Tag Archives: lose

Poker is Gambling!

Poker is Gambling!

According to Wikipedia, following is the definition of gambling:

Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as “the stakes”) on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period.

Online poker was interpreted by the US government tp be gambling and thus was incorporated into the Unlawful Internet Gaming Act of 2006 (added on at the last minute to the Port Security bill… so any Congressman or Senator would have to vote against keeping our Ports safe in order to keep online poker legal… didn’t happen)

The bill, as defined by most experts, did not actually make the act of online gambling an illegal act, but rather made it illegal for the financial institutions and payment processors to facilitate the act of online gambling. This caused many online poker sites to find apparently illegal ways to have players fund their poker accounts and illegal ways to pay funds to players upon their withdrawals.
April 11, 2011 was Black Friday for online poker players such as myself.  Executives at the 3 major online poker sites of Poker Stars, Full Tilt, and Ultimate Bet/Absolute Poker were indicted on primarily money laundering and wire fraud charges and online poker came to a crashing halt for residents of the United States.
To date (August 24, 2011) Full Tilt Poker has not refunded money that was in player accounts ( A good friend of mine has $50,000 tied up in Full Tilt, and this figure in miniscule compared to many other players). Full Tilt has insisted all along that they will make good on refunding player funds, but it hasn’t happened yet and only time will tell. Full Tilt’s license is now shut down by the gaming commission which regulates it, so they now owe the world’s players funds along with US residents.
Poker Stars quickly returned player funds to US residents and now continue to be a leading online poker site for the rest of the world.
Ultimate Bet/Absolute Poker has completely shut down and hopes of their player funds ever being returned to players appears futile.
Since then, the US government has shut down several other smaller poker sites.
Now that is a quick rundown of the thrashing online poker players have took since Black Friday, April 15th, 2011 through today, August 24th, 2011.
I will not argue as to whether or not poker is gambling. By the Wikipedia definition, it can only be interpreted as gambling. However, by the same definition, here are some other gambling activities:
Starting a Business
Buying a House
Investing in the Stock Market

As far as the short term aspect of the definition: Poker has daily ups and downs. Business has daily ups and downs. The Stock Market has daily ups and downs. The daily ups and downs of poker  are often less than the swings in these other gambling activities.
People who know what they are doing in business make money, people who don’t lose money. People who know what they are doing in the stock market make money, people who don’t lose money. People who know what they are doing in real estate make money, people who don’t lose money. People who know how to play poker make money, people who don’t lose money.


I challenge any other of these gambling avenues to show me a track record more predictable and consistent than my track record of over 25,000 online tournaments:

Sharkscope.com –  chicubbies07 (Full Tilt Poker), deuceflopalo (Poker Stars)
Officialpokerrankings.com – chicubbies07 (Full Tilt Poker), deuceflopalo (Poker Stars), muckitforme (Party Poker)

In conclusion, poker is gambling, but (like it or not) the right to gamble with our own money is what has created the American Dream!

And yes… there were some losers along the way.

Henry Ford knew how to make cars. I know how to play poker. Can I have my company back?

How to Play Online Poker for Free Without Actually Losing Any of Your Own Money

  • You can easily earn some extra income playing poker
    You are reading this article, so you are probably thinking seriously about playing poker online. You are thinking that if you become good enough, maybe you can support yourself playing poker. And it isn’t that hard actually. What you need is some experience and some help. But You are willing to learn enough, so that one day you can stop working. So that one day you can play poker every now and then, earning your living. Or maybe you just want to earn some extra money, to afford the way of life you deserve. Getting started is the hardest thing. But with these hints, the starting threshold isn’t that high.

  • But I don’t want to lose my money
    We are always afraid of losing our money.
    We always want to get the money the easiest way, without risk of losing our own hard-earned cash. And usually, when you are just starting to play poker, you can easily get your ass kicked if you don’t know what’s going on. It takes some time and money to figure out what’s happening. But the thing is, You don’t have to lose your own money!

  • You play with the Bonus money poker room gives you
    Getting started with real stakes at Internet poker can be very easy these days. Why? Because many of the more popular poker rooms offer you Bonuses. And that means: When you sign-up and make your first deposit, they give you FREE money. For example, if you deposit 100 dollars, you get 200 dollars.That means 100 dollars for free. After doing that, you can withdraw your 100 dollars,if you want, and play only with your bonus money. That’s worth 100 dollars of FREE playing money. And even if you happen to lose that 100 bucks, you haven’t actually lost anything, because what you lost, was the bonus money you were given free!

    Okay, so the bonus money is finally in your account, be careful what you do with it. It’s your money now, and it should be defended with the same caution and skill as your normal bankroll. I would recommend that you practice first playing at play money tables, to test your skills. Particularly if you are a beginner.