Tag Archives: gumball

Gumball Machines Vs. Soda Machines

If you ever thought about buying gumball machines, I know you probably thought of buying those big soda and snack machines.

Well I have thought about them too, I was really close to getting into the business. But let me tell you one thing gumball machines is passive income, soda and snack machines are not.

If you want a job then by all means go and buy soda and snack machines.

If you want a very part time, work one day out of the month, very good extra income type of business then bulk vending is for you.

I don’t want to discourage you if you were thinking about going the soda machine route but I just want to let you know that it is not as part time as most people think.

Bad Things about Soda and Snack Machines 1. Have to service your machines at least once a week.

2. You will need a truck or van to transport machines.

3. Very expensive to start, a good used machine will cost a 1,000.

4. You will lose a lot of money if you don’t know what you are doing.

5. These machines require maintenance they don’t run on autopilot.

6. You will get complaints and phone calls from your customers.

7. Did you think about keeping the machine stocked with change? If you don’t you will lose money.

8. Exit strategy what if you wanted to quit the business today how hard would it be to get out?

9. Takes a long time to service the machines.

Good Things about Soda and Snack Machines

1. Good income 4 figures a month after you get things going.

2. This could be your only job if you build your business up.

3. Once your machine is on location you are in business.

4. You can really make some good money.

Bad things about Gumball Machines

1. You will need a lot of machines to match soda and snack income.

2. Family and friends will laugh at you, until you start bringing in cash.

3. You will not be able to quit your job with 20 machines.

Good things about Gumball Machines

1. Only takes one day a month to service machines.

2. Any car will transport a bulk vending machine.

3. Cheap to start I have bought new machines for 50 dollars before.

4. Very hard to lose money even if you have no clue.

5. These machines will run on autopilot no problems.

6. No complaints no calls.

7. Machine only takes quarters no problems.

8. I could easily get out the business if I wanted to.

9. 4 minutes and under to service each machine.