Tag Archives: flop

Texas Holdem Poker Beginning Strategy for Online Poker Sites

Best Starting Hands in Texas Holdem Poker

The Texas Holdem Poker Beginner Strategy that I recommend is playing only the best starting Texas Holdem Poker hands.

The hands that you should be playing as a beginning Texas Holdem Poker player are: A-A, K-K, Q-Q, J-J, 10-10, 9-9, 8-8, A-Ks (the s means that both cards are the same suit – both clubs), A-Qs, K-Qs.

Limit yourself to only these hands. If you are dealt any cards outside of these hands then fold when playing at online poker sites.

The goal is to have you win money. The best way to do that is to win as much as possible on the hands that you have a chance to win and to minimize your losses on hands where you have little or no chance to win. In other words, fold the bad hands.

If you have one of the best hands, I recommend that you raise your opponents. A raise does a couple of things for you.

1. Tells you who else may have a strong hand (If they re-raise)

2. Forces a player with a bad hand to fold

3. Gets more money into the pot

Beginner Strategy on the Flop

When the flop hits you must assess:

1. Whether you have improved your hand or not.

2. Whether you have a hand that can win the game.

If you have improved your hand on the flop or still feel you have a good chance of winning, I recommend that you raise.

If you have not improved or don’t feel that your hand is good enough to win then I recommend folding when playing at online poker sites.

Beginner Strategy on the Turn and River

Playing on the Turn and River is similar. Every time a card is dealt you should ask yourself:

1. Did you make your hand?

2. Do you have a good chance of making your hand?

3. Most importantly, is your hand good enough to win?

If it is I would raise. If it is not then I recommend folding.

Summary of Texas Holdem Poker Beginner Strategy for online poker sites:

Texas Holdem Poker beginner strategy can be summed up in this manner:

1. If you do not have one of the best starting hands – FOLD

2. If you do have one of the best starting hands – bet or raise

3. After the flop if you have not improved your hand – FOLD

4. After the flop if you have improved your hand – raise

5. If after the Turn and River you have not improved your hand – FOLD

6. If after the Turn and River you have improved your hand – raise

Be a raiser, or a folder, do not be a calling station slowly giving your money away.

This Texas Holdem Poker beginner strategy is easy to learn and use. Practice it and you will improve you game dramatically.

Are you ready to start playing at some online poker sites? Head over to www.sportsbook.com/poker and get into the beginning poker action today!

Flop Play for Online Poker Sites

Flop play is very important in No Limit Texas Hold’em. The key is to find the relative strength of your hand. Over time, it is important to develop the ability to release good hands when you think they are second best. Determine your relative strength and release hands that face a real risk of being second-best. Betting is the natural move when you want to protect a good hand from being outdrawn or when you are presented with the chance to make your opponents fold. The flop is the time to “pump it or dump it”. It is extremely important that you always evaluate the relative strength of your hand on the flop when playing at online poker sites.

& 8232;
Typical Flop Situations& 8232;

Here are four typical situations on the flop at online poker sites:
Very Strong Hand (top two-pair, set)& 8232;& 8232;
• Often slow-play if the board is uncoordinated so you lure opponents in, induce bluffs or let them make second-best hands.& 8232;& 8232;
• If the board is coordinated and several are in, over-bet the pot so they have to pay for trying to outdraw you. The bigger the bet they call, the bigger their mistake. This is how you make money in poker: let other players pay for chasing you. & 8232;Strong Hand (over-pair, top-pair with A kicker, etc.)& 8232;& 8232;
• Bet about the size of the pot in order to protect it (for example, pushing out over cards and making draws pay).& 8232;& 8232;
• You may have to release this hand when facing an over-bet or raise because someone may well have a bigger over pair, a set, or connectors that hit the flop for a two-pair. You should not back any top-pair with your whole stack! & 8232;& 8232;
• If you bet and get called in several spots you have to decide whether your hand is the best because it is unlikely that all of the other players are drawing. & 8232;Medium Hand (top-pair with a weak kicker, middle-pair with A kicker, second pocket- pair, etc.)& 8232;& 8232;
• Most of the time, avoid betting this hand when in early position, facing several opponents, or against tricky players who slow-play frequently. Try to get a free card to hit one of your pocket cards on the turn or call/raise an opponent who bets from last position.& 8232;& 8232;
• If you are in late position and it is checked to you, bet.& 8232;& 8232;
• If you are facing a bet or raise, fold. You have no initiative and are probably chasing few outs.& 8232;
Are you ready to tackle some online poker sites? Head over to www.sportsbook.com/poker and get into the action today!