Tag Archives: lotto

How can I win the lottery, mastering your own luck

A better life for our families, new dreams. How can I can the lottery is a question a lot of us ask ourselves in these tough economic times. Do you really want to spend money when you can’t afford it? N0. We at Masterluck.com do not encourage irresponsible spending. However, playing the lottery is what a lot of us that can afford to play is what we want and how it win is important.

If you are going to play why not increase your odds with systems developed by professional lotto players? Yes, there are professionals in this field just as you find in other sports and endeavors. We at Masterluck.com have put together a list of items that will help you develop your own system to increase your odds of winning the kind of money you dream of and answer your question “How can I win the lottery?”

I named my site “Masterluck” for a reason. “How can I win the lottery?’ is a question that I kept asking myself and I soon found out that winning is not based on luck alone. Many would disagree but they are mostly average players who play the same numbers over and over or maybe play once a month or play when the payout reaches an outrageous amount. I believe you must “master” the “luck” involved in playing the lotto. Luck remains a big step in lottery playing but mastering this luck is more important.

Did you know there are different combinations of numbers that are classified as good and bad. If you take the bad number combinations out of play, you automatically increase you odds of winning. For instance professional poker players are always going to try to know what cards his opponent has. If you see cards on the table, if you have cards in your hand or have seen cards other players have folded, you can make a determination on whether your opponent has good cards or bad cards.

Many lotto players use a similar system. The numbers 1,2,3,4, and 5 would not give you good odds. Would 2,3,4,5 and 6 give you any better odds? Very, very rarely do five numbers in a row appear so these combinations can be shown to bad number combinations. Certain combinations are determined by the authors of the systems I offer and decide if they are good or bad because they are asking themselves “How can I win the lottery?’ just as you are.

More than one system is available for use. At Masterluck we offer you different options from players that are proven winners. If you have been playing the lotto seriously you have probably tried to develop your own system. If it has worked for you, congratulations. You need to write about your technique. But for most us we need that next step in the system to redefine it and give it that winning edge. That is the purpose of these strategies to help you with the pressing question “How can I win the lottery?”

While I cannot promise a big payday, I can promise you a 60 day return policy if you don’t agree the product is worth the price. The cost of the products are a range so anyone can buy them. They probably cost no more than playing the lottery for a couple of weeks. If you try it, the chances of winning will increase. Start right here if you want to know “How can I win the lottery?”.

How to Win Pick 5 Lottery Secrets – Cash 5 Lotto Tips

If you want to learn how to win pick 5 lotto, then read this. This article will show you basic tips on how to win pick 5 lottery game.

You must have heard a lot about the pick 5 lotto and you might be willing to play it. Your friends and families may advice you a lot regarding the game and thus, you may come to a conclusion that it is very easy to play the pick 5 lotto game. But, don’t hurry and start playing the game without having mastery over some of its technique. Take some time to think about it. Are there any of your friends or family members who have won the game? If no, then you can benefit by learning some things from them. You can avoid the similar mistakes made by them while filing your pick 5 play slips.

Your friends have just told you to play the game by selecting the birth dates of your children. He always does the same. But think has he ever won the game in this way. The answer is probably “NO”. Calendar dates are many a times selected by the pick five players who simply believe that special dates have some lucky significance. In reality, this is not the case. So be wise and practical in selecting the numbers for your pick 5 play slips. Don’t get trapped in the faulty advice given by your friends and family. It is better to stay away form the calendar dates while filing in the play slip.

Some people play the game and they have a strong obsession for a particular number, like number three and its multiples. Again question yourself, has such people ever won the game in their lifetime. Examine the previous winnings thoroughly in the pick 5 lotto and you will automatically gain an understanding how unusual and uncommon do the multiples of any number occur in the game.

Again, many people follow a definite pattern that they feel will make them win the game. But, these predefined patterns fail in making a high quality pick 5 strategy. Do not follow any pattern such as horizontal, vertical, straight, or diagonal lines. These will surely decrease your likelihood of winning. Go through the previously drawn numbers and you will find very little consistency in terms of established patterns. Thus, it would not be wise for you to select numbers based on a particular pattern. Instead of doing all this invalid things, it is better to develop your own system of selecting the numbers based on your knowledge, and others experience that will lead you far more towards success.

If you really want to gain success and win the pick 5 lotto, it is advisable to listen to all, but follow what your mind says. Play the game in a strategically, well organized and a well-planned manner to achieve higher rates of success. Follow the tips and advice you get that is authentic or has some strong base to believe. Don’t stick to the suggestions or advice given freely to you. They might only mislead you. You need to develop a rigid system for the lottery drawings, do a lot of research and analysis and then lay the game in your own style to achieve success and win the pick 5 lotto game consistently.