Tag Archives: luck

Casino Players: Say Good-bye to Lady Luck (Page 1 of 3)

Casino players, get rid of the idea of luck. There are those who think of luck as some sort of force outside of themselves, perhaps even a personification, Lady Luck, and they believe that if they woo her by carrying enough good luck charms she will come tripping into their lives sprinkling star dust on the Blackjack and Craps tables so they can walk away with a fortune. That’s fantasy. It may work that way in the movies but not in real life.

What will be spoken of in this article can be either accepted or rejected. It’s one man’s way of looking at things. If it’s rejected, there will be no harm done and life will go on. But, for the moment, it will at least be food for thought.

There’s no such thing as luck. We bring all things–health, sickness, wealth, lack, happy times, misery–into our lives through our thoughts. There is a Power within you that will not only let you become a winner in casino play but can bring success in any endeavor you choose. All you have to do is learn to bring your thinking into a solid connection with that Power and it will bring about the desired results.

This Power created you, brought you into being–not only you, but every person that is or will ever be, as well as everything that exists, the entire universe with its infinite number of stars and planets, including the small one that we happen to be on. Without this Power nothing would be. This Power is All-Knowing, All-Wise, and its essence is Love. You are connected to this Power. It is in you. It expresses itself through you. This Power transfuses itself to you and wants you to use It to achieve all that you desire in life.

Human beings have used this Power down through the ages to invent every invention that was ever invented, to build every bridge that crosses a canyon or river, to raise every skyscraper that stands in all the cities of the world, to paint every masterpiece of art, to write every book ever written. And this Power is yours to use today to bring whatever you desire into existence.

How? By what process are we able to bring things into being?

We know that although we have but one mind, it has two parts: the conscious and the subconscious. The conscious mind gives us awareness. We are mindful of our surroundings and realize that things are happening. We use the conscious mind to do things. We decide to drive to a casino, step into our automobile and turn the key in the ignition. When we first learned to drive we consciously thought of each action before we did it. We looked at the lever that controls the gear shift and moved it into drive. We studied how much pressure to apply to the gas pedal, how far to turn the steering wheel to round a corner, and the distance our foot had to travel to apply the brake. Now, after driving for so many years, much of what we do has been relegated to our subconscious, leaving the conscious mind free to listen to the radio, and before we know it we’re at the casino, barely aware of how we traveled there.

Online Blackjack Helps You Master The Game

You can play Online Blackjack at home and enjoy the thrill of gambling at a real casino. You can play for pure entertainment or money if you know the rules of the game.

Offers Flexibility Of Time And Money

Blackjack is considered the most popular game in real casinos. This card game is liked by all because it is based on a person’s luck as well as his skill. Other casino games mainly involve luck so there is little scope of earning any money.

A lot of people enjoy gambling in their past time but it is not always possible to visit a real casino. Not only does it require more time, it also costs a lot of money. On the other hand Online Blackjack offers the thrill of a casino without having to spend too much. Moreover you enjoy flexibility of time and the comforts of home.

If required, you can also attend to some other personal work in the course of the game, get back to it and play your move. Such online games also offer sufficient scope to a new player to learn the game for free before starting to play for money. You can find many casino sites on the internet and sign up for one which allows free membership to practice the game.

Only after you practise the game adequately, can you start gambling with money. There are some sites which enlist the most reliable online casinos, so you can choose a suitable site without much effort. You can also visit sites which teach the basic rules of blackjack and the various time tested strategies which you can use to win.

Scope To Earn Money From The Game

This casino game is more interesting than the others because you have to devote some time to understand the various methods of playing and apply them in your game as and when required. Adequate practice through Online Blackjack will help you improve your skill in the game, so that you are more confident when you play with money.

Thereafter you can also try your luck at a real casino to get a feel of the game. By signing up for a reliable gambling site, you also have a good chance of earning money from Online Blackjack. Once you learn the different strategies and acquire sufficient skill at the game by practicing, you can choose the amount you want to play for.

As in all gambling games, you may lose sometimes and also win at times as a fair amount of luck is involved. If you’re seriously interested in earning from the game you should learn the strategies of blackjack betting from online sites where experts provide various guidelines to win the game.

It is essential to remember that a particular winning strategy will not work at all times as each game is different and require you to take different decisions. By playing Online Blackjack frequently, you can learn about the different situations that can arise in the game and what strategy is most suitable at each time.