Tag Archives: emotions

Casino Gambling Survival Tips

Nobody wants to lose money in playing in casino games but unfortunately many do. Although there are no sure win gambling strategies available to guarantee you are the winner, but if you put some plan in place before and at the time of playing casino games, you may increase you chances of winning in the games. Here are 5 casino gambling survival tips for your reference:

1. Absolutely know the games you are playing

It’s a proven fact that the player with the most knowledge has the best luck. Don’t jump start into the game until you really know about the game. You should take your time to observe how’s the game is played. Information is available on internet where you could learn the playing rules of the game; you could even download the casino software and try to learn how to play by using this free casino software. And at of playing, don’t be afraid to ask the dealer to explain anything you don’t understand.

2. Never drink and play

Most of casinos offer free alcoholic drinks to their customers and you could enjoy the drinks while playing your games. It’s unwisely to drink while you are playing because alcoholic drinks will impairs your judgment and thinking process. You should have a clear mind for a full focus on your games.

3. Know You Budget

Don’t play all the money in your wallet, you should set a limit on how much money you are going to spend on a game and then stick with it. You should continue monitor and manage your bank roll and remember to save the money you win. Any amount over your starting bank roll is your winning amount that you could take home. Most players will not stop playing while they are in the winning mode and re-bet their winning amounts and end up with losing all the money they win earlier and some even end up with a net loss. Hence, you should know when to stop and bring home your win money without re-betting them.

4. Don’t play with emotions

Many casino players will start playing with emotions once they start to win big amount of money, especially those players who win too fast and too big, they will lose their cautions on the games and simply bet what their emotions tell them to bet on without thinking. When you start to win big, be sure to maintain your caution and gamble with your head, not your emotions.

5. Keep a low profile

Whenever there is big money involve, there will always be unsavory characters on the prowl. Hence, if you have a large bank roll, lock up with the casino cashier until you are ready to leave. Don’t expose your cash to public or tell anyone the big money you have wined. Some casinos are able to issue their check to you upon request when you cash in a big amount of casino cash chip; it’s saver to go back with the check than the big cash in your pocket.

In summary

Remembering these five gambling tips at all times will help keep you out of the casino’s claws.

Playing on Tilt (Page 1 of 2)

A player goes on tilt when his or her emotions take over. A player on tilt no longer plays rationally and instead plays like a maniac. Often, the player just suffered a terrible set back and is very irritated. A player on tilt often loses a lot of money, money he cannot afford to lose. However, even the best players go on tilt at times.

If you are like me, you have experienced poker tilt and the purpose of this article to help you learn the cause, consequence and the cure for tilt.

Causes of Playing on Tilt

1. Overly Tired. Exhaustion is one of the best recipes for tilt. When you are tired, your decision-making will fall off and you become prime candidate for making mistakes. If you are constantly yawning, you have heavy eyes, and having a hard time staying awake, it is time to stop!

2. Cold Cards. Poker players often experience a wave of frustration from catching cold cards. You need to maintain a calm approach or take a walk because players who face poker frustration tend to push the action more. Will often play hands out of position and chase cards.

3. Suck Outs. Suck outs and bad beats are the MAJOR CAUSE of tilt. By “suck outs,” I mean a BIG POT that you COULD have won… Then again, even perhaps OUGHT TO have won… but you did not because another player caught a “miracle card” on Fifth Street. For some reason, poker players can always dredge up their FAILURES, but never remember their ACCOMPLISHMENTS at the poker table.

4. Abusive Opponents. Don’t allow other players to put you on tilt with their sarcastic attitude and foul mouthed words. In the brick and mortar venues, poker etiquette is the rule of law among professional poker players. However, playing online, you have the advantage of hiding behind a computer screen. That secrecy allows people to get away with poor behavior that he would not get away with in real life. It is common to find players online who will cut loose a heavy flow of racial insults, curse words, and harassing statements. The best way to handle those players is to mute them.

5. Problems at Home. Usually when bad things are happening to you, it tends to affect your play at the tables. If you are fighting with your wife or you just lost your job stay away from the poker table. POKER and PROBLEMS do not mix. Do not look at poker as a way to escape from your problems, because if you are running from your problems you will only find them magnified at the POKER TABLE.

Consequences of Playing on Tilt

1. Tilt Distresses the Mind. Tilt is an emotional condition, which affects the way you think and behave. As much as we would like to believe we could ISOLATE our emotions from our thinking, we cannot. The truth is our emotions are MORE POWERFUL than logic or reasoning. When on tilt, you will start playing in a way that JUST DOESN’T MAKE SENSE.

  • * You might call bets you should not.
  • * You might allow a personal feud to cloud or dominate your judgment.
  • * You are likely to try too hard to get even.
  • * You might play in games you cannot win. Players playing on tilt play more aggressively because their trying to catch up.
  • * There is a universal poker rule: GAINS COME SLOWLY. LOSSES COME QUICKLY. It can take three hours to win a hundred dollars but only THREE SECONDS to lose it all. Texas Holdem strategy is all about playing smart and keeping the odds in your favor. A player on tilt is hoping to catch a MIRACLE HAND like quads or a full house. The problem is… the ODDS do not work like that. You cannot SUDDENLY win what was lost in the previous hand.

2. Tilt Distorts the Perception. A pre-flop raise of 1,000 chips no longer looks “big” after you have just lost 10,000. Therefore, you decide to call the raise with your K 2 offsuit… because TILT has you by the balls. Accept the outcome of every hand and then forget about it and move onto the next hand.