategy and no actual competition or goal.
Instead, Second Life players, excuse me, residents, can keep themselves occupied in various social activities including buying and selling stuff, throwing parties or being invited to ones, exhibiting art objects or visiting art exhibits and involve in other life like behaviors. At the same time they can make new friends and/or foes and experience the entire scope of human emotions towards one another.
These were only two extreme examples – the classic board game turns virtual and the embodiment of the cyberpunk authors’ visions. However, online gaming communities are far richer. Online gaming communities can be based on a shared interest in a certain game or on the abstract idea of interaction. Either way, the basic need in human communication did not pass from the world with 3D web technologies.

Y8 games

The free online games community is an extremely popular area for those who experience a true rush when playing video games. In addition to this, many individuals have discovered that there are numerous social advantages to participating in free online game communities. Businesses have made millions of dollars by sponsoring this fee online games community. There are many free online game types.

The online games are the act of playing electronic games. This kind of online video and online flash games is played on computer network. Aforetimes, online games like this can be played with different technology, like modems, hard wired terminals but recently by internets. Free online games were popularized by the vast emergence of computer networks. Online game ranges from simple text based games to complex graphic and virtual world games. It also ranges from single player to many players in complex network. Multiplayer’s games can be played through computers linked locally or over the internet. Popular online games are Action, Role Playing and strategy.

Online flash games are now the latest type of games dominating the preference of a person who plays games on the gaming websites. These games fall in two major categories with both of them being equally capable of having millions of players from all over the world playing them. The primary one is the standalone game which is played by many players but does not feature real time playing as an aspect. The second one is the multi-player one, which conjures up magnificent contests between players residing in any part of the world.

Free online flash games have become part of the Internet culture. When one is bored, it is now a society norm to seek out play free online games for a one-stop cure. Arcade games aren’t always deemed fine with employers and school administrators. To add to the mess, free online flash games aren’t always up to par- and thus provide no help in curing one of his or her boredom.

The present technology of Flash has bought many new changes in the world of flash online game. Most of the changes have taken place in the overall performance of the game while it is being played. The other changes that have taken place are in the fields of user interface, sound quality and also speed of loading as well as gaming artwork. Hence, the free online Flash games that are available on many gaming websites have brilliant and also colorful user interfaces with detailed instructions about the controls of the game and some of the games even start with a story which serves as the background behind the theme of the game.

Most of the websites which are now involved in the act of providing free online games have gradually shifted to games based on this technology and are witnessing growing number of web hits. The features of online flash games have led to the attention of the gamer to shift to their direction, and hence gaming websites are now primarily taking the business advantages of putting online flash games on their gaming websites. The number and the type of games have increased consistently and hence the person who frequently plays always has new games to play. There are many organized contests which carry cash prizes. They furthermore increased the popularity of online flash games and are now here to dwell with all their fantastic features.