Tag Archives: hold em

Advanced Hold Em Tips – 7 Tips For Advanced Hold Em Players

If you are looking for some advanced hold em tips then read this article. You won’t find boring basic tips here. Warning: Advanced knowledge of Hold Em required.

7 Advanced Hold Em Tips

1) Utilise delayed steals when possible.

You can perform a delayed steal when you are in mid to late positions after anyone checks or raises. Call from position to set yourself up to take the pot after your opponent misses the flop. They won’t likely contest you and if they do they will lose more then they bargained for.

2) Make them pay for their draws.

If the flops drops and it looks as though your opponent may be playing for a draw, always raise to force them to pay for the privilege or pass up the chance. You’ll stop freeloaders and increase your long-term winnings.

3) Never stop mixing it up.

It should go without saying that if you play predictably you will be taken advantage of. Sometimes it’s right to play tight. Others it’s fine to play loose. Know when to and be sure to do it. If you’ve been playing one style for too long change!

4) Don’t play big pots with small hands.

Inevitably you will get into this situation. If an opponent is building the pot with a large raise don’t bother taking them on unless you have something decent. It’s easy to get dragged in with middle pairs or suited connectors. Don’t.

5) Play with better players then yourself.

I know the first thing that comes to mind is – why would I do that, I’ll lose! – but sometimes it’s better to play with better players that you can watch and learn from. Just be sure not to lose too much.

6) Know when a player is pot committed.

Realise when a player really commits himself to the pot – either intentionally or unintentionally – and take advantage of this. If a player bets more than 50% of his stack pre-flop he is committed.

7) Realise you don’t have to be the best.

You don’t have the be the best player at the table. You just have to be better then a few other players. Focus on winning their chips and try not to lose too many to the other guys.

No doubt these advanced Hold em tips will assist you in exploding your Hold em game into a more profitable endeavour. Keep up the learning and practice!

Advanced Texas Hold Em Tips – Top Secret Advanced Trick

I’m about to reveal this top secret advanced Texas Hold Em tips formula for raking in cash and exploding your stack and bankroll. Don’t miss out on this one.

This advanced Texas Hold em tips very simple, yet not as easy as you would like, which is why its advanced. It’s got great potential for making you a bucketload of money though so hang in there.

Advanced Texas Hold Em Tips – Avoid Multiway Action

Multiway hands on a Hold em table is complicated, difficult, and just downright messy. It is much easier to win when you are heads up playing one person. You should aim to get heads up with a single opponent by the flop. You can use betting strategies and advanced table position plays to achieve this.

First things first – your pre-flop raise and a half-decent tight aggressive reputation should indicate to your opponent that your hand is strong (even if it isn’t). You’ll need to leverage this to stay on top of the hand.

Remembering you odds, any player with unpaired hole cards, i.e. A-K, K-Q, A-J, will have about a one in three chance of making a pair on the flop. If they happened to already have a pair, i.e. A-A, K-K, Q-Q, than one in about eight times they will get three of a kind.

You can get into a heads up a bunch of different ways

1 – You enter the pot first, another player calls after you and then the blinds fold 2 – You enter the pot first, a player with a worse position then you calls 3 – Another player raises the pot, you call from a better position 4 – Another player raises the pot, you call from a worse position 5 – The small blind limps in, you check from the big blind. 6 – A player limps in before the flop. The small blind folds and you check from the big blind.

In each of these different scenarios you will be in a better or worse position. But it doesn’t really matter because being first up in a heads up is better than being later in a multiway play.

Forcing a heads up as soon as possible – preferably going in from pre-flop – is one of the best advanced Texas Hold Em tips to implement. By doing this you will exponentially increase your pots odds, not to mention give your poor brain a break from so many calculations.