Tag Archives: female poker

What Attracts Women to Online Poker?

Today, online poker is fast becoming a female dominated area. Female poker players are on the rise. There are a number of very gifted women in poker who not only cling to their own but are up there encountering it out and taking first places. Statistics show that out of every 5 new sign ups, one or two of them are female poker players. The typical profile of a female sign up is a woman between the ages of 24 and 26, who shops online, has a business career, and is street savvy. So what’s attracting the ladies?

Televised poker games give female poker players such as Annie Duke, a mother who has made millions at the game, plenty of attention – thus generating female role models. Online poker sites mean women can learn the game and hone their skills before playing publicly.

Poker has a lot of media attention and women who are exposed to such media have found themselves interested in trying it out. Various exposure portals such as high profile or celebrity tournaments give the image of poker as something fun and exciting. Many women, including Annie Duke, Shannon Elizabeth, Kathy Liebert, Sabyl Cohen, and Cyndy Violette, have won huge sum of money at the poker tournaments.

More women are playing the game professionally. This means that women who are successful in poker games and tournament have empowered several other women to take up the game. The internet creates a safe environment for playing. Here are some common negative stereotypes about female poker players.

Many men assume female poker players are not savvy about betting, bluffing, reading tells, slow playing, calculating odds, unskilled and acknowledged about the game, not capable of aggressive play, setting traps, or bullying.

Female poker players have been a minority until recently, because poker was considered to be a male conquered sport for a long time. However, the percentage of players who are women has risen quite a lot nowadays.

Pokerlivenews and Pokergab: Top Online Poker News Sources

The allure of poker probably goes back all the way to the very first poker tournament. The players’ value just puts so much more into an already interesting card game that it spawned a ton of variations and is currently so widespread in the worldwide web; in fact, legislators passed a law to curb its proliferation. Well, that last bit doesn’t really bode too well for the lot of poker enthusiasts in the US, but still, it attests to the influence and the reach of the card game. And thus, like any other sport or hobby enthusiast who visits some websites about his favorite sport or hobby regularly, a poker buff needs his own list of poker news sites bookmarked for future reference, does he not?

Pokerlivenews dot com’s purpose is quite obvious from its name. Anyone from poker novice to poker shark can benefit not only from the news the site brings right to your personal computer or laptop, but also from all the other poker goodies they can find there. Player backings, poker tools, directories, blogs, videos, and merchandise can all be found in pokerlivenews.com, and that translates to one hot online hangout for a poker enthusiast. You can also follow links to affiliate poker sites that cater to a different branch of your poker needs. Pros can definitely use the site as a portal to all the online poker stuff they need, while beginners are recommended to visit the site often for both the poker news and the strategies and guides therein: from odds to poker math to fundamental theorems you can’t survive against the pros without. And it’s always a good idea to read up on top players and their game-plays, tune into poker interviews, and watch out for tournaments so you know when the pros are playing so you can practice the age-old adage: ‘watch and learn.’

Pokergab dot com on the other hand is a blog about poker. Female poker players would probably feel right at home at this blog what with its entries especially for female poker enthusiasts (like poker fashion during actual tournaments). There are blog entries about noteworthy news in the US and even other countries, so if you’ve been hard put looking for a poker blog that won’t waste your time, your search ends here. The news and updates, gossip and advice, all make for a good, informative read. And it doesn’t hurt that the blog’s author is an MBA of Marketing from Harvard. If you don’t think that has anything to do with poker, well it has something to do with her position as VP for Marketing for a Hong Kong-based online games and marketing giant—now that has something to do with poker. Just suffice it to say that you’re getting news and other stuff from someone in the know.

Well, those are two good poker sites you can try – you will most definitely go back to them every now and then, if not regularly, for your dose of poker news and updates. Remember to check out pokerlivenews dot com and pokergab dot com.