Tag Archives: increase chances winning

The Probability Game. How To Win The Lottery

Statistics demonstrate to us all a lot of things that can be both beneficial and unusable for a lot of reasons. There’s countless good cases of attention-grabbing truths and statistical analysis which never appear to be particularly applicable to individual’s everyday lifestyles. Do you fully understand, as an example, that in ’85 the standard National Aeronautics and Space Administration numerical probability for a crash to happen to a NASA space shuttle was 100,000 to 1. Following the space shuttle Challenger devastation it was changed to one-hundred to one!

So picture the amazement of people looking on the time when Danny Leake, an amateur golfer, accomplished an unbelievable ‘hole in one’ in the same golf hole 2 days in a row while playing at a golfing event in The Lone Star State. This is something that is so extremely uncommon that the chances of it taking place have never been estimated. Pity such a serendipitous guy did not play the lotto that day instead!

What would you think of a guy who earned a regular working man’s wage but spent most of it on lottery tickets? Well there is a New York man who does just that.Ray Otero foolishly believes that buy ploughing his money into lottery tickets he is increasing his chances of winning a jackpot prize with each purchase (by sheer number of tickets).

Of course what Mr. Otero fails to realise is that statistically you have no better chance of winning the jackpot with 500 tickets than you do with 1 when the numbers on the tickets are chosen randomly!

Statistics can tell us some depressing things. For example, if someone purchases a UK lottery ticket on a Monday, for a weekend draw, they are more likely to be dead when the draw takes place than they are of winning the jackpot prize!

You see unfortunately the odds of winning the jackpot ion such a draw are fourteen million to one while the odds of being dead are much lower. In fact you even have a better chance of becoming a saint because the odds are only killed by lightning are roughly 2650000 to 1!These low odds apply to every ticket you buy. Therefore ray Otero’s approach does not increase his odds of winning a top prize!

Take heart though because you can do certain things that dramatically increase the odds of you winning a huge lottery prize and they don’t require you to spend a fortune doing it! Lottery wheeling, for example, is a great way to increase your chances of winning a top prize on the lottery.

When you wheel and extra number in your pick of 6, so that you pick 7 numbers instead and then “wheel” so that all numbers end up on a ticket together two things happen. Wheeling systems require you to invest more money in the lottery, because you must buy more tickets, but by doing so, and by doing it in a mathematically precise manner, you increase your chances of winning the lottery jackpot.

When you wheel 7 numbers instead of 6 you go from a 14 million to 1 chance of winning the lottery to half a million to 1 – just by adding an extra number and the price of the tickets only adds up to £28!

So, if Mr. Otero had only played a 6 from 49, or similar type of lottery, and wheeled his numbers he may well be a very wealthy man by now.

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If you want to join an online lottery pool, then read this article. It will give you tips on how to win lotto by joining a lotto pool.

How many times have you seen or heard of the big winners of various jackpots are not won by individuals, but rather by groups of people? It has been estimated that clubs, pools or groups of people make up 30-70% of all lottery winnings depending on whom you talk to. Sometimes this is a group of people from the office, or the local manufacturing company. Sometimes it may be a group of friends, a group of family members, sometimes a combination of both that has gotten together. Sometimes the lottery pools are just groups of people that have gotten together for that one drawing. You may also find lottery pools that have been together for a long time.

Personally, I truly believe that if I belong to a lottery pool that I will definitely increase my chances of winning the lottery. These pools give you a better chance of winning and the ability to play a lot of lotteries throughout the world. This will give you a chance to play more tickets and then increase your chances of winning. As an individual, by my being a member of a lottery pool, I will give myself the best advantage and the best chance of becoming a winner.

Remember that a lottery pool is a group of people that will put all of their money together in such a way that they will be able to buy a large amount of tickets. Here is an example of how a lottery pool might work.

No matter where the lottery pool begins and who becomes a member of that lottery, there will usually be someone who is responsible for running that pool. Their responsibilities may include getting the money from everyone, purchasing the tickets and most importantly paying out the winnings.

If a Lottery ticket costs $1, and there are 10 people in the lottery pool and they each put in $20, the whole group will share the winnings on 200 tickets. Each player would get 10% of the winnings, since they put in 10% of the money.

If you decide to join a lottery pool or club, or you plan to later on, check to see that you have some type of an agreement, and that there is someone in charge. Best practices are that there will be a written legal agreement that will also be notarized. Make sure that you read the agreement and that it covers how the winnings will be given to each player. Make sure that you are protected.