Tag Archives: history

History Of Bingo Games

If you’re a fan of little bits of trivia, or a fan of bingo, or both, you might be interested in learning a little bit about the origins of bingo and its evolution into the games we know today. This article takes a look at important events in bingo history, purely for your entertainment.

The origins of bingo. Bingo can be traced to Italy, where it began in the 16th century. The date given for the first ever bingo game is sometime in the 1530s, played in a weekly Italian tournament called “Lo Giuocu del Lotto del D’Italia”. This game is still played every Saturday in Italy. The first bingo game was the 90 ball variety instead of the 75 ball variety we play in North America.

The game was eventually picked up by the French, who perhaps believed that the name gave a little too much glamour to the actual game because they shortened it to “Le Lotto”. It was widely played among wealthy Frenchman from 1779 onward.

The Germans take Le Lotto to a whole new level. The educational potential of bingo was first realized by teachers in Germany, who began using the game to teach children basic concepts in math, spelling and history. By this point in bingo history, the game had spread throughout most of continental Europe.

Bingo comes to North America. Bingo didn’t take root in North America until the early 20th century. It was commonly played at county fairs across the United States, and the first known game was played at a carnival in Atlanta in 1929. Beans were used as markers in the early stages, and so the game was known as Beano. This changed in New York when someone playing the game yelled “Bingo” instead of “Beano” and was overheard by a toy salesman. Edwin Lowe heard the accident, developed the game as a toy with the new phrase, and the phenomenon was born.

An important part of bingo history is the game’s continued role as a fundraiser for many different organizations, including churches and charities. An interesting piece of bingo trivia is that the game first gained widespread popularity after it began to be played in churches. Today, the game is played in casinos, churches, bingo halls, at schools, and online. The simplicity and the social aspect of bingo mean that it will always be a popular game all over the world.

The Myths of Roulette Play

The game of roulette has gained popularity almost from the very beginning of its existence. Unlike other popular casino games we know and love today, tracking roulette’s exact history is quite easy. The first form of roulette was developed in France somewhere in the 18th century. In 1842, the first “0” was added to the roulette wheel in order to create a house advantage. In the early 19th century, the game was introduced in the United Sates and another zero was added.

Over the years, roulette lovers have created a handful of fascinating myths regarding the game. Here, we have listed the most common ones:

Roulette wheel spins are not random Some gamers believe that the history of past spins has strong impact on the outcome of the next spin. For instance, after a string of 10 red slots hits, on the eleventh time, the roulette ball will definitely fall into a black slot. Unfortunately, such an assumption is completely baseless. Every spin of the roulette wheel is an independent event. This makes trying to predict future spins based on the past ones an irrelevant occupation.

Additionally, some players rely on ‘dormant numbers.’ The term refers to numbers that have not appeared for a long period of time. Somehow, these players believe that these numbers are to be hit in the nearest future. However, there is no logic behind such thinking.

Math can beat roulette Beating the roulette wheel with a mathematical calculation is also impossible. To be truly successful, such a calculation must rely on past experience. But, since there is no history to rely on (as we have already mentioned in our discussion of the previous roulette myth), these calculations are entirely worthless. Unlike the game of poker where skill is required and experienced players are more likely to win, roulette is a game of pure chance. Thus far, a winning formula has not yet been invented.

Smart money management helps winning While smart money management is of great help in a game like poker, it simply does not work when it comes to roulette. The house’s advantage is guaranteed and, no matter how a player manages his money, he can never strip the house of this advantage or reduce it in any way. This means that no money management systems can ever prove to be useful.

Biased wheels do exist Although mentioned last on this list of popular roulette myths, this myth is the most common one. Some roulette lovers never rest on their search for what is called a ‘biased wheel,’ which is a wheel with some mechanical defect. This flaw is believed to give players an edge because the ball is expected to fall into a certain sector, whether red or black, more frequently than it should randomly.

These myths make quite a lot of sense when trying to figure out why people create them in the first place. Since there is no way to influence the game, roulette enthusiasts are desperate to invent something that could provide them with at least some control over the game. This is, unfortunately, impossible.