Tag Archives: ladbrokes

Roulette Machines cheats/tips (Page 1 of 2)

There are some systems currently for sale on e-bay. They use a trigger number. After the trigger number falls in then you bet on certain numbers for a certain number of spins until one turns up and you win. Each time you lose you increase your bet. Alleged winnings of £20-£50 per hour. After you win you revert to no-lose betting (except if 0 turns up) and wait for your trigger number to turn up again. However, you are limited by the maximum bet of £100 per spin and the staking method of the roulette (only goes up in £1 per number after the first £1 bet on any particular number).

The system, to my mind, is a simple increasing bet progression. The two trigger number systems I am aware of (one for Ladbrokes, one for Coral), on a perfectly unbiased wheel, will win for 99% and 96% of the time after the ‘trigger’ number according to my calculations. You win small amounts for that 99% and 96% of the time. However, when you lose, you lose big time, all your winnings and more.

The seller alleges that the chances of losing are nil on one system, and extremely rarely on the other system and that consequently, ultimately, you will win. I’m not convinced. It doesn’t look like the Holy Grail of software roulette to me and you will simply need to play the system thousands of times to statistically prove that it works (the seller says he has played it thousands of times, over a 4 year period…..). Basically – the machines claim ‘this machine is random’ – but quite clearly they are not. However, by law, they would not be allowed to say this – if they were NOT random But when we think of random on roulette we think 36 numbers…….. one in 36 chance right? well, i read that supposedly the system picks 6 random numbers – THEN, looks to see which of yor numbers has the MINIMUM on – and will probably ‘pay out’ or even lose… by choosing that bnumber so the ‘random’ part – is to pick 6 randoms… (or it may be the otehr way around – it picckss afixed 6 – then picks one at random) either way – those machines are fixed i once covered the table but noticed i missed number 10 out lol – oh look, it goes and lands on 10 other times ive covered the table and noticed that by far there is a number that is least covered – and it lands on that number. they are clearyl a fix Ladbrokes piss me off – the machines in there are blatant. I mean, at least let me lose my money slowly and have a bit of fun doing it! they just rob you straight away betting on red or black, lost lost lost lost again – bet on 3rd lost bet on red and evens lost etc you know how it is a piss take on black jack – not really up about 2 pounds up – decided to up all my hands (was playing 5 handed) to £2 each – oh guess what the dealer got?? in fact, i aint even going to bother saying i will let you guess what the dealer got on the ladbrokes machines when i upped my bets on black jack lol there really isnt any system on them – im sure someone will come up with a way to cheat / cheat the pc – but it certainly wont be a ‘system’ ultimately roulette odds are against you. so the longer you play it, you will eventually lose Ive been taught a harsh lesson by ladbrokes and that is to simply NOT play them and if i do, only to spend say a cheeky fiver or something So if you are going to play roulette play in the short term i.e. hardly any spins (like put it all on red, or all on a 3rd etc..) if anyone says the shit about put a pound on, if you lose double it to £2, if you lose double it to $4 – well that in itself is flawed because the casinos have worked out that within a certain amount of spins i.e. 500 hundred – a sequence of 15 reds or a sequence of 15 blacks is guaranteed – whereby if you re doubling your bets, you will go bust within that sequence of 15! (plus also table limites on how much you can bet..) overall the best thing to do……..is to not play lol I would just like to say that i was never brilliant in school, but some of the comments on this site are hilarious.