Tag Archives: increase

How To Increase Your Chances Of Winning The Lottery

Every week, you hear news that someone won the lottery. You hear hundreds of these stories every year. You play the lottery all the time, but it’s always someone else that wins. It’s never you. Why? Perhaps you’ve just been playing wrong. There are things that you could do to increase your chances of winning the lottery.

The number one thing you could do is change the game you play. Instead of playing the high jackpot games, play games with better odds. That sounds simple, right? But that could increase your chances of winning the jackpot many times over.

Here’s an example – Say you’re a regular Mega Millions player. The odds of winning the Mega Millions jackpot are approximately 175-million-to-1. Now, instead of playing Mega millions, try choosing a game with better odds of winning, like a state lottery game. Say you find a state lottery game that offers odds of 15-million-to-1. Just by changing to that game from Mega Millions, you will be approximately 12 times more likely to win. See how simple it is?

The problem is that we use our emotions when buying lottery tickets. We see a high jackpot and that’s the game we want to play. We just want to win a lot of money, as much as possible. But that’s how those lotteries get us. They make a lot of money from players like us that bet emotionally instead of with our senses.

The next thing you could do to increase your chances of winning the lotto is to join a lottery pool. See, the more tickets you buy, the better your odds of winning. But you shouldn’t be buying too many tickets yourself. That would be financially irresponsible. So, playing as a group is the solution.

Let’s say that, as a group, you could buy 20 tickets per draw. If the odds of winning the lottery are, say, 15-million-to-one, then with 20 tickets the odds decrease to 750,000-to-1. See how the odds change drastically when you buy more tickets?

Hopefully, now you have a better sense of what you can do to increase your chances of winning the lottery. Good luck and may you win a big jackpot one day!

See the genuine truth of How can I win the lottery?

A new home, a new car, a new TV. These are things we all would like to have but in these tough economic times, most of us can’t have them and leave us asking ourselves “How can I win the lottery”. Should you spend money on the lottery if we can’t afford it? N0. We at Masterluck.com do not encourage irresponsible spending. But some of us can afford to play the lottery and we want to know how to win.

If you are going to play why not increase your odds with systems developed by professional lotto players? In the area of the lottery, there are experts just as there are in other fields. We at Masterluck.com have put together a list of items that will help you develop your own system to increase your odds of winning the kind of money you dream of and answer your question “How can I win the lottery?”

I named my site “Masterluck” for a reason. “How can I win the lottery?’ is a question that I kept asking myself and I soon found out that winning is not based on luck alone. People might disagree but they are the ones that use quick picks, play only when the payoff is high or play the same numbers over and over. If you “master” the “luck” involved your odds of winning will increase. Sure luck is a big part but mastering a system is just as important if not more so.

Did you know there are different combinations of numbers that are classified as good and bad. If you take the bad number combinations out of play, you automatically increase you odds of winning. By determining what cards his opponent has, a professional poker can increase his odds. There are ways he can do this such as seeing what cards are on the table, knowing the cards in his hand or remembering the cards others have folded.

This is the same system many lotto players use. The numbers 1,2,3,4, and 5 would not give you good odds. How about 2,3,4,5 and 6? These numbers of a five in a row combination are proven to have very, very low odds. Authors of the systems I offer also ask themselves “How can I win the lottery?’ and look at certain combinations and decide if they are good or bad

You do not have to use just one system to increase your odds. At Masterluck we offer you different options from players that are proven winners. If you have been playing the lotto seriously you have probably tried to develop your own system. If it has worked for you, congratulations. You need to write about your technique. But for most us we need that next step in the system to redefine it and give it that winning edge. That is the purpose of these strategies to help you with the pressing question “How can I win the lottery?”

While I cannot promise a big payday, I can promise you a 60 day return policy if you don’t agree the product is worth the price. The price of these systems are reasonable. The cost is very low when compared to potential winnings that you could have. But if it can increase your odds, why not try it. This is the place to start if you keep asking yourself “How can I win the lottery?”.