Tag Archives: lose

How To Place Sports Bets Intelligently

The last thing that anyone wants to do when first getting involved with sports betting is lose money. Unfortunately, in many cases this cannot be avoided, because you can’t always be sure of the outcome every time, but what you can do is hone your skills by learning how to look at things more intelligently.

Here is some advice on how you can take yourself from losing heaps of cash to a megastar of the sports betting world.

First, my advice would be to carefully monitor your return on investment before ever placing a bet. It’s possible to sit down and work through the numbers so that you don’t get lost.

Second, pay very close attention to trends. Pick several teams that you are interested in and stick with them. Monitor every little thing that appears to be going on within their inner circle. Things like injuries, new players and other insider information can give you the edge you are looking for.

In the game of sports betting, the ones who stand up tall are those who pay close attention to everything little aspect of the game.

Manage your bankroll carefully. Remember to treat this like any other business where you carefully monitor what’s going in and what’s going out.

In all reality, almost all sports bettors bet way more than they can afford to lose – don’t make this mistake. The truth is that you should really be putting up no more than 6% of your entire bankroll at any one given time. This gives you space to make money and lose less.

Unfortunately, for some odd reason people think that betting on sports is some different thing altogether. They don’t realize that you need to treat it with the care of a stock portfolio. No one wants to be risky with their market portfolio, but for some reason they really do view sports betting as you either lose or win and you have no control.

Although the above statement might be true to some degree, it does not mean that you need to be completely reckless about it. Be extremely cautious with your wagers and you will see your bankroll grow, and don’t you dare start betting more than 10% just because you are starting to feel good about yourself.

Remember that sports investing is a game of numbers, calmness, insight and self control – something that many people aren’t mature enough to do. Be better than that and you will go along way.

Four General Gambling Tips

Today I’ll give you four general gambling tips that every gambler should know. I won’t go into a long, exhaustive detail, because these tips don’t require it. The concept is fairly simple. Know them, use them, do better. Let’s get started.

Gambling Tip One: Bankroll

Before going out to gambling you must set limits for yourself. By simply telling yourself how much you can afford to lose and how much you’d like to win, you’ll be ahead of most gamblers. For instance, you might have $100 to lose and you might be willing to stop when you have won $200.

Gambling Tip Two: No Big Six Wheel

The Big Six Wheel is a carnival game that will just suck your money out of your hands. You’ll know this game when you see it. It’s like a standing wheel from the Wheel of Fortune TV show. If you look at the wheel, you’ll see that most of the spaces return even money. Therefore, if you wager on anything else, you’re getting a really bad deal. And there are just enough non-even money spaces to screw you when you wager on the even money spot. You lose either way you play this game. I don’t know if it’s offered online, but if it is, run away.

Gambling Tip Three: Keno is Dinner

Keno was designed to be played while you eat dinner in the casino. Since you can’t gambling while eating, Keno comes to the rescue. However, playing it any other time is somewhat foolish. It’s okay to play for pure fun-if you really love the game. But playing it thinking that you’ll win some big payoff isn’t too wise. Keno is like the lotto expect with much worse payoffs. Many Keno players play while eating or they put in tickets when playing other games, such as poker.

Gambling Tip Four: No Strategy is Foolproof

There is no gambling strategy-other than not playing-that works 100% of the time. Read that again. There are some interesting and fun strategies that can help you have more fun and possible win a little more. In the end, they all fail-yes, all. But don’t take my word for it, go out and play one system for 24 hours at any casino and see how you do. And there’s nothing new under the sun. All the systems being sold as new are just repackages of old systems or they are actually based off of original gambling systems.

Have fun, play smart.