Tag Archives: either

Texas hold em calculator (Page 1 of 2)

Building your own texas hold em calculator on your computer is very easy, all you need to know are the math equations have a copy of Microsoft Excel. If you want to go high tech, you can always look for programs that will allow you to put your Excel spreadsheets online, turning your desktop calculator into an online calculator. Ok, so the first step to building your calculator is knowing what math equations you will need to produce the right results.

The first equations will be for the number of outs you have remaining to win the hand. If you want to determine how many outs you have after seeing the flop for the turn the math equation is as follows: The number of outs you have divided by 47, which is the number of unknown cards remaining. There are 52 cards in the deck, you have 2 in your hand and 3 on the flop, thus 52 minus 5 equals 47. So let’s say you are holding King Queen of spades and the flop came Jack of Spades, Ten of Spades, four of diamonds. If you pick up any ace or any nine you will have a straight, which gives you a total of eight outs for your straight. There are a total of 13 flush cards in the deck and you currently have 4 of them, leaving you with nine outs. However, being that there are 2 flush cards being accounted for if you hit a straight (the ace of spades and the nine of spades) you have to subtract those two cards from nine leaving you with seven more outs to hit a flush. So you have a total of 17 outs to win the hand by either straight or flush. Being that a king or queen may also give you the highest hand with a pair, you have 6 more additional outs, the king of diamonds, clubs, and hearts as well as the queen of those same three suits. So best case scenario you have 23 outs to win the hand. 23 / 47 will tell you your percent chance of making your hand. In this case its about 49%. If you want to avoid the decimal system multiply the number you came up with by 100.

For the river the equation will be exactly the same, only you would divide the number of outs by 46 instead of 47, because there is one less card left in the deck for the river. So your river equation would be of outs divided by 46 times 100 to avoid decimals.

If you want to know your chance of making your hand on either the turn or river the equation goes something like this: 1 minus ((47 minus the number of outs you have) divided by 47) times ((46 minus the number of outs you have) divided by 46) times 100. The reason you are using the number one at the beginning is because without it, you would have the percent chance you won’t win, as opposed to the percent chance you will win.

If all these numbers are too messy and complicated you can always use the “on the fly” method to calculate. If you want to know your chance of winning on either the turn or river take the number of outs you have and multiply that number by 4. The more outs you have the more inaccurate this method becomes, but then again at it’s worse its only off by about 4%. For hitting your card on either the turn or river multiply the number of outs you have by 2.

Lucky Lottery Systems – How to Know Which Winning Lottery System to Try

I can’t actually call myself the definitive source on the subject of which winning lottery method to try because I haven’t personally tried any winning lottery system yet. I haven’t won a mega lottery jackpot and this article is not a testimonial of the various programs. But the subject interests me and I want to share my opinions.

I think that I’m most of the world’s email lists and I’ve recently received two mail outs that tweaked my further reading and thoughts on the subject matter. The first I received {spoke of winning the lottery by the law of attraction.

Perhaps you’ve seen or explored this avenue: the law of attraction used to be a very hot topic and a large number of Internet products are still rooted on principles expressed in ‘The Secret’.
Winning Lottery Jackpots using the Law of Attraction – The law of attraction works. I can attest to this from my own experience and I deem myself an expert on attracting but I wonder if it works specifically for lottery wins. I suppose that it must but the law of attraction needs absolute faith and therein is the problem.

Think of the law of attraction as being similar to faith healing. The healing doesn’t happen without the faith and similarly, the law of attraction will not attract anything beneficial unless you really believe that it will. To perform as it can, the law of attraction needs you to think of it as a law that is as unbreakable as the law of gravity. Can you manage the total belief in a law of attraction winning lottery system? Bearing in mind that any slight wavering in belief nullifies the possibility.

Winning Lottery Jackpots using a Mathematical Formula – The other email offer I received was one suggesting that a math teacher had a lottery winning formula for sale. Those who know me may think this type of lottery winning system would be the last one I would use or suggest, but let’s look at this objectively.

Even if a numerical system existed to correctly pick winning numbers, then the more people that used the same formula to get exactly the same number sequence would dilute the value of the prize. (This humorously happened in the movie – Bruce Almighty). On the other hand, mathematics is always the truth because numbers are not capable of falsehood. I’m reminded of a very short science fiction story I read about all the computers being finally linked together to answer the question “Is there a God?” And the amazing computer answered, “Now there is.”

So here is my thinking on this article’s topic of how to pick which winning lottery system to buy.

Either try both together, or use neither.
The best chance of winning a big lottery jackpot is with the law of attraction: of that I am certain. But your best way of gaining the degree of certainty required to initiate the law of attraction, is to have something tangible and believable like a proven mathematical lottery winning formula working for you. For the optimum chance of winning a lottery jackpot you would be using the law of attraction to get it and the mathematical formula can focus your mind to do it.

The universe is not random and almost nothing in it is truly random either. Something tips every balance and why any given number comes up in a lottery winning result has been predetermined.

I said either use both the law of attraction lottery program and employ the math professor’s lottery winning formula, or to employ neither. I’ll rephrase it a bit.