Tag Archives: football betting

Football Betting System … Discover The Secret To Winning 90% Of The Time! (Page 1 of 2)

Just think how much money you could make simply by using a football betting system capable of winning 9 times out of 10 …

By asking several people this question:-

Do you think it is possible to win 90% of the time simply by using a football betting system?

Answers would probably be something like …

“I don’t think so, you never see a poor bookie do you”

“You can’t win money consistently, the bookie will always get you eventually”

“You’ll always lose more than you win, the bookie will make sure of that”

“The bookies make millions of pounds profit each year, so it can’t be that easy”

“It’s a mugs game, no football betting system or any betting system can win 90% of the time”

These are the sort of answers/comments that you would probably expect to hear from most people. It certainly looks like the bookmakers really have got it made!

So, is it really a mugs game?

Well, it’s only a mugs game if you lose more than you win, if you could find a way to win 90% of the time then it wouldn’t be a mugs game any more, it would be a really smart game.

Winning 9 times out of 10, how could the average person achieve this?

First of all you need to start thinking like a bookmaker and look at betting from an entirely different angle with a more clinical and professional approach.

Thanks to the internet the average person now has the opportunity to bet and make money in the same way as the bookmakers have always done. This is made possible by making use of the Betting Exchanges, such as Betfair, Betdaq etc.

Since the inception of Betting Exchanges it is now possible to bet on almost any sporting event to lose, instead of simply betting to win.

This is called LAYING, when you place a LAY you are saying that the event you are LAYING is not going to win, this could be a football team, horse in a race, golf player etc, in fact almost any sporting event imaginable is now available to LAY.

This concept must be fully understood to enable you to think and make money like a bookmaker. It’s not difficult, just different.

All bookmakers are LAYERS, so when you make a LAY on Betfair you are actually playing the role of the bookie. It may sound a little complicated if you know absolutely nothing about the subject, trust me this really is very easy. Betting Exchanges such as ‘Betfair’ have excellent help sections should you require any further information.

To further help with your understanding I have included a LAYING example below.

I will try to explain in very simple format …

Team-A 7/4, Draw 2/1, Team-B 5/2

Here’s how it works:-

If you LAYED the draw for say £10 at odds of 2/1 then,

If the match ended in a draw you would lose £20 (2 x £10).

If the match didn’t end in a draw you would win £10 (your LAY stake), in other words you have played the role of the bookmaker and you get to keep the £10 (less a small commission to the betting exchange).

Football Betting Master – Phill Ruston

Football betting master is the model our squad analyzed. Despite the fact Phill Ruston is a famous and seasoned internet professional punter, I must confess that I was big time hesitant about the great success rate that his websites says.

Everyone learns how challenging the athletic betting world might be, and we very rarely notice a competent bettor to accomplish his guarantees however on the other hand I witnessed so many gamblers implementing his method and his recommendations that I supposed that someting must going on here and possibly Phil’s service must have some merit to it.

As a successful punter, I commenced to evaluate this model through my best testing group.

Day after day thousands of dollars are bet on the under / over 2.5 goal marketplaces every weekend, and this strategy is making the effort to take punters to the next level when it comes to accuracy and success.

But where there are huge earnings, there can be massive failures. The selections was emailed just twenty-four hours from when the verification netmail was sent to secure our membership! His service made a large 1050% profit in only 40 days. The only time that the process had below average performance appeared to be at the world cup series while our betting bank broke even (it was pretty bookmaker’s friendly series).

The service unites tons of education for the gameplay with a proven statistical routine that leads to the big profitable rate.

I observed inexperienced bettors that understood very little about trading, had challenges comprehending the product, on the other hand the model presents one month service of disclosing the perfect event to place your money. Hence any bettor can profit from the football betting master. You must understand how money-making the under / over 2.5 goal market is. What you require is a system to be able to make great profits from it and that’s where Football Betting Master enters in.

Phil claims that don’t just he will reveal to you how to develop a staking bank of more than 500 $ risk free, but you additionally get a 40 page guide telling you accurately just how and the key reason why a ton of bucks can be skimmed off this market by the knowledge bettors who are well knowledgeable on the industry and are disciplined to the system.

Out Team’s tests on Phil Ruston’s football recommendations where extremely money-making. The system offered us the proper skills that supplied us the ability to generate our personal picks based on the suggested method. Examining Football betting master we realized that our picks were identical with those given by the author of football betting master.