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How to Win Scratch Lotto Card Tickets

Selling scratch off lottery tickets has grown an extremely fat line of work not just in the United States but also all over the world. A localized gas station may gain as much as $15,000 on any given day just by dealing lottery tickets. This industry runs on the desire of each and every individual that for just a couple of dollars, he or she would become the future millionaire. So, part of the tempt of buying scratch off lottery tickets is that it allows the consumer with the same excitement that is felt in casinos or a bingo game with each number being revealed contributing to the fervor.

Just similar in the casino, in the game of scratch off lottery, you win great and you lose some. But then once more, there are those truly good ones who appear to win each single time that they buy a ticket, there are much who would need to spend hundreds of dollars only to succeed a measly $25 when the lottery results get in. And then there are those that Good Ol’ Lady Luck never seems to smile on, no matter how many scratch off lottery tickets they end up buying in a single day.

If you are like of those people who appear to be favorable at each only thing that you do and desire to have any of that luck to sweep off the next time that you purchase your next lottery ticket, one way to increase your chances of winning is to carefully choose where you bargain your next ticket.

Scratch off lottery tickets vents can be found all over from your topical grocery shop to the gas station and even in shopping malls, every having their own advertisements to draw mass to purchase from their store. You go through them, and then you see this one store breaking at the lines with individuals. Interested, you head over and you then realize why. This detail store has a big poster in its window with the words “Luckiest Store Where Millions Have Living Succeeded!” At the bottom of the ad is a list of those who have purchased their lottery tickets from the store. Before you know it, you are like of those in line expecting to get your own ticket.

Astonishingly, this is not a good decision. Even, on that point have been a number of winners from that store, but remember. The game of scratch off lottery is all close to probabilities and balances. Every shop that sells lottery tickets is simply granted a specific figure of winners for each batch. That figure of allotted tickets does not convert regardless of the number of mass buying at that place. Therefore, let’s say that every shop that deals scratch off lottery tickets are granted 100 winning tickets for a particular day, and about 500 people buy from this store on the same day. The probabilities for you to be able to get a succeeding scratch off lottery ticket would roughly be about 20%.

The next time you decide to try your luck and buy a scratch off lottery ticket, try buying from a store that not a lot of individuals go and buy. In fact, the more out of the way and the more desolated the store is, the better. Since people purchase from that store, you have a higher chance to purchase a gaining ticket. To further gain your chances, try making your purchases before noon or after 7PM.

Of course, like any game of fortune, a little bit of chance will be needed to play any lottery game just like scratch off lottery. But, hopefully acknowledging where to buy your future ticket can be the key in order to find out that the next scratch off lottery ticket you purchase will be anything but another losing ticket.

Tricks to Win Scratch Off Lottery Tickets

One of the simple tricks on how to win the lottery is to play the right lotto game. As you probably know, there are tons of lottery games including the pick 3, pick 4, pick 5, state lottery, and the scratch off lottery tickets.

I own a convenience store and from what I have seen, I’ve seen more winners from the scratch off games than any other lotto games. The reason is not because the scratcher players are luckier. It’s because the scratch off games have the best odds of winning compared to any other games. That’s why, the best lottery ticket game to play is the scratch off lottery tickets.

You don’t even have to know any complicated lottery system or a mathematician’s guide to figuring out the numbers. In fact, just by spending your big lottery money towards playing the scratch off tickets will greatly improve your overall results in the lottery.

Sure, you may not win $1,000,000 or even bigger prizes but you are probably not going to win that either playing the big lottery game. The odds of the big lottery game is so bad that you are better off spending all your lottery money towards the scratchers game. That’s right. This one little change will greatly help you to double or sometimes triple your results in winning more in the lotto.

This is something that almost 90% (or even more) people don’t know. In fact, regular lottery customers in my store don’t even know this simple secret. They think that they can win big in the big lotto but what I have seen is that they’re rarely any big winners (or even small winners) for the big lotto.

However for the scratch off lottery games, I see MORE winners than ANY other lotto game on a daily basis. That’s right. Most likely, you will not win the big lottery. But you will win scratchers. So the next time, you think about “Oh…yes! I am going to be the next million dollar winner”, stop and be realistic!

I have been a lottery retailer for almost 5 years and the people who think that they are going to be the winner end up NOT being a winner. And the people who do end up being winners usually are the scratch off card players. That’s because people win scratchers more than they win the lottery. You have to get this! This is not just because I like the scratchers game myself. Instead, it’s a fact! It’s because the scratcher game has the best odds of winning period.

So if you can learn one thing from this article, get this. You have better chance to win scratchers than to win the big lottery games like the mega millions or the powerball or even your state lottery. If you want to learn how to win in the lottery, stop spending so much money in the big lotto and instead, use that money to play in the scratch off games. Try it. Try it as an experiment and see the difference in the results.

If you do this simple little change, I can guarantee that you will have better results than throwing your money in the state lottery games. So stop wasting your hard earned money in the big lotto and start using that money to play the scratch off games. You will no longer hear “Sorry, not a winner” but start hearing “Congratulations, you are a winner!” I wish you the best!