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Proper Poker Training is a Business Investment

Poker has become a business. And I’m not talking about the casinos, who no doubt make a killing on the rake. I’m talking about the players. I’m talking about the average businessman-guys like us. All over the world people are grinding it out at the tables, and the best way you can formulate your own business plan is getting the proper training from a solid program.

I’m in Thailand as I write this. A lot of young American and European guys live over here because of online poker. None of them are champion players, but they know the basic “business” strategies and money management techniques to pull in a solid income so they can live out here like kings.

This concept of poker as a business is perhaps the most crucial thing to keep in mind when you decide to get serious. This is real money on the line here, and if you aren’t there to win you are really just a waste of space. Poker is a game where consistent smart moves can mean a solid, consistent income, so get serious about it.

And any business endeavor takes some kind of training. It is an investment in your future. You might spend on a good coach to look over your shoulder as you gain experience, but for what you save on trial and error you make a fortune with this one investment decision.

The most important thing about the business mindset is developing the right attitude for money management. You need to know the limits of your bankroll and not be the new guy who gets carried away at the table. A proper poker training site will stress your business account as your number one concern and your coach should give you a holler if you ever start to slip.

Because these guys are not just there to teach you strategy, although that is a huge part of what they do. They’re also there to teach you about disciplined play. To separate yourself from the losers, you need to know not only how to play but when not to play.

There are two major kinds of players in the business of poker. There might be a lot of subgroups too, but the majority are either guys with no clue what they’re doing or the guys who profit from the first group’s ignorance.

You want to be the man pulling in the profit; you’re a businessman. Forget about those big short-term wins. Forget about luck. You want to know how to get results and how to pull more chips your direction on the long-run average. Enrolling in poker training and making that investment in your education is the number one way to make sure you are not just contributing more to another person’s monthly income.

It has never been so easy to get into this business. Work from home. Work when you want. Make some serious bread, really. It really couldn’t get much better, so don’t take it for granted. A little training just to make the dream a reality-not a bad deal at all.

How To Make Over $1200 In 3 Hours In Soccer (Football) Live Betting (Page 1 of 3)

I play a round of mean soccer with my MALE soccer buddies every Wednesday night. I’m the only rose among the thorns. During each game, I simply forget that they are guys. I just concentrate on the game of eleven players against eleven players.

You may be curious to know which position does this rose cover? As I’m extremely nibble, agile and have excellent reflexes, I ‘man’ the goalposts. Yes, I’m the goalkeeper.

Mind you, the job of goalkeeping may be the most difficult job on the soccer pitch because the actions can come so fast and quick.

The goalie needs to possess the capacity to be razor sharp in concentration at a moment’s notice even though he/she may not have much to do for the last 89 minutes.

The great Brian Clough once said a good goalkeeper could be worth 15 points a season. Now, why do these thorns trust their rosie goalkeeper … simply because I made a mean goalie. My defenders have absolute confidence in this “last woman standing”.

I realized that playing a soccer game and placing a soccer bet have a lot of similarities. There are ups, there are downs, and sometimes there are turnarounds in the game or bet.

However, I’ve found that in SOCCER LIVE BETTING, most of the “unpredictables” in the game can be decoded.

The odds provided by the bookmakers are a reflection of the performance of the teams on the pitch FROM THE BOOKMAKERS’ POINT OF VIEW. So when we go along with the bookmakers’ reading of the game as reflected by the odds, we cannot be far off.

This makes soccer live betting a literal gold-mine IF we can possess the skill to “decode the odds” and place our winning bets. With so many live bets being offered on every match day, there’s plenty of profitable actions to be had.

(Live betting is also popularly known as bet in-play, in-running, in-game and running ball).

“The Soccer Live Betting System – 10 Winning Strategies” which was launched recently had already created a stir in the soccer live betting market. The reason is simply because this is the only complete soccer live betting system available right now.

I’ve bought this system recently and let me show you what I’ve found out about this 108 page book.


The soccer season in Europe has ended. So games have been played and matches have been won and lost.

At every tail end of the season, the rumours of match fixing will rear its ugly head. Have you heard any?

How could we ignore the gossips when completely unexpected results happened … especially at the crucial point of the season when teams are fighting for coveted places to play in an European competition, or to avoid relegation.

Of course, in soccer, just like in any sport, there are always freak results. Just one error in judgement by a referee or a linesman can make a difference between winning and losing.