Tag Archives: limit hold 39;em

Limit Verses No Limit Texas Hold'Em Differences – What Should You Play?

Limit vs No Limit Texas Hold’em

In Limit Texas Hold’em poker there is a set amount that can be bet and raised on each round of play. For example, on a 3/6 limit game, you can bet and raise by 3 before the flop and on the flop, and bet and raise by 6 on the turn and river. Usually there is a 4 bet cap on each round if there are more than two players in the pot. If it is heads up, there is no limit in many casinos.

No Limit Texas Hold’em poker is as described. There is absolutely no limit to the amount that you can bet on each round. Actually there is, the limit is the amount of chips you have in front of you. If you raise you are required to raise at least double the initial bet. Both Limit and No limit poker are very popular.

It seems that mostly older people play Limit Hold’em poker while all the young guns choose no limit. Don’t let this fool you, however. There are many professional poker players who make their livings playing Limit. Many limit poker players don’t like to deal with the massive swings involved with No Limit poker.

Limit Cash Games

Many professional limit poker players will say they would rather not deal with the massive swings involved with no limit Hold’em. Limit Hold’em is a steady grind, and there is actually a lot of strategy involved in limit if you sit and down and play with experienced players. While the amount of the bet is no longer up for discussion as it is in no limit, there is still much to be said about when to bet, raise, reraise, and so on.

In limit Texas Hold’em you will see many more cards, and the river will be reached much more often. For this reason the game is much more of a drawing poker game. Making sure that you have proper pot odds and making the most out of every hand is absolutely critical in Limit Hold’em. The more you look back and realize you should have made a raise or a bet means more money left behind. And this is the main reason Limit poker takes more practice than most people think.

When I first started out playing Texas Hold’em poker I started playing 3/6 Limit. It gave me a good grasp on pot odds and the overall poker game in general.

No Limit Cash Games

No Limit Texas Hold’em poker is by far on of the most exciting forms of poker, and can make you the most money in the least amount of time. No limit Hold’em will give you much greater win and loss streaks and at times you will feel as if you have no control over your bankroll. No limit Hold’em also takes your skill of reading players and puts it to the test.

Many professional poker players will say that it is easier to exploit the new players, or “fish” and make money more easily. This is very true, and it all depends on WHEN and WHERE you play poker. No limit texas Hold’em is growing rapidly in popularity and there is surely a lot of money to be made in this area if you learn your stuff and play well.


In tournament play No Limit Texas Hold’em poker is by far the most popular form of poker play. This is because in a tournament setting there are time constraints and your goal is not to run out of chips. Your end goal is to accumulate all of the chips in the room, and for this reason No Limit is the best choice for tournaments.

Limit Hold’em tournaments seem to take much longer, and even these tournaments will turn into a No limit format at some point in time.

Which Should You Play?

Choosing between Limit and No Limit texas Hold’em is purely out of preference. If you prefer the safer more conservative approach to poker, and your goal is to slowly grind out a consistent profit, then try out Limit Hold’em. If you don’t mind large swings in your bankroll and prefer a more exciting and intense game of poker, then try No Limit.

Phil Hellmuth Jr. – Professional Poker Player Review Series

Phil Hellmuth Jr. is a Professional Poker Player. He has won 11 bracelets in World Series of Poker and made a great history in the world of poker game. Phillip J. Hellmuth, Jr. or Phil Hellmuth Jr. was born on 16th July in 1964. He was born in Madison which is the capital of the Wisconsin of the United States. He is by profession a poker player. He holds the world record of securing the most bracelets as the champion’s award of the World Series of poker tournament that took place every year in Las Vegas.

Phil Hellmuth Jr. is also a member of the Poker Hall of Fame. This 44 years Professional Poker Player is one of the greatest players all over the world. He is well known for his tough attitude to the other players. He has a very good sense of humor and he often makes sarcastic remarks during the play. Phil Hellmuth Jr. was studied in the University of Wisconsin-Madison for three years. He then dropped out his studies for playing poker as a full time player.

He made himself professional in this play but that was not an easy thing to do. He practiced the strategies for a long time and invented new strategies to win the casino game. He is a self made poker professional of his home town California. He presently lives in Alto in California with his family. His wife is Katherine Sanborn and she is also a poker player. Phil and Catherine have two sons, Phillip and Nicholas.

Phil Hellmuth Jr. is the only poker player who has got 11 bracelets and established a milestone in the way of poker game. He won the bracelets from the year 1989 to 2007. In the year 1989 Phil first took part in the World Series of Poker tournament. In that tournament he got the first bracelet in $10,000 no limit hold’em world championship and won $755,000 as the prize money. In the year 1992, Phil Hellmuth Jr. won in $5,000 limit hold’em and got $188,000 as the prize money. In 1993 world championship he got 3 bracelets in the tournament.

He earned $138,000 in the game of $1,500 limit hold’em, $161,400 in the game of $2,500 no limit hold’em and $173,000 in the game of $5,000 no limit hold’em. After four years of this great achievement he again secured his next bracelet in the year 1997. In this tear Phil Hellmuth Jr. earned $204,000 for winning in the game of $3000 pot limit hold’em. And again after four years of that he won another bracelet in the World Series of Poker 2001.

He earned $316,000 for winning the game of $2,000 no limit hold’em. He already got 7 bracelets and naturally he already became very famous in 2001. In 2003 he again got 2 bracelets and won $171,400 for the game of $2,500 limit hold’em and $410,860 for $3,000 no limit hold’em. He also won a bracelet in 2006 and the latest bracelet he got in the year 2007 and earned $631,863 and $ 637,254 respectively. Phil Hellmuth Jr. is one of the most successful Poker Players in the world.