Tag Archives: deck

Blackjack Tips

Today, I will share with you some tips and thoughts about Blackjack. This article will be most beneficial to beginning and mid-level Blackjack players.

Press Up to Single Deck

If you walk around casino in Las Vegas, you’ll notice that most of the Blackjack games are shoe games. Sometimes you’ll see double-deck Blackjack and sometimes-rarely-you’ll see affordable single-deck games.

Here’s an important tip. If you’re playing $15 hands of double-deck or shoe Blackjack and there’s $25 per hand single-deck game open, think about pressing up and going to it. You’ll be in a much better situation and the increase might be manageable for you.

Of course, if you’re playing $5 hands, $25 would be too much.

Single Deck isn’t Single Deck

Don’t get confused between single-deck Blackjack in the real world and single-deck Blackjack at online casinos. They are not the same thing-not even close.

When you play online, that single deck game is shuffled after every hand. You never get a read on a deck and you’ll always be playing “randomly.” In a real-world casino, you can get a few hands out of each single deck. This will allow you to get a feel for the deck, remember what’s left and play a better game.

While there’s a difference between single- and double-deck games online, just remember that the online versions aren’t played the same as their real-world counterpart.

Don’t Chase the Win

It’s theoretically possible for you to lost 1,000 hands of Blackjack in a row. Don’t get sucked into the progression line of betting.

In other words, don’t press your bets just because you’ve lost and you feel you’re “due” to win. It doesn’t work that way. You need to play smart and consistent to win at Blackjack over the long term.

There are countless Blackjack systems out there that are built on progression chains. A common one is 1-2-4-8-16-32-64. This means that if you lose the first bet, you wager two units. Lose that bet and you play four units next time-and so on.

This is the best way to lose a fortune fast. Plus, why would you wager 64 units to win one unit? I hope you can see the stupidity in all of this.

That’s not to say that you can’t do mini-progressions and have fun. Perhaps something like 1-1-3. Just don’t get too nuts. Keep a balance between trying to win money and having fun.

Blackjack, like most casino games, is very fun to play, but it can be extremely frustrating. Don’t give yourself a heart attack by getting caught up in wild and crazy progression chains. Stick to your guns, learn the game, and play to have fun. You’ll not only enjoy yourself, but you’ll have a much better chance at bringing home some free money.

Texas Hold Em Poker Strategy – 12 Steps To Success

This Texas Hold Em Poker strategy is an easy game for any beginner. Read this article now to learn how.

Texas Hold Em Poker can be understood quickly and the more one plays, the quicker and better he grasps the nuances of the game.

It is played with a normal deck of 52 cards. Many poker rooms offer beginners, tables where they can practice and play for free.

Once the players are confident of themselves, they can start playing on real money tables. There is also the option of practicing online, where one can avoid details like shuffling, dealing etc.

Texas Hold Em Poker Strategy – How The Game Is Played

The game is played, as detailed below:

1 – First the players place blinds or antes for the game to start, which is called posting.

2 – A standard deck of 52 cards is then shuffled.

3 – Two cards are dealt for every player which are placed face down. These initial cards are called pocket or hole cards.

4 – Then the betting starts and similar to most poker games, the players are allowed to call, raise or fold.

5 – After the round of betting, the dealer then removes the first card (called the burn card) from the deck, to prevent cheating.

6 – The dealer opens the next three cards and puts them on the table (face up).

7 – Any player can use these cards along with their own cards to get a poker hand.

8 – Another round now begins with the players betting, starting again from the person who is to the dealer’s left.

9 – After everyone has given his bet, the dealer flips one card, called the turn. Many times the bets double at this stage.

10 – A card is burnt by the dealer who places one last card on the table – called the river. Players are allowed to use their own cards plus any of the cards on the table (totally 5 cards).

11 – The player who has the best hand is the winner. At times there may be a tie where players split the money.

12 – A player who is confident of his cards “raises” the bet, the one who is not sure “folds” and the game ends with the “show”.

These are the basic steps you’ll need to conquer to utilize any profitable Texas Hold Em Poker strategy. Please continue to learn more about Hold Em so that you can make money playing this fabulous game.