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Manners on Online Gaming.

If you had been playing online games for quite some time, you probably know that the games sometimes would tolerate rudeness and poor sportsmanship over players with plain bad manners. On a lighter note, there are other gaming communities that contains audiences which are a little mature compared to others however you can always expect this sort of behavior in every game, no matter if it’s played online or personally. However, it is more rampant to find people who are quite annoying since it is relatively easy to be anonymous online.

Below are some good online gaming manners to live by as to make your experience impressive.

Be a good sport, accept defeat

So what if you failed to capture the villain? You can always repeat the game at y8.com 1 without extra charge. If you are playing with someone, stop laughing at his failures because this will make you appear to be childish and stupid.

Play Fairly

If you are going to cheat just to obtain the end of the game, will it satisfy you? Cheating is a silent admission that you cannot win the game. Also if you play it fair, winning is more rewarding. If you really wish to win, practice the game and learn from it. If the competition is too much for your skill, you are always free to look for another game at www.y8games.com than cheat.

You were once a Noob too

If you hate your little brother now because he can’t seem to do the game properly and he keeps on asking you to teach him how to do it properly, think that you were once a noob too. Nobody can pick a new game instantly and familiarize its whole details and nuances. There are particular rules and acronyms particular to a game and it is foolish to expect someone who never tried playing such game to know those. Explain to your brother what is going on as your friend did the same for you back then, rather than making your brother feel that he is totally an idiot for missing how to play the game properly.

Do not Quit

Although you can expect all the games at www.y8games.com to be user-friendly, there will be times when you will look for some challenge hence you’ll pick up a game which is somehow difficult compared to the rest. Now, in case you can’t do the game properly, don’t be such a quitter. It’s amazing how some people will try to disconnect from the game the moment when they realize that they are losing it. Do you think you will be able to win something if you never did exert a little effort for it?

Follow the above rules when it comes to online game and you will realize how you will become friendlier among other and you will have the courage to win the game at y8.com 1 which you are playing. Keep in mind that it is just a game, don’t take it seriously. Just enjoy what you are doing.

Video Poker

There are many out there among you, myself included, that at times simply want to sit down at the computer and play a thoughtless game that has a little kick to it to make my day a little more exciting. These are great days for simple slot machines. If you really want to get fancy you can go from a three reel machine into the five reel machines, or more, and maybe make things a little more exciting.

But for many there is only one answer to a slot machine fix and that is Video Poker. Now you may be wondering what Video Poker has to do with slot machines, but the truth is that the two are very similar. They both have the same type of gaming interface and both are fairly easy to play. But the Video Poker aficionado can certainly tell you that the two are very far from the same.

Video Poker is for the Poker enthusiast that doesn’t really want to get involved in a full blown Poker game but also wants elements of the excitement that goes along with a great Poker game. Let me clarify. In a full on Poker game, be it at a live dealer online casino where there is a real person there dealing the cards, along with real players, or at a computer generated online Poker game there is the expectation that you will have to interact with someone at some point of the game. Most of the time that is a good thing, unless you are just anti-social (which isn’t bad either).

Video Poker takes away all of these elements, yet provides the player with the exact same game. In fact, in many ways it is much better than a traditional Poker game because it can be played much faster. There is absolutely no wait time while the new hand is dealt. A player has to really be on their toes if they are trying to play quickly because it can be overwhelming if someone isn’t paying attention.

For example, the online Poker world is one of convenience in and of itself. You never have to wait in line to play, or wait for a dealer to sit down to begin playing. Or even worse, wait for some inexperienced player to figure out what they are doing. Even in a live dealer online casino a player is at the whim of the online dealer and all of the real players that join. Video Poker is at the whim of the player playing the game anytime, anywhere, and any place.

There are those that will always love their slot machines, but if the urge strikes Video Poker, even just a little, is a great distraction-and you might never go back.