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How to Play Lotto and Become A Millionaire Overnight

Nobody can guarantee you an absolute win in lotteries. But you can learn how to play lotto using proven strategies and systems to better your chance of winning the lottery. To win the lottery, there are 3 methods that you must know. They are, tracking, wheeling and pooling. These methods, coupled with a proven lotto system, would increase your chances to win the lottery substantially, if not guaranteed.

Method 1 – Tracking

In this method, players keep track of the “hot numbers” that often appeared as winners in the past as well as the “cold numbers” that have not won any lottery for a long time. Some players will choose to buy only the “hot numbers” thinking that the same numbers will win them the lottery based on their past performance. On the other hand, there are also players who will focus on “cold numbers” only banking on the hope that the “hot numbers” may be on their way out of the game.

However, those who know how to play lotto to win will buy a combination of both the “hot” and “cold” numbers. After all, numbers drawn in lottery games are rather random and your chances to win the lottery would be lower if you buy only the “hot” or “cold” numbers and not both.

This tracking system is also known as “frequency analysis”. Some jackpot winners have won over millions using this tracking method. So, if you want to know how to play lotto to win and become an overnight millionaire, “tracking” is one of the methods which you should try.

Method 2 – Wheeling

How to play lotto using wheeling system is one of the often asked questions. Actually this method is pretty simple. First, select all the best numbers that you wanted to use to buy lottery. Then use a wheeling system to come out with the possible combinations of those numbers.

A full wheeling system will give you an exhausted list of all combinations of those numbers. On the other hand, an abbreviated system will give you some but not all possible combinations of those numbers. Hence, the possibility of winning the lottery using a full wheeling system is much higher than an abbreviated system. But of course, a full wheeling system comes with a higher price tag as well compared to the latter. It really depends on your budget about which one to choose.

To learn how to play lotto using wheeling system, you can start by making your own wheels. Or you can buy the wheel from some specialists. Those wheels come in various designs, shapes and coding. What you need to do is just filling in your numbers and the wheel will help to predict winning lottery numbers.

Method 3 – Pooling

How to play lotto if you have a very limited budget? “Pooling” is the answer. You can pool your money with a group of people or better still, join a lottery club, and pool the money together. This is to leverage on other people’s money to win the lottery and get a bang out of it. With more money, the team is able to buy more tickets. This will enable you to enjoy a greater chance of winning the lottery.

By now, you should know how to play lotto to get the most out of it. If you do not know how to pick winning lottery numbers, try the wheeling system and the tracking method. If you know how to predict winning lottery numbers but have a very limited budget, pooling is the way to go.

Poker Tools Used In Cheating Online Poker To Win Cash

Today, cheating online poker has taken a twist towards building an online poker bankroll. As applied mathematics give online poker players an unfair edge against their opponents at the poker table. The old school method of learn to play poker, memorizing poker strategy, statistics and probability has given way to poker players downloading software to assist their play in spite of the spirit or integrity of the game.

The ‘one player to a hand rule’ is tossed out the window as cheating online poker is the new way to win cash for your poker account. Forget integrity, honesty and hard work! New players are resorting to the easy way of cheating online poker.

Software, known as Poker Huds (Heads Up Displays) and EPAs (Enhanced Player Assistance) devices like poker bots or calculators have long been banned from online poker rooms. These types of programs are used only for one reason, cheating online poker.

The focal point of this article is not on the morality of cheating online poker, instead, it is on how to defeat the online poker cheat and his devious poker software. There materially exists a substitute to cheating online poker players using prohibited and illicit software. That choice is offered by the online poker sites through their use of counter-software.

The solution from online poker sites is they have created special algorithms to detect when poker players are using HUDs or other EPA programs. Those poker algorithms work to stop players from cheating online poker.

The first poker algorithm method used is the detection of prohibited software running on your computer. Programs such as pokertracker, calculators, poker bots or any other software listed on their site as prohibited. Secondary to that, once the detection is made, the poker algorithm will alter the outcome of poker hands in an effort to stop you from winning. This is tantamount to catching and punishing cheating online poker players.

Subsequently, when a poker algorithm has detected prohibited software, instead of alerting the offender using that software, the program will deliberately deal a poker hand consistent with a bad beat to the cheating online poker player. On other words, when a player has been found out by the software, they will receive a strong poker hand that seems to be an unbeatable hand. The cheating online poker player will be up against an opponent who also has a seemingly unbeatable hand. Inevitably, the cheating online poker player will end up losing a good portion of his stack in the hand purposely dealt by the poker algorithm to cause him to lose. This is the reason you see so many bad beats and suckouts online.

However, there are a few pitfalls in the cheating online poker algorithm method. What if you were NOT cheating? What if you simply were playing the best game possible? Online poker algorithms can NOT detect whether you are a solid player, only whether you are cheating online poker. Therefore, if you get caught in the trap by a poker algorithm, that’s just the way online poker works. Regrettably, the poker algorithms working against good players while designed to capture cheaters is a necessary evil. Nevertheless, there is a solution to the problem and how you can prevent this from occurring to you.

Discover exactly how the cheating online poker algorithm works and how you can prevent it from causing you to lose. You can avoid a massive bad beat and crushing blow to your poker chip stack by learning the poker algorithms and how they work. Keep in mind that your opponents in an online poker room are not only the various players, you also must contend and beat the software. Poker algorithms are designed to ensure fair play even though they may actually limit that fairness based on erroneous codes.