Tag Archives: doubling

Novice Guide: Effective Strategy For Blackjack (Page 1 of 2)

When watching people playing at the best rated online casinos, often times you’ll notice that they’re just guessing at what decision to make next. This is most obvious when watching people who play blackjack. They are totally unaware of how much of an effect they have on the total outcome if they were familiar with some of the basics of blackjack. Unlike many other conventional casino games, blackjack is actually a positive expectation game and can work to your full advantage, if the right decisions are made while you play.

One of the first strategies that blackjack players use when trying to beat the game is what is known as the Effective Blackjack Strategy.

HIT AND STAND The most basic thing to remember is, because the dealer always has to take a hit on any hand 16 or lower, you won’t win as much money when you’re holding less than 17, unless the dealer busts.

Like these one: If your hand is below 17 and the dealer is flaunting an Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, or 8, you need to take a hit. Remember, Whenever the dealer holds one of these cards his chances of busting are very meager, so unless you clear 16 your chances of winning are also meager.

When to stand? Let’s say your hand is beyond 12 and the dealer shows a 4, 5, or 6, your best play is to stand. When the dealer is showing any of these 3 cards, the dealer’s chances of busting are on a high. In fact, it’s more than 40% of the time. Think of how silly you’d feel if you took a hit with 15, caught a 10 and busted, only to see that the dealer had 14 and would have been forced to take a hit and draw the 10 instead of you. Every time you bust yourself instead of busting the dealer, you’re not winning as much money as you could be winning.

DOUBLE The best and the fastest way to make it when playing Blackjack is by successfully doubling down at every chance. Doubling down can make you double your bet or end up costing you double if you do it in a bad spot. The first and most important rule of doubling down is, always double down any hand summing up 11.

No matter what the dealer’s showing, if you hit a 10 when you’ve got 11 he won’t beat you.

So when else should you double down? When your hand is 10 and the dealer is showing a 9 or lower, double it up. When your hand is a 9 or you have a “soft” hand like an Ace counted as 11 between 13 and 17 against a dealer’s 4, 5 or 6, double it up. That’s it though. Those hands give you the best shot at cashing in when you double down.

SPLIT Splitting can be highly profitable if you do it with the right cards, or you could end up costing you by splitting a winning hand into a pair of losers.

The first thing to remember when splitting is, never split 10’s or 5’s. The 10’s refers to any card valued 10, whether it be the actual 10 or any face card. Conversely, always split aces and eights, no matter what the dealer is showing. The reason behind splitting aces should be obvious, but you might be perplexed about 8’s.

How Backgammon Gambling Works

Backgammon is a game that you can play at online gaming sites for fun and money. While it can be tempting to go straight for the money, a player should ensure that he has the necessary skills before competing in online tournaments. There are several ways in which you can improve your skills before you play for cash. In this article we’ll take a look at some of the ways people learn about internet backgammon and how they can boost their chances of winning.

One of the easiest and most accessible resources for new players who want to improve their backgammon game is backgammon download software. This software is available for free online and can be installed directly to your PC. This means that wherever you go, you’ll be able to access a free backgammon game, try out new tips and strategies and learn valuable new skills. Most importantly, you’ll reap the benefits of the old saying “practice makes perfect.” So after you’ve mastered all aspects of your backgammon game download, you can test yourself against real opponents with a higher level of confidence.

To find free software for downloading to your PC, simply use a reputable search engine or visit any number of backgammon forums. These sites offer free advice to gaming fans about where to play and how to find free backgammon downloads for practice.

Once you’re up to speed with the game and fully conversant with all the rules and requirements, you’re ready to start backgammon gambling. Backgammon offers some interesting opportunities for gambling. Firstly, it is usually a fast-paced game where quick thinking is necessary in order to counteract and deflect your opponent’s attacking moves. You also need to be able to play defensively at the drop of a hat. How much a player is prepared to gamble is of course highly dependent on how solid his game of backgammon really is.

You will also need to know how the doubling cube works in a game. When you’re learning about the backgammon set, you may notice that in addition to a backgammon board, die and checkers, there is also another six-sided object present which is similar in appearance to a die. This six-sided object with the numbers 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 displayed on its sides is the doubling cube. Its purpose is to represent the wager being made and to reflect its increases throughout a game.

If you are in possession of the doubling cube and you want to raise the stakes, you can offer the doubling cube to your opponent. If he refuses the cube, he automatically forfeits the game. However, if he accepts, the doubling cube serves as a reminder of how much the bet has increased. In this way, gambling in online backgammon can be highly lucrative for experienced players. When you can increase the wager up to 64 times its original size, you can see why many online gambling fans are working to improve their game of backgammon.