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Mobile Casino Trends of 2011

Mobile casinos are rapidly becoming a new trend in spending time and money. The end of the last decade perhaps marked the beginning of the whole new era of non-traditional gambling. The emergence of new mobile devices and convergence of mobile technology with social networking could not possibly leave gambling industry unaffected.

First professional punters were offered an opportunity to play casino games at home. Very soon most of them realized that downloading casino software wasn’t a rocket science – some basic knowledge of computer and Internet access were enough. Despite some conservatives’ skepticism online casinos have become a huge success.

But that was yesterday. Mobile casinos are now overtaking all other types of casinos. It is hardly surprising as most of us rarely part with our mobile devices. The more sophisticated our gadgets become, the more opportunities for entertainment mobile casino operators can offer.

If you still use some vintage monochrome mobile phone, but want to play at the mobile casino, you will need to invest into something more functional. Don’t worry, online casino developers are also investing heavily in the investigation of their mobile options. As iPad2 and HTML5 coding language will not keep us waiting for too long, mobile casinos will get even more eye-pleasing and realistic graphics as well as better usability.

Some industry specialists also predict that Android will strengthen its position in 2011. Whether it will really take over the majority of the market share from Apple or not, this tendency means that many mobile casino developers will pay more attention to this operation system. However you can choose any mobile device and rest assured that in any case you will be offered an enormous variety of options for playing mobile roulette, poker or blackjack.

Another mobile casino trend to look out for is it’s convergence with social networking. Depending on your privacy settings you will provide your mobile casino operator with some data. This also should contribute greatly to the development of new games and improvement of old ones. Developers never stop researching the market in order to bring us their best mobile products. After creating a more accurate social portrait of their customers, they can adjust to their needs and satisfy their demands. So don’t get all-scared – it’s not another proof that Big Brother is watching you.

You probably know that GPS (Global Positioning System) receivers are now integrated in many mobile phones. This means that location of many mobile casino players can be easily tracked. It surely also depends on which security and privacy options you choose, but isn’t it great to get something nice from your casino operator? You may get a chance of winning a shopping voucher or a free dinner at some fancy restaurant just because you live in your hometown.

Keep your Brain Sharp with Online Bingo!

Most of us believe that a typical bingo player is an average person with an average mind. He can be no Albert Einstein sitting down with a bingo card and dauber under the tree, or somebody with outstanding mental acumen sitting in front of a PC with his finger anxiously resting on the mouse waiting for his numbers to be called. Sadly, we most often relate bingo players with old age ladies sitting in a smoke filled bingo hall with bingo cards spread out in front of them.

However, this stereotype is now being broken as people from all vocations, nationalities and age groups are enjoying best bingo games online. According to various studies, online bingo may be beneficial for brain development and can improve concentration in players of all age group. This finding has come as good news for regular bingo players who feel happy in the fact that they can enjoy bingo, interact with friends while giving their brain a much needed workout, right from the luxury of their own home. The research has also established that online bingo has similar effect on brain as solving crosswords.

Done over a long period of time, these researches are very accurate. The results proved than those who play at best bingo sites online enjoy an improved memory and were able to remember more things as compared to those who don’t. The research also established that regular bingo players have better concentration power and could efficiently manage several tasks simultaneously. Although the sample audience was largely older people, yet researchers strongly believe that the young people too can enjoy better brain function, if they play best bingo games regularly.

Nowadays, many best bingo sites offer exciting games that keeps the brain active, hence making it healthier and function better. Bingo games keeps your senses engaged through its multiple processes and keep your mind occupied as you use your ears, eyes and hands simultaneously. When playing bingo, you have to be very attentive throughout the game so as to make sure that you don’t miss a number and thus your chances of winning. Online bingo gives your brain a rich exposure to multitasking and helps keep it sharp and focused.

For more accurate results, the total sample data for the research was divided into 2 groups. Of these two groups, one was set out to the task of playing bingo and the other half did nothing. The outcome of the survey showed a striking difference in the test results. The bingo playing group fared well in the tests in contrast to the passive group.

Despite a wide gap in the age, the tests remained conclusive that best bingo games are good for the brain. While there is no denying that there are many other ways to keep the brain active, but they are certainly not as entertaining as online bingo. So, now you don’t have to be embarrassed when playing bingo the next time, as you can proudly tell your friends that you are giving your brain a workout.