Tag Archives: hands

Flop advice in Online Poker Gambling

• Raise with AA-QQ, AK and AQs from any position.
• Basically, all other starting hands are limping hands. Even though you might re-raise with them when you are defending your blinds, you might also raise with these hands when you are first in from last position.
• Mix up your play sometimes by raising/calling/re-raising with hands you would not normally play. This prevents predictability in online poker gambling.

General pre-Flop Advice in Online Poker Gambling

• The majority of the time, raise/re-raise with top-pairs (AA-QQ) and top connectors (AK, AQs) to make those with low pairs and various connectors pay to see flops against you. They will often have the opportunity to double up on you if they hit. Many beginners do not realize this and fold too often before the flop.
• Stick to premium hands. You will pay dearly to “chase” with second-best hands when playing No Limit.
• Keep most raises down to 70% to 100% (3 times the big blind is typically equals an 80% pot bet) to save money for the times when you get re-raised or called by strong holdings. If there are limpers in front of you, raise to about 4-6 times the big blind.
• Have respect for strong, tight players (you should drop AQ if a strong player raises under the gun).• When very weak players have entered the pot, call and take flops with them.

In order to decide the correct action, keep these factors in mind when :

1. What did you flop and what is your relative strength?
2. Who, if anyone, raised before the flop? What kind of player are they?
3. What position do you have relative to the player who raised?
4. Number of players (it is hard to bluff 3 or more opponents and there is a big chance of someone hitting a strong hand)?
5. Your stack size and the opponents’ stack size. When facing a bet, fold unless you have good reason to doubt the other player has strong cards. Because that player is “setting the odds”, it is important to make the right choice. Remember, your opponent can be holding anything from the stone cold nuts down to rags – if your hand is decent it may very well be an underdog to many possible hands. You will not always fold. In fact, sometimes answer with a raise when you have a good chance of grabbing the lead or if you think the opponent is weak. Then, YOU will be “setting the odds” and forcing the other player to make a decision, and potentially, the mistake. Save your calls unless you have very good reason not to such as like slow-playing a monster or drawing to the nuts in a multi-way pot. You will seldom get the odds for chasing “outs” by calling, unless your opponent’s bet too small or they give away free cards. By calling with mediocre cards, you become set up for a “guessing game” where you have to read opponents well and “make moves” to win.
Are you ready for some Online Poker Gambling? Get over to www.sportsbook.com/poker and get into the action now!

Asian Online Casino Games (Page 1 of 2)

Asian online casino games are now played over the Internet with an incredible choices to those more frequently played casino games like poker, slots, blackjack.

Although some of these games were unknown to European and American online casino visitors, the rise of the online casino has seen a sudden increase in popularity for these unique games to give a taste of the orient to you online casino games lists.

PAI GOW POKER Pai Gow Poker meaning “Make 9” is the crossbreed of Chines tiles game and American 7 card-stud poker. Pai Gow Poker is the most primeval game that are now at your fingertips at online casinos.

Pai Gow Poker is played as a poker style with 53 card deck, it is included with 1 Joker card. The Joker is a “wild card” and can only be used as an ace or when completing a flush, a straight flush.

There are seven cards are dealt to each player from which they must make 2 hands, one of the two cards are in low hands and one of fibve cards are in a high hand. You have to beat the banker with both hands.

If one of the player’s hands beats the dealer’s, but the other does not, the result is a tie and no money changes hands. SIC BO Sic Bo, meaning Dice bowl or Pair Of Dice is a plain and sailin’ dice game. The aim kof the game Sic Bo is to predict the individual numbers, or combination of numbers, that will appear on the dice following the “throw”.

Like the game of craps, Sic Bo is played with three dice and all bets get settled in one roll. Bets are placed on the total of the three dice rolled or on dice combinations like doubles and triples. Payouts are made at the odds given.

Players can bet on whether the total will be odd or even, whether specific doubles or triples will appear in the dice roll, whether specific combination will appear and much more.

FAN TAN Fan tan is also known as card dominoes, sevens or parliament. To play Fan Tan, the center of the table is either marked with a square board. The sides are labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4. There is a banker, called a “Tan Kun”.

The players place their bets on any numbers, after which the Tan Kun rings a bell to cut off the betting and empties onto the table a double handful of small coins, beans, buttons, or other small objects, which he covers with a metal bowl.

The Tan Kun removes the metal bowl and, using a stick and removes the buttons four at a time. This continues until no more than four buttons remain. If the last group has four buttons, the bet on “4” wins. If three are left, the bet on “3” wins, and the same for two and one.

MAHJONG Mahjong was developed by Confucius around the 500 BC. The game was introduced in United States during the 1920s and soon was accepted and get famous.

The American version of Mahjong was evolved in 1930s and played in America. As the game expands, the National Mahjong League was founded.

Nowadays, Mahjong is a game of skill that has become one of the most sought after online casino games. In each game, the player is dealt tiles with a series of detailed symbols drawn on them.