Tag Archives: life

Community of Million Gamers – Online Gaming Communities

Are online gaming communities the new members’ clubs or will the next generation of online gamers will be lacking any social skill who cannot recognize a three dimensional object even if it falls on his head? Looking at some of today’s online games shows that despite all the gloomy prophecies, virtual games create a new, bigger, world-wider form of communities based on human interaction.
One of the most ancient and common claims against online gaming was directed towards its anti social nature. Internet opponents saw online gaming as the community enemy, which causes people to prefer the solitary act of playing internet games over taking part in more traditional types of social activities such as playing sports games, visiting the local bingo hall, etc.
However, the growth and the development of online games, made this claim a little bit irrelevant. About ten years of broadband internet access proves the opposite: online gaming is a social activity by nature. From classic card, board, puzzle, and sports games to massive multi player online games (Second life, World of Warcraft, etc), online games are nothing but isolated and/or antisocial.
Let’s take online backgammon for example. Backgammon, the ancient board game, was traditionally played in backgammon clubs as a one-and-one game or a tournament.Backgammon rules used to be spread around in the old fashioned viral marketing – by word of mouth.
But what would do a small town backgammon player who has no backgammon clubs nearby? Online gaming solved this dilemma. The largest online backgammon rooms host hundreds of thousands of players who can practice backgammon games against each other, chat with one another, discuss game tactics and strategy, share information, gossip and do whatever members of community do when gather together.
Another game that proves the importance of the social aspect in today’s online games is Second Life. The relatively new game has become a phenomenon. Although defined as a game, Second Life had shed all traditional characteristics of a game: it has no rules, no strategy and no actual competition or goal.
Instead, Second Life players, excuse me, residents, can keep themselves occupied in various social activities including buying and selling stuff, throwing parties or being invited to ones, exhibiting art objects or visiting art exhibits and involve in other life like behaviors. At the same time they can make new friends and/or foes and experience the entire scope of human emotions towards one another.
These were only two extreme examples – the classic board game turns virtual and the embodiment of the cyberpunk authors’ visions. However, online gaming communities are far richer. Online gaming communities can be based on a shared interest in a certain game or on the abstract idea of interaction. Either way, the basic need in human communication did not pass from the world with 3D web technologies.

Online Poker 101: First Lesson, Understanding The Importance Of Time In Online Poker Tournaments (Page 1 of 4)

This is the first lesson in a series of poker technique articles designed to improve online poker players. This article focuses on time as it relates to online poker tournament play. It also explains why taking appropriate actions based on time, is the key for long term success, and increased online poker tournament winnings.

The phenomenon of online poker continues to baffle media experts who continue to expect poker play in general to be a passing fad. For those millions of people worldwide who have played poker or discovered poker within the last decade, it comes as no surprise that this game continues to build explosive and long term stable growth. The reasons are actually quite simple. The game of poker is fun, exciting, challenging and the basic concepts are easy for anyone to learn. These fundamental concepts build the basis for growth, but it’s the extremely lucrative aspect of tournament poker that continues to fuel poker’s explosive growth. With online poker sites offering tournaments ranging in size from $100 to One Million Dollar Guarantees, anyone anywhere can earn a life changing amount of money from a strong finish in only a single tournament. A first place finish in some of the largest online tournaments today can pay upwards of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars or more. While people who place in tenth, twentieth, or thirtieth place, for example can still earn $5,000 to $50,000 for their success. Buy ins for these tournaments can start from as little as $2 for some satellites. It’s the access to this income, and the knowledge that anyone can master this game, that draws millions of people worldwide to online poker. For more information on the Full Tilt Poker One Million Dollar Guaranteed Tournament, or $600 Free Full Tilt Poker Bonus Cash, visit FullTiltGlobal.com.

In order to have the greatest success in terms of wins, and winnings, players need to commit to learning the concepts of tournament play. Reading poker articles like these can improve your poker skills over time, as you master and utilize one concept at a time.

Lesson One: Understanding Time During Tournament Play & Acting Accordingly

Online poker tournaments transpire very similarly to life in general. When we are born, it is very important to protect a newborn child to it’s surroundings. Many times babies are kept at the hospital for several days before being allowed to go home with their families. Over the first few years of life, the routine is quite simple. Focus on the basics. Proper nutrition, sleeping, and protection. After a few years of protection, the newborn has grown into a child who must begin to learn routines. Parents begin to give up control and protection, allowing the child to go to school, camps, church – generally the child begins to participate in activities designed to build equity in the child – helping it to grow. Parents still preach protection – “Don’t talk to strangers,” “Look both ways before you cross the street”. The idea is to allow the child to begin to take small risks, as inevitably life is full of risks. But parents continue to protect, and preach use of good judgement. By the time several more years pass, the child has grown into an adult capable of making decisions, and taking larger risks in life. Those larger decisions could be when to get married, what career to follow, and others. Eventually as adulthood years continue, income increases, and ideally, an adult creates equity in themselves, building a substancial and healthy life for their retiring age. During the earning years it is important to take intelligent risks, where income is the result. Whether through education, investing, or through business startups, it is the sum of these risk taking decisions that determine our financial health in life. Additionally, timing of these decisions can be the key to everything. Once a sufficient sum can be counted on for retirement, it is safe to move this sum to less risky investments long term. Taking risks are avoided early in life, and late in life, while encouraged and necessary, in the middle.