Tag Archives: myths

The Myths of Roulette Play

The game of roulette has gained popularity almost from the very beginning of its existence. Unlike other popular casino games we know and love today, tracking roulette’s exact history is quite easy. The first form of roulette was developed in France somewhere in the 18th century. In 1842, the first “0” was added to the roulette wheel in order to create a house advantage. In the early 19th century, the game was introduced in the United Sates and another zero was added.

Over the years, roulette lovers have created a handful of fascinating myths regarding the game. Here, we have listed the most common ones:

Roulette wheel spins are not random Some gamers believe that the history of past spins has strong impact on the outcome of the next spin. For instance, after a string of 10 red slots hits, on the eleventh time, the roulette ball will definitely fall into a black slot. Unfortunately, such an assumption is completely baseless. Every spin of the roulette wheel is an independent event. This makes trying to predict future spins based on the past ones an irrelevant occupation.

Additionally, some players rely on ‘dormant numbers.’ The term refers to numbers that have not appeared for a long period of time. Somehow, these players believe that these numbers are to be hit in the nearest future. However, there is no logic behind such thinking.

Math can beat roulette Beating the roulette wheel with a mathematical calculation is also impossible. To be truly successful, such a calculation must rely on past experience. But, since there is no history to rely on (as we have already mentioned in our discussion of the previous roulette myth), these calculations are entirely worthless. Unlike the game of poker where skill is required and experienced players are more likely to win, roulette is a game of pure chance. Thus far, a winning formula has not yet been invented.

Smart money management helps winning While smart money management is of great help in a game like poker, it simply does not work when it comes to roulette. The house’s advantage is guaranteed and, no matter how a player manages his money, he can never strip the house of this advantage or reduce it in any way. This means that no money management systems can ever prove to be useful.

Biased wheels do exist Although mentioned last on this list of popular roulette myths, this myth is the most common one. Some roulette lovers never rest on their search for what is called a ‘biased wheel,’ which is a wheel with some mechanical defect. This flaw is believed to give players an edge because the ball is expected to fall into a certain sector, whether red or black, more frequently than it should randomly.

These myths make quite a lot of sense when trying to figure out why people create them in the first place. Since there is no way to influence the game, roulette enthusiasts are desperate to invent something that could provide them with at least some control over the game. This is, unfortunately, impossible.

Three Slot Myths To Dump

So you like to play Slots huh? Most likely you have some interesting slot myths in your head that affect how you play. All slot players have them. Today, I’m going to bust three slot myths wide open.

What follows are three slot myths that are not true in the slightest. Pull up your chair and get busting.

Slot Myth One: Cold Change Makes No Difference

Las Vegas is full of fun slot myths. One that has withstood the test of time is that if you put your change in the freezer first and then use it, your slot machine will get tricked into paying better.

Yes, people actually freeze their quarters. And no, it does not work. The slot machine has no temperature checker doohickey, so your coin’s temperature will not affect your outcome in the slightest.

While making for some interesting chatter, this myth is busted wide open. It’s false.

Slot Myth Two: Bang it Like an Ape, Win More Money

Did you know that if you beat your slot machine a little while playing that it will pay out more money? If so, you’re beating up a poor machine for no reason.

Your slot machine has no feelings and the components are secure, so beating it does nothing. In fact, you may get a bruise or worse, thrown out of the casino.

You could hit your machine all day long, but your result will be exactly the same. It might feel better though. Consider this slot myth busted wide open.

Slot Myth Three: Pay Me. You Know I’ve Been Losing for Hours on End

So you’re sitting at your trusty slot machine losing your butt for hours and waiting for a big payoff. Why? Because the machine knows you’ve put in $800 over the past three hours and it’s about to hit big, really big.

Nope. Your slot machine was born without a memory of sorts. It doesn’t know that you have lost $800 in three hours or that you aren’t the same person that has been playing it since it was created.

Slot machines work on mathematical computations and random events. If asked, it couldn’t tell you how much money you’ve won or lost. In fact, it’s just as likely to dish out two jackpots back-to-back as take money from you for what seems like ages.

This myth is busted wide open. Your slot machine is a goldfish. It doesn’t remember personal data.