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Learn Gambling Terms And Find Funny Gambling Jokes Online

Gambling can be a very intimidating experience to a new gambler especially if the new gambler is not familiar with gambling lingo. There are many terms in gambling that could easily confuse a new player, and it is a good idea to have a gambling dictionary at hand when you are at the casino, or when you decide to join an Online gambling environment. Knowing these terms will ensure that you do not become lost at any time throughout the gambling experience. After all, if you are trying not to lose all your money, the last thing you need is to be stuck clueless, wondering what everyone else at the table is even talking about.

You would be surprised at how many terms were invented specifically for gambling purposes! I mean the gambling dictionaries online go from A-Z, with every letter having at least ten different terms associated with it! Of course some of the terms are trivial, and you may never even need to use them, but then there are those terms that are absolutely crucial to a gambler’s vocabulary, such as “All-in”. Knowing these terms could honestly mean the difference between winning and losing thousands upon thousands of dollars in one night! You should prevent your self from going through hard times gambling by learning all of the necessary terms and memorizing them.

There are a lot of terms to try and remember them all by head, but if you find a way to keep the terms with you at all times, then you will have a reliable way to carry your gambling dictionary with you everywhere you go! A good way to have the terms with you everywhere would be to carry a mobile device that has internet on it, such as a Blackberry or an iPhone. This way you will never have to worry about forgetting the gambling definitions, no matter where you are. You could be in the bathroom at the casino, brushing up on your gambling lingo!

Aside from learning the ins and outs of gambling lingo, you can also find some very funny gambling jokes online. These jokes are all related t gambling, so they are sure to give you and your gambling partners a good laugh at the casino. Now you don’t have to be that boring guy that sits at the table and never says anything. Give your gambling mates something to laugh at, and become the life of the party with these gambling jokes. Actually, you don;t even need to tell the jokes at the casinos, and you don;t even really need to be gambling, because they will be funny no matter where you are, or what you are doing! These jokes offer tons of fun for you and your friends, and you will remember some of them for your years. The internet is full of jokes just like this, and the laughs that you will receive from telling them are well worth the time you will put forward to learn them.

Poker Bankroll Management

Bankroll management is very important if you want to make a success at playing poker. Whether you play for fun or as a professional a good bankroll plan is essential. It doesn’t matter if you are the best player in the world, if you don’t practice good bankroll management you run the risk of going broke.

Why do I need bankroll management? Poker is definitely a skill game but unfortunately luck des play its part and things don’t always go your way. You could get it in pre flop with your AA and get called by 72 only to see the flop come as 722. Now in that situation you would win about 88 of the time your aces won’t hold up.

This part of the game where luck takes over means that even when you make the right decisions things may not go your way and you can find your bankroll dropping. This is where you need a plan to stop you going broke when luck is not going your way.

For no limit Hold’em it is recommended that you have at least 20 buy-ins for any level that you play at. So if you want to play 0.05c/0.10c games where the buy-in amount is $10 you should have at least $200 in your bankroll and for 0.50c/$1 games you should have a $2000 bankroll.

Now that you have 20 buy-ins for your level you need to move up and down limits in accordance with your bankroll. When you find yourself with about 20 buy-ins for the next level up you should take a shot at that level. But you should also be ready to move back down to the level below if you lose a couple of buy-ins. I play a 20-15 rule where if I hit 15 buy-ins for my current limit then I move down a level until I build my bankroll up again.

The 20 buy-in rule is just a guide but 20 is the recommended minimum buy-ins for any level. It is important that you use a bankroll strategy that makes you feel comfortable. The important thing is that you move up and down with your bankroll. Never play outside your bankroll and always move down if you lose a few buy-ins. If you do this correctly then you should never go broke.