Tag Archives: deck


War, what is it good for? Absolute fun and profit, that’s what it’s good for! If your childhood was anything like mine, you played the card game War often. One day the casino execs woke up and decided to bring this popular card game to the casino.

In Las Vegas, War was a side game. If a casino had it, the game was given one table spot in the pit. Thankfully, online casinos aren’t limited to floor space and that’s why most online casinos have War.

Okay, I’m not going to assume you know how to play, so I’ll start at the beginning.

War is played against the dealer. If you’re playing it online, it will just be you at the table. In real life, there could be other players, but everyone is playing against the dealer.

War is played with one deck of cards and the deck is shuffled after every hand. Your goal is to beat the dealer. It’s a simple game. You get one card and the dealer gets one card. You want your card to be higher than the dealer’s card.

In War, the cards rank like this: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace.

Okay, it’s called War and war is what we want. If your card matches (in rank) the card the dealer gets, you’ve got a potential war. I say potential, because you can fold if you feel nervous.

I don’t recommend folding. Why? Well, if you’re not going to war, why play the game. Honestly, the fold option makes no sense. It’s just there to take advantage of the suckers. I mean think about it. The deck is fresh. Two cards are out. You and the dealer have the same cards. Why on earth would you fold?

Instead, your move is to double your wager (required to stay in the hand) and see what happens. It’s just like the classic game. Three cards are placed face down on each hand and a fourth card is placed face up. If your fourth card is higher than the dealer’s fourth card, you win. If not, you lose. It’s as simple as that.

There’s no thinking in this game. It’s a fun game to kick back to. You place your wager, get a card and win, lose or go to war. The payout is always even money no matter how you win.

Actually, war can be a blessing. It’s the only way you can increase your original wager.

Example Hand:

You place a $5 bet. The dealer gets a 7 and you get a 7. You decide to stay in and go to war, so you place an additional $5 wager-$10 total now. You and the dealer get three down cards and a fourth up card. The dealer shows a 6 and you show a 10. You win and are promptly paid $10.

Texas Hold Em Poker

The popularity of this poker game is bigger than all of Texas. The game of Texas hold em poker is played in casinos, Gentlemen’s clubs, and around kitchen tables all across the United States and in other countries.
Texas hold em is unlike many other games of poker because aside from the two cards each individual player begins with from the deck, five communal cards are placed on the table for all players to use.
A game of Texas hold em poker usually consists of from two to ten players, and the order in which players take turns placing bets is set from the outset of the game. The order typically starts with the first player to the left of the dealer and continues around to all players.
A game of Texas hold em begins with each player paying a set amount of upfront money known as an ante. In subsequent betting, more money is added to the opening ante, and thus becomes the “pot” or the “winnings” the winning player receives.
Next each player is dealt two cards that are dealt to them face down on the table. Each player looks at their cards and makes bets accordingly beginning with the first player to the left of the dealer.
Once these bets have been placed, the dealer removes the first card from the top of the deck and places it in “no play.” The dealer then deals the next three deck cards face up as communal cards for all players to use. Another round of betting now takes place. If a player doesn’t believe the hand they hold to be a winning hand they can fold or drop out of the game, forfeiting whatever money they have already put into the ante and pot. Play continues until all active players have placed a bet or folded. .
Another top card from the deck is placed in “no play” and the next card from the deck is added to the three already face up on the table. Another round of bluffing and betting follows and continues until all players have either bet or folded.
For the final round of Texas hold em play, the first card from the deck is again discarded and the next card from the deck joins the other four cards face up on the table. Bets are placed and then there is a “call” in which all players show their hands in order to select a winning hand.