Tag Archives: lotteries

Lottery Syndicates-Pros and Cons

Lottery Syndicates-Pros and Cons

Lottery syndicates are a popular way to play lotteries around the world. A lottery syndicate is simply a group of people who pool their money to purchase lottery tickets. Most lottery syndicates are groups of co workers who purchase lottery tickets collectively. Working together gives members of a syndicate more chances to win any given lottery through the ability to purchase several lottery tickets. The biggest win by a lottery syndicate took place on February 18, 2006 when a group of eight workers at a Nebraska Con Agra plant shared a $365 million dollar Powerball jackpot. The syndicate members agreed to a cash payout of $177,270,519.67 before taxes. In the US taxes can easily account for more than half of a jackpot.

One of the best features of a lottery syndicate is the ability of players to purchase multiple lottery tickets in a manner that is affordable to all members. Any group of people can form a lottery syndicate. Generally the responsibility of purchasing the lottery tickets is delegated to one or more members. Typically syndicate members contribute a set amount towards the purchase of lottery tickets each week. In most cases the person responsible for purchasing the tickets keeps them in a safe place and checks current lottery results. Members can opt to pick their own numbers or use the quick pick option available at lottery retailers.

Lottery syndicates do have their downside. The most obvious negative is the fact that all jackpots must be shared with other syndicate members. The larger the syndicate the lower the individual payout will be. Syndicate members should have some kind of legal written agreement to avoid any misunderstandings of possible legal battles. There are lottery syndicate contracts available online and every syndicate should have some sort of written contract. A contract should detail how the money will be split and should also address tax issues. Informal agreements may seem fine but many a friendship has been destroyed by arguments over money and if the syndicate is a group of workmates the dispute could easily enter the workplace and cause problems.

Thanks to the internet lottery syndicates now have the capability to play several lotteries online. Lottery syndicates can now purchase lottery tickets online avoiding the inconvenience of multiple trips to a lottery retailer. Online lottery players are no longer limited to playing state lotteries although in the US most lottery syndicates typically play Powerball or Mega Millions because of the multimillion dollar jackpots. Joining a lottery syndicate will increase the player’s chances of winning and although the payout will be smaller any payout is better than no payout at all!

I Won the Lottery! Or, Maybe Not (Page 1 of 2)

I must be the luckiest person alive. In the past three days I found out I won 1.5 Million Euros in the UK lottery, One Million Euros in the Winx International Lottery, 1.5 Million Euros in the 2007 E-Mail Lottery, and 500,000 Pounds in an e-mail lottery held by the Coca Cola Company. Wow! What did I do to receive all these riches?

The sad truth is there are actually people who fall for these schemes. For the promise of a quick buck (or million Euros as the case may be) people will turn over their bank account numbers, wire money in the hopes of getting more back, or give other information that could lead to identity theft.

These lottery and sweepstakes schemes have gone on long before the internet, with one of the oldest being the phony sweepstakes which required an entrance fee to claim your prize, which amounted to more than the “prize” was worth. Another variation of that scheme was requiring the potential “winner” to call a certain number to find out if he or she was a winner. The phone call cost the potential “winner” a certain amount per minute with an unusually-long wait time on hold. The real winner was the scamming company which made money off the phone calls.

Today’s thieves have a wide choice of scam-delivery mechanisms, including in person, the mail, phone and internet. However, the same holds true no matter how the scam is delivered: if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

How Can You Recognize the Lottery or Sweepstakes Scam?

There are certainly legitimate lotteries and sweepstakes offers. Who hasn’t bought a state or multi-state lottery ticket from their local lottery retailer? Or, who hasn’t seen one of those sweepstakes offered by a recognized company advertising in the coupon section of the Sunday newspaper? You fill out the entry form or reasonable facsimile (usually a 3”x5” card) with your name and address and send it off.

Therein is your biggest clue as to whether you’re the victim of a scam. In a legitimate lottery or sweepstakes you have bought the ticket or entered your name and address. In a scam lottery or sweepstakes you are notified you’ve won when you haven’t even entered or bought a ticket.

In addition, it’s illegal to use the mail or telephone to play lotteries across borders, whether national or state lines. Any lottery offer involving the purchase of lottery tickets for other state or country lotteries could end up with you being charged with illegal activities.

One ploy used by foreign scammers involving lotteries or sweepstakes is offering you an “advance” on your winnings. The scam artist will send you a check for part of your “winnings.” All you have to do is wire them payment for “taxes” or other official purposes. By the time you find out their check has bounced the money you wired is in their hands. And, because it was wired it’s harder to trace.

Lottery scammers don’t always use e-mail or the phone. Sometimes they do their dirty work in person. A typical scam would go something like this: You are approached in person by someone who claims he or she just won the lottery but isn’t eligible to claim it. They offer to split the money with you if you claim the prize. Sounds good, right? Except that before you claim the prize from the lottery retailer you are required to withdraw some money from your account and give it to the ticket holder as a good-faith gesture. By the time you find out you’re holding a non-winning lottery ticket, the thief is long-gone with your good-faith money.