Tag Archives: internet bingo websites

Internet Bingo Technology Evolving

The internet bingo industry continues to flourish in the UK and Europe and has attracted millions of players from around the globe. In the UK internet bingo is second only to poker in popularity and internet bingo websites are licensed by the government to assure player safety. Internet bingo has evolved from a relatively primitive online game with crude graphics to one of the most entertaining games available online using the latest technology and sophisticated software. Many internet bingo sites now offer mobile applications and bingo players can now enjoy their favorite game from anywhere with cell phone reception.

Technology is constantly changing and one of the more recent advances has been the switch from downloadable games to those using state of the art flash technologies. Players no longer have to take the time to download games and can now simply log on to their favorite bingo site and play. Many players did not like the old fashioned downloads and switched to sites using flash games. Now almost all internet bingo websites use the latest flash technology. In the UK and Europe competition is fierce and sites that do not keep up with the latest gaming developments are bound to lose players.

Technological innovations allowed bingo sites to introduce side games such as roulette, video poker, slot games and pull tab games. Side games have been well received and are a huge moneymaker for internet bingo websites. A recent survey showed that online roulette is almost as popular as bingo among female players.

The introduction of chat rooms made internet bingo even more popular. The social aspect of bingo was added to internet bingo and provides employment for several chat monitors and hosts. Sites that introduced chat rooms experienced an immediate increase in players proving that talk is profitable! Some sites are expected to introduce video streaming to give their bingo games a more lifelike feel.

Software is being introduced in the UK that protects players from online fraud. Featurespace, a company founded by several members of the engineering department at Cambridge University has developed software that uses behavioural analysis to protect casinos, players and stock trading websites from fraudulent activities. The software protects players from computer bots that can compete with live players for cash prizes. The company has signed contracts with several reputable gaming companies. It is no wonder that so many people are attracted to internet bingo. Bingo bonuses have never been better and with all the new technology being introduced internet bingo can only get better for players!

Rebel Bingo Sweeping the UK

In postwar Britain bingo became immensely popular and gave birth to a new industry. Industry giants such as Mecca and Gala have made millions, if not billions, of pounds from a simple game with humble origins. The new industry grew until almost every town and hamlet had its own High Street bingo club. Unlike the US where bingo remains the dominion of churches and charitable groups UK bingo developed into a giant industry and most UK bingo companies are publically traded on major stock exchanges. About a decade ago bingo went online and now there are about 250 internet bingo websites serving the UK market. Although the national smoking ban had a devastating effect on land based bingo clever marketing campaigns have attracted several new players. In the UK the bingo industry has been innovative introducing new games such as 90 ball bingo and other original variations on the traditional game.

Now a whole new generation of bingo players has taken advantage of technology and are using social networking sites to promote their new bingo games. The Underground Rebel Bingo Club in London has taken a highly original approach to bingo. Players are notified about games via. Email with messages like, “The authorities are after us so we have to keep these meetings secret,” and describe bingo as “dangerous and addictive.” The games take place on Friday nights and most participants are in their 20’s shattering the impression that bingo is only for seniors and pensioners. The location of the games is allegedly secret and emails instruct players to keep the games secret. One email states, “If anyone asks, you are not coming to play Rebel Bingo, you are coming to a NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH MEETING. Make sure you are not followed on your way there.”)

Rebel Bingo co founders Freddie Sorensen and James Gordon started playing bingo in a church basement and eventually friends started attending. Co founder Gordin tells the story; “The grannies in the church had a bingo wheel, and a couple of girls started playing with the bingo balls, and it was great fun. We all got involved with. It gradually seemed that the after-party was more popular. People were trying to get into the secret after-party where we would play bingo.” Players pay a £15 admission fee and players drink beer and play bingo to the music of rock groups like Rage Against the Machine. The games even have a dress code which prohibits work suits and “anything adapted from a work suit trying to trick us.” Rebel Bingo usually starts at 9:30 and continues well into the night. The club now attracts between 400 and 1,000 players on game nights.

Older bingo players are not fond of the new games and are not very appreciative of the new Rebel Bingo games. Bingo giants such as Mecca who have seen their revenues shrink have adopted some of Rebel Bingo’s ideas. Kieran Simmonds, general manager of Mecca stated, “Rebel Bingo does a much ruder version of our bingo, and we took the inspiration [from them]. We saw how popular it was. Since Mecca launched a milder version of Rebel Bingo the company has seen a 25% increase in bingo game attendance. The bingo industry is hoping more raucous and risqué versions of bingo will attract more players.

Internet bingo continues to thrive in the UK. Bingo websites are locked in a fierce competition for players. Fur internet bingo players bingo bonuses have helped players to multiply deposits by 250% to 300% in effect tripling deposit amounts. The idea of a bingo deposit bonus has been very well received among online players. It would not be surprising if internet bingo websites develop their own version of Rebel Bingo.