Tag Archives: odds

Is There Such a Thing as a Guaranteed Way to Win the Lottery?

Imagine for a moment that a mind that was smart enough to acquire a Ph.D. in mathematics had devised a probability engine that is so powerful it can predict winning lottery numbers. Would you be interested in learning more?

I’m sure that you are just the way I was once and believe that winning the lottery is all about being lucky.

Well I can tell you that while winning the jackpot does require a certain amount of luck it is surprising that people who manipulate the mathematics of choosing lottery numbers seem to be a lot more lucky than everyone else!

Without the foresight of a good mathematical system almost everyone who plays chooses their lottery numbers at random. This includes picking birthdays, significant dates etc.

Unfortunately, when you buy a ticket, or even a dozen tickets, in this manner you have a mere 14 million to one chance of winning the jackpot.

Regardless of how many tickets you buy these odds remain mostly unchanged. So, it’s no wonder most people believe that winning on the lottery is a matter of pure, blind luck.

With such a low chance of winning, fourteen million to one, it seems almost pointless to play.

However, these odds only apply to random tickets.

Anyone who realises that the lottery is a game of probabilities and not a game of chance uses a good lottery system – like “wheeling”. The wheeling of numbers is often employed by lottery syndicates (because you have to buy multiple tickets).

However, wheeling lets you pick more numbers. You then buy tickets that have ever combination of those numbers thus allowing you a better chance of choosing the winning ones (because you get to choose more numbers).

Wheeling just 7 numbers (instead of the standard 6) costs only £28 a draw yet increases the odds of winning the jackpot from 14 million to 1 to 500,000 to 1!

This is the only reason we are told that syndicates have a better chance of winning and the only reason why they win more often than single players!

Wheeling numbers is a great way to guarantee yourself consistent wins on the lottery.

However, although this is the most known of all the reliable lotto systems it is far from the best!

Betting Strategies For Blackjack Tournament Play

When you enter a multiplayer blackjack tournament, the most important thing to master is the system you will use for managing your money. In other words, you need to bet with a winning strategy. It is important to remember that when you play in a tournament, you are not just betting against the house. You are also betting against the other players in the tournament. The winner of the tournament will be the player with the most chips at the end of the final hand. If you want to be that player, you need to find a winning strategy and stick with it.

Some blackjack enthusiasts play with a “win at all costs” mind set. That is useful to an extent, but it is not the be all and end all of winning a blackjack tournament. For example, you don’t want to bet everything on the first hand because the first hand is the easiest hand to lose. You want to be in a position where you can still win the tournament even if you lose the first hand. The first hand is difficult to win because the odds are against you. None of the cards have been dealt, so anything is possible. There are likely to be three or six or more decks in the shoe, and it is much harder to predict what will happen when you haven’t seen any cards yet. Later in the game, if you have been carefully observing what is happening, you can play with more of a “go-for-broke” strategy if you need to (if you are not already the table leader, for example).

As play progresses, always watch to see what cards other players have in front of them. Count chips as well so you know how you compare and what you need to do to get out in front of the pack. Most tournaments have a limited number of rounds, so that is another factor to keep in mind. Suppose, for example, that you are playing in a six round tournament. There are six other players at the table, and only the players with the most chips go on to the next round. You want to have the most chips at the end, but it isn’t necessary to be in the lead the whole way. To accomplish your goal, you need to play with some aggression, but don’t overdo it. Just play consistently and fearlessly. Avoid drawing too much attention to yourself by doing things like betting half your chips on one round and only the minimum amount on the next round.

The best way to figure out how much to bet is to be aware of the cards that remain in the deck so that you can estimate your odds of winning each round. When the odds are in your favor, you should bet a little more. When the odds are against you, bet less. If the odds are average, have a “medium bet” that is your “default” bet. Your default bet should be the amount that you bet in the first round as well. Then raise and lower your bet appropriately but without being too obvious or predictable. The other players will be watching you just like you are watching them.

In most blackjack tournaments, the deal and the bet will rotate. In some rounds, you will bet first. In some rounds, you will bet last. In other cases, you will bet in the middle. The same goes for the deal. You have the betting advantage when you are the last player to bet. You may also play in a tournament with hidden bets. Always use your hidden bet when it will benefit you most. That is likely to be toward the end of the tournament, not in the beginning.

Whether you win or lose the tournament, use it as a learning experience. If you are eliminated early, stay and watch the action so you know what to do to improve next time. Also watch as many tournaments as possible before you play in one yourself. You can learn a lot by watching what experienced players do to win!