Tag Archives: odds

Thinking and Decision-making In Poker

Thinking is the greatest preoccupation of any poker player. Good thinking is vital so that a player can beat the game and win the pot. And a lapse in concentration can be fatal.

What does one need to achieve the kind of thinking necessary for poker? First is discipline. This means that a player must be able to direct his mind on what he is supposed to think. He should not allow his mind to dwell on inconsequential things such as how the tie worn by his opponent is mismatched with the jacket.

Second is objectivity. A player should evaluate the odds (card odds, investment odds, edge odds) before choosing to bet, raise, bluff or fold. He should not raise simply because he was irritated or he wants to get even.

And third is tenacity. A good player should not lose his concentration. He should endeavor to stay at such level of thinking that does not allow distractions or intense emotions. He should not spend precious minutes staring at his cards before deciding what to do next. He should just take a quick look and then immediately plan his strategy. For such is the only way to make the poker game beneficial to his pockets.

There are two kinds of thinking that a good player employs during a poker game. These are “objective thinking” and “analytical thinking”.

Objective thinking involves the astute planning of what action to take. He assesses the potential of his hand and weighs investment odds against edge odds. He formulates several strategies on how to best win the greatest possible pot. And he stays alert for further developments that will help him decide more precisely about which strategy he will eventually use. To simplify, objective thinking is similar to “thinking ahead”.

Analytical thinking goes hand in hand with keen observation. The goal of analytical thinking is to understand the personalities of the opponents. A good analysis will allow a good player to interpret the actions or movements of his opponents. From such actions, the good player can infer accurately the hand of the other players.

Analytical thinking is at its finest when the player is not involved in a hand. He studies his opponents, takes mental notes of their movements and creates future strategies.

For example, one opponent has the quirky habit of inhaling (perhaps to relax himself) when he gets a good hand and exhaling (perhaps as a substitute for a sigh) when he gets a busted hand. A good player can influence this opponent to either fold or bluff.

Another opponent, when calling a bluff, hesitates and purses his lips, then makes a $20 raise. Depending on the hand of the good player, he will decide whether he will call the bluff, fold, or make a bluff of his own.

Thinking is indeed vital in any decision making in each poker game. It can establish control. It can win the pot. And, if nothing else, it can make a player forget his nervousness.

A Sport Betting Pro Reveals How To Win 97% Of Your Sport Bets!

Online sports betting (secure wagering on all sports, basketball, football, and baseball) is a fast and quick rush. You can find thousands of online sports betting sites that offer services on all genres of sports. Online sports betting is interactive and international making the odds and the winning amount very exciting. Some people do this for fun, but for others it can be a steady income. John Morrison at SportsBettingChamp.com has discovered a spectacular sport betting system that he has used to produce an astonishing 97% winning rate on all of his sport bets. For the first time ever, John has made his revolutionary sport betting system available to a limited number of individuals. But before you place any bets, make sure the sports book you’ll be using is trustworthy by seeing that it is a member of some well-known gambling association and its payment history and credibility are unblemished. Bet on games where the sports book’s commission is the least because this is an area that the sports book has the maximum amount of business.

You can now gain access to the same betting system that has netted John over $375,000 over the last several years. Here’s a look at John’s incredible win-loss betting record since 2003:

NBA Basketball:

2003-04 season: 68 wins – 2 Losses
2004-05 season: 71 wins – 3 Losses
2005-06 season: 66 wins – 2 Losses

MLB Baseball:

2004 season: 48 wins – 0 Losses
2005 season: 55 wins – 3 Losses
2006 season: 52 wins – 1 Loss
2007 season: 67 wins – 3 Losses

That’s an accumulated record of 427 wins and 14 losses over the last several years of betting John has now finally broken the silence on his ingenious sport betting system. Along with the red-hot system, John will also provide you with a lifetime of free picks, an unheard-of deposit bonus offer, a “No Ifs, Ands, or Buts Personal Guarantee” as well as a dose of other splendid incentives. Head over to SportBettingChamp.com today to take a look at this limited offer while it’s still available. This is a challenging form of betting and good sports betting relies on a great deal of skill and strategy. Your favoritism for a team should not get in the way of an intelligent bet. If you are methodical about a game and it’s players then the sports betting arena will fit you like a glove. You can develop this skill over a period of time and regular systematic betting increases your chances of winning. Not only do you want to study the team’s performance before choosing a bet, you want to also study the range of available odds because the type of bet and the amount you will wager depends on odds. The odds must be at least in the ratio of 2:1 for the bet to be worthwhile. There are also two types of wagers: straight-up or money line bet or point spread wager. Money lines or straight-up are usually used for odds on games such as hockey, baseball, soccer or boxing. Point spreads are used in sports such as American football and basketball. So find the right website for you and enjoy your Internet betting. Teach yourself to look for value odds and over time you’ll become a pro.