Tag Archives: frequency

How to Win Lottery Tips & Secrets Revealed!

If you wish to win the lottery, break the old habit of considering the old lies about selecting the so called good numbers. You see, there are countless lottery players who use certain digits due to the fact that’s their wanted combinations. Or possibly you like to select your digits because it reflects the date you are playing the lotto. Or possibly you pick certain combos because you found the numbers inside a fortune cookie. All these techniques are not effective to win in the big lottery game.

Hence you first have to find out that it’s never about picking digits that you always use. It also is not about picking lottery numbers just because the psychic told you it’s going to hit big. It’s not about playing random combos out of the air. It also is not even about selecting numbers that have been hitting the least amount of times. Rather, it’s about picking numbers based on researching what has been hitting in the previous results. Thus let me show to you in detail.

The secret to winning in the lotto jackpot is to learn the past winning numbers. Taking a look at the previous facts of the winners is an important strategy to discover crucial info that can give you cues on how to pick your lottery for improved outcomes.

A lottery fact that numerous lottery coaches and statisticians have found out is that certain numbers appear more frequently than other lotto numbers. Unlike the common opinion that the lottery digits will be picked out randomly, it has been established and tested that certain lotto numbers occur to a greater extent often than other digits. This is what many lotto experts call the “frequency theory”.

The secret frequency theory emphasizes that you want to learn the most popular digits (from the newest drawings) and use those lottery numbers. Because when you play the frequency numbers, proven data has indicated that you will have a greater opportunity of making money utilizing the most frequent numbers than selecting the “cold numbers”.

This may be conflicting to popular belief or the average lotto player’s way of thinking. But studies have demonstrated that some particular numbers appear more often and this is what I name the “frequency theory”.

So how can you apply the frequency theory to better your odds in the lottery? Simply put, what you want to do is observe into the previous winning numbers. Create a date; It can be seven days worth of winning drawings. Or 30 days. Or it can even be 60 days. And make a point to create a simple chart starting from zero to forty six (or whatever range available in your lottery).

And then, you want to record the frequency of every number. From that graph, you to select the lotto numbers that were most picked out. You will note that certain lotto numbers were “hot” (most frequent) and other lotto numbers were “cold” (least frequent).

Research have consistently shown that choosing the hot numbers is a more successful technique than picking the “cold” numbers. Hence the next time you play the lottery, make sure to give more thought towards playing the hot numbers because evidence has pointed that the more frequent have the greatest numbers in the end.

The realistic odds of hitting in the bigger lotto is challenging but using these researched and tested big jackpot lottery techniques can serve you to have a bigger edge compared to the clueless lottery player who doesn’t understand the true story & secret truth of the big lottery game. If you apply these untold secrets, you will achieve more impressive results in the long run.

Inverted Lottery System Review

If you want to win the lottery with 7 tickets or less, then read this now.

You have to understand two most essential theories in the lottery games if you want to win more in the lottery. The first theory is what I name the frequency theory. The frequency theory is a tried and tested theory that the numbers that have been the most common in the past results are also going to most likely be the numbers that will potentially hit in the next drawings. Now, this is not just some theory that someone made up out of the blue. But it is a theory that has been tried by real data based on the lottery results of the past.

A lot of individuals may be surprised by the idea of the frequency theory because they think that all numbers have the same chances of making in the lottery game. But in reality, reports have consistently shown that certain numbers have better success than other numbers. That’s why you need to lean towards choosing the so called hot numbers instead of selecting the cold numbers.

The hot numbers are the numbers that have been the most frequent in the past results. The cold numbers are the numbers that have been the least common in the previous results. So there are two categories of lottery systems. Some methods encourage you to focus on picking the hot numbers because those schemes follow the frequency theory.

The frequency theory basically means to go out there and select the hottest numbers because those hot numbers are most likely going to win in the future. That has been well tested and a lot of lottery experts have discovered through realistic lottery results, that picking hot numbers does work better than selecting any random numbers.

The second area of thought in the lottery methods is the theory that you should choose the cold numbers. This concept is based on the law of averages theory. Reports have also shown that the law of averages does in fact prove to be true as well.

So it is efficient to select numbers that have been the least common in order to have success in picking the winning lottery numbers. Studies have revealed that choosing either hot numbers or cold numbers is better than picking any random numbers. That is why it is so important to consider the winning numbers of the past and based on those numbers, choose your own lottery numbers.

If you go by the frequency theory, you need to select the numbers that have been the most frequent recognized as the hot numbers. If you want to go by the law of averages theory, you wish to select the cold numbers.

Both schemes work. But my study has shown that it is even better to implement both theories into action. That means you need to choose your lottery numbers from both the hot numbers and the cold numbers to achieve maximum success in the lottery. Therefore, instead of just going for one type of numbers, implement both hot and cold numbers. I have seen many people use this concept to have much more success than choosing from one type of number.

In fact, I have used this same method to get 4 out of 6 numbers. So if you wish to have great success in the lottery, start selecting the hot numbers and the cold numbers starting now. Then, you will see that your results in the future for the lotto will improve dramatically. Good luck and I wish you great success!