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A Free Guide To Best Horse Racing Tips

It is the dream of every horse race bettor to be winning a lot of cash on the system. Unfortunately this is not the real situation and one does not get to take home cash always. The need of every person playing the horse betting is to have a perfect system that gives only winning tips always.

Due to the complexity associated with horse trading it requires one to spend a whole lot of time and energy. Despite one taking so much of struggle there is no sure shot tips for winning the horse race. Hence there is nothing better than looking for a trustworthy site to give out these tips to you on a daily basis. In this way you will get all the information in a very professional and accurate manner without the need to have any prior esoteric knowledge.

One can utilize the services of the authorized betting advisory so that the erroneous belief allied to its betting system can be eliminated. The promoters of these websites also provide one of the best sports betting advisory services for free to its members. Look for such sites on the internet that give these helpful tips for free to its members in UK.

The losses can be reduced to a certain extent by undertaking the stake to a little considerable extent. A horse betting system involves a lot of probability and risk and hence requires one to follow a lot of caution while investing money in this system. In this situation where so much of risk is involved with ones money the best thing is to go for the free horse racing tips available online.

A site that has good reputation for the best customer feedback and also previous winning bets must be chosen by you. These sites must entail information from various sites for presenting a better choice for its clients. You should subscribe to the sites that have survived for some years and give out these tips without charge. The website giving out the tips must have had more or less the maximum number of wins. The tips given by them should be trouble free and stress free to make use of. Though these strategies may be too good it also requires that you make use of your prudence and efforts to learn the tricks of the system.

If your idea is to have the pleasure of winning this game with lot of money then you must certainly follow these tips.

Card Counting Team Play-Maximize Your Win

Team play in blackjack is a concept that should be explored by every advantage player. Although winning at card counting can be very lucrative team play done correctly can be even more lucrative.

Let’s look at team play and what it means. By definition, it means two or more card counters pooling their resources and talents for the common goal of making money counting cards.

There is one huge benefit to team play that we need to discuss. Bankroll…

This simple concept is what makes team play so appealing. Simply stated, If you have a $5000 bankroll your big bet would be $33.33, according to the Money Management chapter on our website.
But, let’s say you and two friends form a team and you all have $5000, you now have a $15,000 bankroll and each of you can use your individual $5,000 as if it was $15,000. This gives each of you the playing power of a $15,000 bankroll. Your big bet would now be $100.This alone is enough reason to form a team.

This concept involves each player going out on his own and playing his own sessions.

Because of the money involved the teammates must be friends and they must be honest otherwise this team will be doomed to failure. Trust is the key factor in team play. The other factor is ability. You must be able to determine your teammates card counting ability and help each other improve.

After all, you wouldn’t want someone on your team that plays badly and loses more than he wins.
Compensation also becomes an issue. Does each player keep his own winnings. I don’t think so. Whatever plan for payment the team decides on must be adhered to. Suggestions…

On payoff day…there must be an agreed upon payoff day. Pool the profits. Then turn in your expenses… you should have agreed on what expenses are to be repaid.

Pay each player for his expenses, then split the profits using a prearranged formula. The one I like is to divide the profit into two equal parts. Each player will receive an equal share of the first half. The second half will be paid by the hours each player has logged.

Let’s do a theoretical split. There are four players. They decide to split the profits on the 1st of each month. On Jan. 1st they pool $17,000 in profit, quite a tidy profit. All players turn in their expenses. There are $1000 in expenses leaving $16,000 to split four ways. Pile 1 has $8,000 to be split equally, so each player receives $2,000. Pile 2 also has $8,000 to split according to hours played.

• Player A played 40 hours
• Player B played 60 hours
• Player C played 45 hours
• Player D played 55 hours

Add all of the hours together and you get 200 total hours then divide 200 hours into $8,000 to determine the hourly rate. That’s $40 per hour. Now multiply each players hours played by 40 to determine their pay.

• Player A’s Pay is $1,600 for the hours played plus $2,000 for a total of $3,600
• Player B’s Pay is $2,400 for the hours played plus $2,000 for a total of $4,400
• Player C’s Pay is $1,800 for the hours played plus $2,000 for a total of $3,800
• Player D’s Pay is $2,200 for the hours played plus $2,000 for a total of $4,200

Again, I must stress that each player must be honest and trustworthy otherwise the team will not last long. Honesty and trust are, by far the biggest reasons for teams failing.