Tag Archives: lotto

Top Secret Lottery Tips – How to Win Lotto

You want to win the lottery? So does everyone else. However a problem is that most of the people who want to win the lottery don’t study the lottery. Now then, who likes to study? Nobody. No one has fun doing it. I hate the word study. I think we’re in the same boat. Probably the teachers out there don t even like the word study.

But the reality of the matter is that if you wish to succeed, or at minimum see some improvement in your lottery results, you have to study the lottery. Now, you don t have to be a mathematician or get a phd in Harvard but need to do simple average-Joe research to get an understanding of which numbers are most likely to strike gold.

Initially, this may sound complex but after using the tested methods to understand the lottery, you will frequently pick the numbers which to win compared to other numbers that are most likely not going to hit.

How do you know which numbers to pick to win the lottery? That’s a good question. And its a good question which a gigantic number of lottery players do not study.

Just the fact that you’re reading this implies that you are happily going to do what is required to help yourself to get better results in the raffle. So please let me show to you the most important and effective method for picking your lottery numbers.

The normal person thinks that the lottery is always random. Now its a fact that the raffle numbers are selected at random but what I am saying is that a lot of people think that the numbers that will probably be chosen in upcoming draws will only be the ones that have not been striking gold in the past.

Essentially, most people are under the impression that they have got to choose numbers that were hardly chosen previously.

But the lottery know-it-alls and many other mathematicians have seen that the reality of what really happens is different (and even opposite) of what most players think about the sweepstakes.

For one example, you will win more money if you select lotto numbers that have been striking gold more often then others previously. For example, if you look at those which won previously, you will realise that certain numbers are more frequent then others.

Numbers called frequently are known as hot numbers. Cold numbers on the other hand are the least frequent winners. Many people concentrate on choosing the cold numbers and there’s nothing wrong with that because there is some research that cold numbers do sometimes hit on a regular basis.

But one of the most interesting facts about the lotto is that instead of selecting cold numbers, if you intelligently pick hot numbers, you will have more success than just choosing the cold numbers alone. I don’t know the nitty-gritty behind this. But the lottery results of the past (worldwide) have proven and been tested to show that choosing hot numbers is a very effective way to pick your lotto numbers.

So the next time you pick your lottery numbers, make sure to choose the hot numbers more than purchasing the cold numbers. If you do this simple technique, you will have much better results in the lottery than the average Joe and the average Jane. Now get out there and begin selecting the hot numbers starting today.

Pick 5 Lottery Numbers Strategy – Cash 5 Lotto Strategies

If you want to win pick 5 lottery numbers, then read this article. This will help you learn how to win pick 5 lotto.

When you are playing the game of pick 5 lotto, it is important to have enough records. Record keeping is the most crucial part of the game, if you want to develop your own strategies and keep winning the game eventually. Record keeping helps you learn several things associated with the winning of the game. Perform adequate research of the previously won numbers in the game, in order to win. Also, you will have to plan out and keep a record of how frequently you play the game and how much money you are wiling to spend on it. It is proved that a solid record keeping of the pick 5 lotto games helps you in developing as well as improving your strategies to select the winning numbers.

There are different types of records that you need to maintain when it comes to playing the pick 5 lotto. The first type of record keeping is recording the numbers that have been won in the previous 40 -60 drawings. Understanding the basics involved in tracing the numbers. Note down these numbers in a book and make a chart of it. These winning numbers will enable you in analyzing the numbers that come up repeatedly in the game.

In the chart that you made, just document the repeated numbers with some marks or notches to indicate the number of times these numbers occurred in the last few drawings. The former method includes a very powerful pick 5 system that allows the player to predict the most accurate numbers. You can also contact the agency conducting the pick 5 drawings to get a complete list of the previously won numbers or you can go on the internet for the same. Refer the websites that are being established by the different agencies who hoist such events.

Another type of record keeping is to track down the number of times one plays the game and how much sum is being spent on the game; this record keeping has a dual purpose. Tracking down the frequency of the game played helps the individual to access the money being spent on the game. This also helps one to analyze your budget. It will help you to understand that you do not become an overzealous player of the game and that you are not overspending on the game unnecessarily. If in case, you lose, some losses are tax deductible.

The third type of record keeping is an analysis of the previously mentioned two types of record keeping. It allows the player to make some improvements in their planning as well as playing strategy. Tracking down the winnings and losses, the number played by one, etc all this data can be used to add and compare to the previously won numbers. It helps the player to make a realistic identification of the pick 5 lotto game along with better accuracy and frequency at which some numbers keep on appearing while playing the lottery drawings.

The pick 5 lotto game can be a fun, but no doubt, it is definitely a challenging game. It is a challenge to your knowledge, skills and patience, as well. The one who wants to win and hopes for the same has to make extra efforts in terms of analysis, research and record keeping. Recording and tracking down everything associated with the game puts forth an opportunity for the player to improve their skills and have a better chances of winning the game, finally.