Tag Archives: investment

Proper Poker Training is a Business Investment

Poker has become a business. And I’m not talking about the casinos, who no doubt make a killing on the rake. I’m talking about the players. I’m talking about the average businessman-guys like us. All over the world people are grinding it out at the tables, and the best way you can formulate your own business plan is getting the proper training from a solid program.

I’m in Thailand as I write this. A lot of young American and European guys live over here because of online poker. None of them are champion players, but they know the basic “business” strategies and money management techniques to pull in a solid income so they can live out here like kings.

This concept of poker as a business is perhaps the most crucial thing to keep in mind when you decide to get serious. This is real money on the line here, and if you aren’t there to win you are really just a waste of space. Poker is a game where consistent smart moves can mean a solid, consistent income, so get serious about it.

And any business endeavor takes some kind of training. It is an investment in your future. You might spend on a good coach to look over your shoulder as you gain experience, but for what you save on trial and error you make a fortune with this one investment decision.

The most important thing about the business mindset is developing the right attitude for money management. You need to know the limits of your bankroll and not be the new guy who gets carried away at the table. A proper poker training site will stress your business account as your number one concern and your coach should give you a holler if you ever start to slip.

Because these guys are not just there to teach you strategy, although that is a huge part of what they do. They’re also there to teach you about disciplined play. To separate yourself from the losers, you need to know not only how to play but when not to play.

There are two major kinds of players in the business of poker. There might be a lot of subgroups too, but the majority are either guys with no clue what they’re doing or the guys who profit from the first group’s ignorance.

You want to be the man pulling in the profit; you’re a businessman. Forget about those big short-term wins. Forget about luck. You want to know how to get results and how to pull more chips your direction on the long-run average. Enrolling in poker training and making that investment in your education is the number one way to make sure you are not just contributing more to another person’s monthly income.

It has never been so easy to get into this business. Work from home. Work when you want. Make some serious bread, really. It really couldn’t get much better, so don’t take it for granted. A little training just to make the dream a reality-not a bad deal at all.

Poker Sign Up Bonus And Online Sit & Go Games

Online poker doesn’t need any word to explain the reason to popularity because it has become the favorite place for players around the globe who are in love with traditional casinos and want to have a better alternative that is available in the form of online poker. Players can increase their bankroll even with small amount of investment. Sit and go tournaments are better for that purpose. Turbo and non turbo are the two major categories of sit and go tournaments. There are blind structures for turbo tournaments that increase over 3-5 minutes where as non turbo blinds increase after 10-15 minutes of the game. The procedure is quite different for both kind of games, but middle and early stages are almost same and poker sign up bonus is also the same.

For enhanced ROI, you need to play at more than one sin and go tournament. Most of the times players play almost more than 8 tables at one time that lowers the profit rate because of high charges against per hour play. It’s better to play within your budget limits and equip yourself with the best strategy to win the sit and go tournament.

If you play at early game at any of the sit and go tournament, then it will resemble deep stacked cash games. 50-100 big blinds are a good total at the beginning. Chips have maximum value and that stays until a player is eliminated. At the end of a game, chips have a lowered value.

In the start of the game, it is important to consider that risk needs to be minimized for the investment you are going to make at your game with any of the poker game. If you do blind stealing, then you are surely committing a blunder. Low investment can increase the chances of winning as well where best cards are being dealt.

For bets results, the player should have a sharp eye on the strategies used by your opponent. It’s better to get information about your opponents and an idea about the number of tables each opponent is playing right now. These players can play small pots in the start of the game in the hopes of better overcards or overplay.

If you risk higher money with speculative hands, then it will benefit the players who are playing at more than one poker table. You can also look for loose-creative style that helps in easy trapping. The chips you are putting into the play should be handled carefully. Put the chips into the play when there are more chances of winning a game with little investment.

Online sit and go games are excellent to play and win heavy prizes. Learn the strategy at first and then decide about actually playing at the site.