Tag Archives: logic

With The Deck Of Casino Cards To The School Blackboard. Part One.

Traditional thinking always associates deck of cards with sin. Even if there is no official ban on gambling and deck of cards is considered to be a sin. This is the opinion not only of the strict moralists like religious personages. However, regardless the common opinion, deck of cards played an important role in culture and first of all in Education. Let’s look at the facts.

The deck of cards have been used for educational purposes virtually from the moment of their occurrence in Europe. The cards were used at the lessons of history and geography, logic and law, Latin and grammar, astronomy, mathematics and arts, heraldry and military tactics. These are classical examples of the so-called secondary target usage of cards carefully researched by specialists.

In 1507 Franciscan monk, bachelor of theology in Krakow, Thomas Murner published a book “Chartiludium logicae”, consisting of training cards used by the monk to teach Logic. Murner was so successful in Didactics, that he was even accused of witchcraft hardly avoid to be at stake. But his defence presented at the court the evidence of harmlessness of the methods applied by the Franciscan. They also proved that these methods were based on the well-known in the Middle Ages mnemonic techniques – memorizing with the help of the pictures and as the modern educators would call them “reference signals”.

Much earlier Murner applied the same principle to teaching the Code of Justinian. In 1502 he wrote to Geiler von Kaisersberg that his contribution to the teaching of the code was the most significant. In the other letter to the Strasbourg lawyer, Thomas Wolf, he says: “I confess, that for Kaisersberg constitution, as far as my weak abilities permit, I issued a card game as a commentary and in this way I have managed to facilitate memorizing the text of Code of Justinian using the visual images… In my intention to implant the love of reading I aspired to replace boring and stupid game by the fascinating and exciting one and I would be more than happy if I succeeded in substituting the bad with the good”.

Probably the methodology invented by Murner seemed very efficient to he European teachers if they willingly applied it to educate the monarchs, for example Louis XIV. It is known that the arch bishop of Paris Jardin de Perete, who was teaching the dauphin, used training cards; the engravings for them were done by the greatest engraver ever – Stefano della Bella. When Louis XIV was six years old he had four decks of cards: “kings of France”, “Famous Kingdoms”, “Geography” and “Metamorphoses”. The future The Sun King (in French Le Roi Soleil) in his early childhood learnt who was Karl the Great, the countries of the world and what fairy tales Lucius Apuleius and Publius Ovidius wrote. He learnt it and memorized it only due to the deck of cards.

If to consider thoroughly the educational function of the cards, we cannot do that without Japanese and Chinese cards back in XIth century. By that time there was formed a definite type of cards which is a predecessor of XVIII-XIX century cards. The image on the face side comprises two parts: on the top there is a “cherry picking” from some play; in the bottom there is a picture of the respective scene from the play. Toasts were also written on the cards: “give two glasses to the scholarly guest” or “let people sitting close to each other drink for one another’s health” or “treat the man with a just born son with the biggest glass of wine”.

How to Win Scratch Lotto Tickets – Winning Scratch Off Secrets

If you want to win scratch off lottery tickets, then read this article.

Ready to find out?

It’s that 10% of the people who win play based on LOGIC while the 90% of the people who lose play the scratcher lottery games based on EMOTION.

Here’s how most people mess up. They get emotional all the time. They get emotional when they see their favorite color on a particular color so they buy the scratcher and what happens? They lose!

They get emotional because a scratcher game is the “newest game” for this month and they buy it and what happens? They lose!

They get emotional because they are somehow feeling “lucky” today so they buy a whole bunch of scratcher lottery tickets and what happens? They lose!!!

The list goes ON and ON…The most important thing to remember is that in each of the losing situation, these guys were getting WAY TOO EMOTIONAL!

And most people thought their EMOTIONAL way of playing was logical all along!

Well, now you get to know that what 90% of what people think is obvious way of playing is really “emotional” way of playing and that’s why they lose so much all the time!

So you have get this crucial point. Stop playing emotionally! Instead, play logically period! That’s the CRITICAL key differences that separates the winners from the losers.

So who are you? And who do you want to be? The winner or the loser? The answer is pretty logical.

Obviously, the answer is to use your logic for this game and you will win. Simple as that.

Again, don’t worry if you never took a logics class ever in your life. All you need is an elementary skill in understanding the difference between what works and what doesn’t.

Using your logic means checking out the odds of each and every game of the scratchers game in the convenience store.

Using your logic is asking the convenience store questions for tips on how to win the game.

Using your logic means not spending more than enough money to prevent losses that you cannot afford to lose.

Using logic is the KEY to win in the scratchers game.

So next time, use your LOGIC and win!

If you want to discover how to win scratch off cards, then get FREE TIPS at: