Tag Archives: games chance

Casino games. How professional blackjack started.

There are a lot of myths about gamblers who as if were playing professionally before publication of the basic strategy for one-pack game by Americans Cantey, McDermott, Maisel and Baldwin in1958. But all that was before them still remains a legend. The four statisticians performed their calculations just with the help of hand calculator. However it was their publication in the American Journal of the American Statistical Association causing much excitement among both gamblers and statisticians, and blackjack was considered a game a common player might probably win. Encouraged by popularity of the article in the magazine, copied and learnt by heart by many players, the originators published a book “Winning Blackjack”. Nowadays this book is a scarce edition and it enriches the home library of many professional gamblers.

In 1962 Edward Thorp this time using computer technologies calculate and published in his book Beat The Dealer not only the basic strategy of playing but also card counting. Thorp states that blackjack differs from roulette, craps and other games of luck, the result of every hand in blackjack depends on the previous dealing – it really matters which cards drew back form the game and which remained in the pack. Most of the stuff calculated by Thorp is still precise, but all the serious modern gamblers should read this book only for historical interest.

Thorp’s system called “10 count system” was meant for one pack game which enjoyed great success in all casinos of Nevada. It was extremely difficult for learning, so most of the gamblers gave it up. However, Nevada’s casinos restricted some rules, for example, doubling down only on 11 points. The media told the whole world about it, and Thorp with his book became known all over the world and the casinos that showed themselves to disadvantage had to return former rules. Realizing that under such circumstances crowds card counters would be trying to beat the house, operators of gambling houses introduced two procedures – shuffling after withdrawal of the trim card and multi-packed games.

Thorp’s systems was very difficult to use in practice. But for the computer conference in Las Vegas in 1963, the game would remain on the same level. On a whim, the conference organizers decided to include a Panel Session on “Using Computers in Games of Chance and Skill.” It was just a whim of the organizers to include a section “Using computers in games of chance and skill”. Thorp was designated as Chairman of the Panel and experts on the various casino games, including blackjack, roulette and baccarat. The room filled up and overflowed with computer gamblers. Hundreds of conference attendees were pushing and shoving to get into the room.

The crowd, of course, had been drawn by Thorp. They were expecting revelations on the game and anticipated using his imparted wisdom immediately following the session to make a killing at the blackjack tables.

After one or two more presentations that mainly corrected and modified Thorp’s system, Harvey Dubner was introduced. He described the approach. Dubner kept a count of remaining high cards (10,J,Q,K,A) and low cards (2,3,4,5,6) as the cards were played and divided its difference by total cards left to play. He called the result the High-Low Ratio. His presentation was enthusiastically received by the standing room only crowd and he was given a round of applause at its conclusion. Here at last, many were saying, is a system that is practical, that can actually be used in the real world of casino play. Thorp incorporated “high-low” system into the second edition of Beat the Dealer published in 1966 and since then over 100 professional books on blackjack, team games, hidden computers, shuffle tracking and sleepless nights for casino securities all over the world.

How to Win Online Gambling

The games we will see are: Baccarat, roulette, craps and slots. Why you should play only bets with the best chance If you play without the chances in your favor, you do not get gambling online. If you know the chances of all these games, you can beat the casino.

Because they are games of chance, there is nothing you can do to influence the outcome of the match. Systems will not help you win at online gambling because they are based on the principle, you can influence the outcome by studying past performance. There is something you can do, however.

You can increase your chances of success and win the game online and when it is done simply by choosing the bet with the best chance.

To simplify the theory, the probability is expressed by a number between 1 and 0. With a probability of 1 is an event seen as a certainty:

A good example is a draw. the probability of a draw resulting in either “heads” or “tail” is 1, since there was no alternative, it is assumed that the piece will be the flat ground. Sometimes an event may have a probability of 5 and is regarded as equal opportunities to occur or do not occur:

As in the example of the draw, the probability of a draw due to the “tail” is 5, because the lottery is just as likely to result in “heads”.

To quantify the uncertainty of random events, probability theory applies series of accurate calculations. It is even part of a large part of mathematics called nonlinear dynamics (chaos theory), and many studies have been conducted with games of chance in this field. The odds are what they are!

One of the fundamental errors of many players and why they never win when gambling online is their belief that the ratings can get better if an event occurs several times. For example, if the head is the tail of 10 or 50 times, the probabilities do not change the queue to come on the next roll. There will always be a 50 – or 50% .5. Casino Advantage and Odd Best Bets Casino to hold an advantage in any game of chance, you can tilt the odds in your favor, but you can get close enough to win at online gambling Here is “YOUR” best chance

Bet on the “banker” to get the best odds and the casino edge is 1.06%

Bet on the prison in compliance with the European tables. The casino is right on the edge of 1.35%.

Your best bet is “contrary” in Paris (0%). Most players choose the casino bets with edges of 10 or more against them.

Slots is a little more complicated to give you the best choice because they are not one, but there are ways to play to put the odds a little more in your favor and there is much information on the Internet the best way to play

Lets face most players who earn the online game does not play games of chance, they play games such as blackjack and poker where they can gain an advantage. Most people play games of chance because their fun, exciting and fun! However, if you want a game that bridges the gap between games of chance and to consider more seriously the video poker games. Video pokers fun its exciting, simple, but if you play with strategy, you can put all the chances of your favor. By all means play games of chance for fun and betting help you win the game online, but if you want a game, you can always win when playing video poker online, find out.