Tag Archives: lottery winning

#1 Best Lottery Forum Online – Best Lotto Discussion Forum

If you want to be triumphant in captivating lottery winning numbers, read this article. It will teach you how to become a lottery winner.

Lottery is a type of gambling that has the element of chance. Well, all forms of gambling has that element. Skills may be needed in various forms of gambling, but in lottery skills are not needed because each winning numbers come out randomly. Some lottery winners revealed that their winning combinations came from their dreams. Some reveal that they get their numbers from combinations of their family member’s birthdays, ages or a combination of their favorite numbers. Some say that they have been playing their combinations for some time now and some say they just played it today and won! Or is it really luck that gave them the jackpot?

Winning the lottery has been everybody’s dream. Anybody may dream to become a winner in the lottery for his own personal reason. But did it ever occur to you how it feels to really be a winner and realizing all your dreams have come true? Or after enjoying the winning money, you suddenly realized that the money is gone?

Here is an excerpt from a testimonial of a lottery winner who realized that lottery winning numbers that gave her the jackpot only compounds problems for some people even though they already have lots of money.

“Winning the lottery isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be”. This winner won the New Jersey lottery in 1985 and 1986 respectively. Everybody wanted her money. Everybody had their hand out to ask money from her. She did know how to say “no” and that started to cause her to lose her money. She played a lot of casino games particularly slot machines and lost most of her money there.

Though not all winners had bad and horrible experiences with their money. There are various winners who did make wise and astute decisions for their money. Here is another revelation of a lottery winner who had previous unlucky experiences.

A Croatian music teacher who was not known for her music capabilities but was famous for his copious escapes from fatal accidents won $1,000,000 dollars in the lottery. He escaped from a derailed train, a bush crash, a car in flames and another two car accidents. Despite of all his unfortunate experiences in her life, he can still be considered lucky because he won the lottery by using significant numbers or dates from his experiences. He used these numbers to create his own winning combinations. You too can opt to use the significant dates in your experiences to create your own lottery winning numbers.

Lucky Lottery Systems – How to Know Which Winning Lottery System to Try

I can’t actually call myself the definitive source on the subject of which winning lottery method to try because I haven’t personally tried any winning lottery system yet. I haven’t won a mega lottery jackpot and this article is not a testimonial of the various programs. But the subject interests me and I want to share my opinions.

I think that I’m most of the world’s email lists and I’ve recently received two mail outs that tweaked my further reading and thoughts on the subject matter. The first I received {spoke of winning the lottery by the law of attraction.

Perhaps you’ve seen or explored this avenue: the law of attraction used to be a very hot topic and a large number of Internet products are still rooted on principles expressed in ‘The Secret’.
Winning Lottery Jackpots using the Law of Attraction – The law of attraction works. I can attest to this from my own experience and I deem myself an expert on attracting but I wonder if it works specifically for lottery wins. I suppose that it must but the law of attraction needs absolute faith and therein is the problem.

Think of the law of attraction as being similar to faith healing. The healing doesn’t happen without the faith and similarly, the law of attraction will not attract anything beneficial unless you really believe that it will. To perform as it can, the law of attraction needs you to think of it as a law that is as unbreakable as the law of gravity. Can you manage the total belief in a law of attraction winning lottery system? Bearing in mind that any slight wavering in belief nullifies the possibility.

Winning Lottery Jackpots using a Mathematical Formula – The other email offer I received was one suggesting that a math teacher had a lottery winning formula for sale. Those who know me may think this type of lottery winning system would be the last one I would use or suggest, but let’s look at this objectively.

Even if a numerical system existed to correctly pick winning numbers, then the more people that used the same formula to get exactly the same number sequence would dilute the value of the prize. (This humorously happened in the movie – Bruce Almighty). On the other hand, mathematics is always the truth because numbers are not capable of falsehood. I’m reminded of a very short science fiction story I read about all the computers being finally linked together to answer the question “Is there a God?” And the amazing computer answered, “Now there is.”

So here is my thinking on this article’s topic of how to pick which winning lottery system to buy.

Either try both together, or use neither.
The best chance of winning a big lottery jackpot is with the law of attraction: of that I am certain. But your best way of gaining the degree of certainty required to initiate the law of attraction, is to have something tangible and believable like a proven mathematical lottery winning formula working for you. For the optimum chance of winning a lottery jackpot you would be using the law of attraction to get it and the mathematical formula can focus your mind to do it.

The universe is not random and almost nothing in it is truly random either. Something tips every balance and why any given number comes up in a lottery winning result has been predetermined.

I said either use both the law of attraction lottery program and employ the math professor’s lottery winning formula, or to employ neither. I’ll rephrase it a bit.