Tag Archives: line

The Can't Lose Craps System

Ah, so you’re interested in a craps system that can’t lose? Well, there is no such system, but today I’ll share with you a craps system that’s pretty darn close. In fact, there’s only one roll where you “could” lose. After that it’s money in the bank.

Warning: If you like high-paced action and make you sweat types of wagers, this isn’t for you. To make a system for playing craps very safe, we have to get very conservative. Still interested? Okay, let’s go.

I’d recommend playing this system with larger units. Playing $5 or $10 units isn’t going to accomplish much of anything. It’s a decent way to get used to the system, but after that, step it up some. You’ll see why soon enough.

This craps system is so easy that your grandmother could do it in her sleep. The system starts on the come out roll. Don’t know what this is? Look it up. We need to get moving here.

Okay, on the come out roll make a wager on the Don’t Pass Line. For demonstration’s sake, let’s imagine that you just put $30 down on the Don’t Pass Line. Now it’s time to sit and wait. The come out roll-before a point is established-is the only time you can lose. Once the point is established, you can’t lose and you’ll see why in a second.

Since we have a Don’t Pass Line wager, we’ll lose if a 7 or 11 is rolled. But we’ll win with a 2 or 3-12 is barred.

Let’s imagine that the next roll is a 4. The point is now 4. Your next, and last, move is to place the point. Again, if you don’t know what this means, check out any Craps 101 guide. You need to place the point for the exact amount of your Don’t Pass Line wager.

Let’s review. You now have a Don’t Pass Line wager for $30 and a place bet on the 4 for $30.

Possible outcomes include:

A 7 is rolled. If this happens, you lose your place bet, but win your Don’t Pass Line bet. Thus, you break even.

The point is made. If the point is made, you lose your Don’t Pass Line wager, but you win your place bet and you win it-key phrase here-with odds. So, that $30 bet on the 4 just paid $90 total. Deduct your $30 loss on the Don’t Pass Line and you’ve just made $60.

Playing Internet Bingo – What Are The Varieties

The game of bingo is extremely exciting. With the different kinds of online gaming options available you get to improve on our reflexes as well as memory. You need to discover the different types and styles of internet Bingo. From a broad spectrum there are 2 different kinds of Bingo. 90 ball bingo and 75 ball bingo. These 2 games are available in wide range of variations. The price of the ticket also tends to vary depending on the kinds you choose:

Horizontal Bingo: In this the players are required to make horizontal but straight lines and line of numbers on the tickets. When your number is being called you are required to mark a horizontal line. You can opt for automated actions as well. Winning the horizontal Bingo is very simple particularly when the numbers arrive at the middle lines. There are plenty of sites which offer you a single number for free; you thus are required to look for just 4 numbers.

Vertical bingo: In these cases you are required to create straight lines vertically. You need to check the numbers from bottom to top or top to bottom while your numbers are being called. You can receive free spaces if you begin with one line down the centre. You thus don’t require too many numbers. Both the vertical and the horizontal Bingo are most preferred gaming option when it comes to choosing the conventional or the online varieties.

Diagonal Bingo: The players need to form diagonal lines from the apex left to the bottom right or the other way round. The free middle squares are included. In this case all the players will require four numbers for winning the game.

Pattern bingo: Playing this kind of bingo is extreme fun. There are wide ranges of patterns available for 75 balls or 90 balls Bingo which the sites can run. You can choose from almost thousands of patterns which are available with 75 balls.

Coverall Bingo: This popular gaming option is also known as Blackout bingo. A number of websites employ this form on bingo along with the current jackpot games for it is the most advanced pattern, the games of these kinds are very exciting and the suspense lasts till the very end of the game. This option is used for progressive jackpots. The player requires some few numbers of calls for winning both the progressive jackpot as well as the normal jackpot.

Bingos can be great fun; all you need to do is learn about the probabilities and the chances.