Tag Archives: increase

Tips to Win the Lottery Fast

I believe everyone, including you, wanted to win lottery fast. But how, you may ask. Sales person will tell you, out of 100 persons they approach, 10 persons may be interested in the products of the sales person. Out of the 10 persons, 3 may actually buy from the sales person. From there, the sales person knows if he wanted to sell 9 products, he needs to approach 300 prospects. In another word, to increase the sales rate, the sales person needs to increase the number of prospects that he approaches.

Same rules apply here. If you want to win the lottery big and fast, the secret is to buy more. Increase the number of lottery games you buy, that will “bound” to increase the number of wins you get in any lottery game. In short, buying more will increase your winning odds.

There are any ways to increase your odds to win the lottery. If you currently play one game a week, try to add and play one more game.If you play the games correctly, your chances of winning the lottery will be doubled.

Further, if you only buy one or two tickets at one time, try to increase the number of tickets that you buy to 50 in the same game. By that, you will immediately increase your chance to win the lottery in a great deal.

You can also join a syndicate to increase your chance to win the lotto. If you take a look at the stories of the Powerball lottery, you will notice that there are a lot of syndicates which manage to pick winning lottery numbers. By joining the syndicate, you will be able to participate in the win as well.

So, play more often and get the highest number of lottery winning numbers. This will improve your odds to win the lottery. Just like the example of the sales person i mentioned above, you have to expand your scope faster. Do it consistently. You will be amazed with the result/outcome.

Alternatively, you may check out Ken Silver’s 1-minute Silver Lotto System to find out more about ways to win the lottery fast. The system was created by Ken Silver in 1991 and has benefited thousands of lottery winners.

Blackjack Wagering & Bankroll

Wagering and Bankroll play an important roll in card counting. First, a card counter knows he must raise his bet when the odds are in his favor. Second, a counter must have a large enough bankroll to weather a losing streak. Remember a statistical advantage is only evident in the long term. Short term you can lose and often do.

Bankroll. Your bankroll is the starting amount of money you sit down to play blackjack with. Generally, the minimum bet (and therefore the maximum bet) is determined by the bankroll. Again, you must have sufficient funds to continue through a losing streak.

An average minimum bet is your total bankroll divided by 150. Thus a $3000 bankroll would indicate a $20 minimum bet. This is just less than 1% of the bankroll. For slightly more aggressive wager, set the minimum to 1%. Thus $3000 bankroll yields a $30 minimum bet.

Bet Spread. A card counter must increase his wager when the odds favor him. When the odds are not in his favor, he wagers the minimum bet (or leaves the table). In a typical 5 deck shoe, a wager of 8 times the minimum bet is recommended. You must wager enough to recuperate the loses sustained while betting the table minimum. I personally like to see a 10 times increase. So if your minimum bet is $20, your maximum should be $200.

Another common wagering tactic is to bet proportional to the count. For example, you would want to wager more on a +5 count versus a +1 count. Note that the amount you increase from the minimum bet depends on the number of decks used.

It is important to note that casino spot card counters by watching the bet spread. A casino will count cards of a suspect player and note if he is wagering more on positive counts. If the player is identified as a counter, the dealer will be instructed to shuffle very frequently, constantly resetting the running count and preventing the player for reaching an advantage. Keep this is mind when wagering, and know that large jumps in the wager are a signal to the casino.