Tag Archives: mafia

Mulitplayer Online Strategy Games – A Large Social Aspect

There are a large number of different games that you can play online, but one that you are sure to be interested in is a massive multiplayer online strategy game. A large contributing factor to this is the ability for players to interact giving the game a significant social aspect.

A major plus to massive multiplayer online strategy games is that a lot of them are free allowing anybody to get up and playing quickly and interacting with other players.

A number of multiplayer online games have become available via social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace. Again, this takes the social aspect of gaming to the next level allowing you to add new friends just for the purposes of gaming.

Mafia Wars – Increasing in Popularity

Mafia Wars is an prime example of a multiplayer online game that has grown in popularity due to being made available via social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. Mafia Wars uses the ability for you to invite your friends and other people on Facebook or MySpace to join your mafia to complete jobs and fight against other mafia. Leveling up is the key objective to progressing through the game and you can’t do this without the help of your friends or other players

Mafia Wars has now got to the point where players are taking the game so seriously that they are actively exploiting various Mafia Wars cheats to progress at a faster pace. As can be seen there are obviously strategies involved with playing online multiplayer games which makes them appealing to many people.

The ability to be able to play with people you know who may be anywhere in the world makes a game like Mafia Wars so appealing. Get out there, build your mafia and be a part of this phenomenon.

Mafia Wars Lucky Stash Slot Machine

There is something new that needs to be added to every Mafia Wars Facebook guide. Whether you are brand new and wondering how to play Mafia Wars or you are an old pro, you will definitely want to take advantage of the new Lucky Stash Slot Machine that is being offered in the game at this time. This new feature is there to celebrate the Las Vegas event, since Las Vegas has recently gone live within the game. The great thing about this machine is that there are great prizes to be won. This machine is also a bit different from your Daily Chance tickets as well. You will find that the prizes get even bigger, depending on how many people are spinning the wheel.

Of course, you may be wondering how the Lucky Stash Slot Machine actually works, which is a great reason to consider checking out a Mafia Wars Facebook guide. Every single day you are given at least one free spin when you login to play. You may also see posts on your Facebook page from your friends. They are mini slot machines. Play them and you may win more free spins on the machine. Of course, once you run out of free spins, you can always use your reward points to take a spin on the machine. You can choose to spin using one credit, two credits, or three credits. Of course, the amount that you can win is going to depend on the amount that you bet in the first place.

If you are wondering how to play Mafia Wars when it comes to this new Lucky Stash Slot Machine, you are probably wondering what that Bonus Meter is all about. As you play on the machine, at the top of the machine you will notice that there is a special bonus meter. Each time that you spin the wheel, you will see the meter moves a bit. After 20 spins, the entire meter is full and you are able to click the special yellow Bonus button.

Once you click the button for the bonus, a bonus wheel is going to pop up on your screen. You will notice that it says Loot and RP. The RP stands for Reward Points. This means that when you spin the wheel, you may land on special bonus loot or you may get some reward points as your special bonus.

There are several different loot items that you can win when you spin the wheel and get Loot. One item of loot is the Padded Suit with 45 Defense. Another is the Fugama Kameo with 46 Attack. A Few of the other loot items include Hyrotm Torso Guard, Poison Dart Frog, and the Trio Regency. The reward points that you get from the bonus can vary from 5, to 10, or even 20 reward points.

When you play on the Lucky Stash Slot Machine, if you win anything, usually you will be able to unlock a mini machine that you can post on your Facebook wall. This allows your friends to play the machine. As other people play on your own special slot machine, it can end up increasing the chance that you win more free spins on the big slot machine. When you see these on the walls of your friends, make sure you click on them and play to win more free spins for both of you.

If you are trying to find this slot machine, you will find that there is a special icon at the top of the Mafia Wars page. Simply click on the little slot machine icon and it will bring up a new window with the slot machine in it. Then have some fun playing on the machine. After all, you can win 1 reward point, 20, 80, 400, 5000, and even more depending on how the progressive pot goes. If you end up needing more information to use this machine or basic information on how to play Mafia Wars, consider finding a quality Mafia Wars Facebook guide to give you all the information that you need to succeed with this game.