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How to Win at Video Poker

Video poker is a game of cold, calculated exactness. A pitting of man against machine, the often daunting mathematical odds prove that only the very brave step up to face the sickly, menacing glow of screen of the online casino video poker game.

And some are willing. A few brave souls rise, unwavering, to the task, and with mathematical prowess, offer tangible human challenge to the terrifyingly alien and inhuman stare of the video poker game.

But for those without that mathematical prowess, there are ways to meet the video poker machine head-on.

You know you’re brave enough, and the day is far in the future where you succumb to a mere machine.

The Tips

The first rule to besting video poker is to know the fundamentals of the game. You may be battling an entity devoid of emotion, a cold steel box from which you cannot pluck an inkling of feeling, or a bluff or a give-away. Knowing the basics of the game will help with this factor. As it is only when we know the basics that all other aspects are disregarded and the game becomes raw, stripped and real; which the only way a computer knows how to play.

Next, use those like you. Join a players’ club and practice the fundamentals. A human-being can conduct thought patterns which transcend those of a randomly generating machine brain. Practicing with fellow poker enthusiasts will open you up to those levels, and if mastered, will help you operate as a poker player, far beyond the linear capabilities of the video poker machine.

Check card combinations online. There are websites available that have on-hand, an array of possible video poker card combinations. If you know the combinations which favour retaining certain cards and discarding others, you automatically stand a chance of better anticipating the machine’s next move. These card combinations can obviously be used with many hands, and it’s up to you to decide whether to ‘stand’ or ‘fold’ as these combinations come at you. Memorising these combinations can only stand you in good stead, whatever the hand.

Adding to this, each game comes with certain pay tables afforded to it and knowing these pay tables, gives you another distinct advantage when deciding on cards. Remember, you need to retain the cards that improve your hand, and discard those that don’t. Knowing the pay tables allows you to decipher which combinations match with which paying structures, and gives you a head start advantage over that stationary opponent.

At the end of the day, though, it’s always best to cut your losses. Decide on a total loss and stop playing when you reach that total. The Online Casino video poker machine can never be the true winner, as it cannot turn from the challenge and live to fight another day. As you practice, memorise combinations, get familiar with different hands and pay tables, and build your poker assault with practice and the knowledge of the basics, you’ll triumph…you’ll triumph in the glow of that inhuman stare, and you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank.

The 2011 Badminton Horse Show

Even for non-equestrians it is popular family holiday. In 2011 the event takes place over the Easter weekend, April 21-25. The entire event encompasses a five day period with a variety of shopping opportunities that rival any town mall. It makes the perfect destination for a family day out.

The Three Day Event showcases dressage, cross country, and show jumping. One event takes place each day allowing spectators to decide their area of interest or take in the full range of events. The riders aren’t the only champions. The horses can only compete at Badminton if they’ve earned sufficient points in the previous season to qualify.

William Fox-Pitt has won a stupendous 40 Three Day Events including the Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trails (2004). In 2011 he has entered five horses from which to choose. Entries from 12 countries include a strong squad from Germany. Andrew Nicholson from New Zealand boasts 29 finished but has yet to win the event brought three horses including his renowned World Equestrian Games Bronze Medallist, Nereo.

The trial has been extended to include Thursday 21st April to include the Mitsubishi Motors Grassroots Championships for novice riders. All the trade stands will be open for business including 141 which offers Dodson & Horrell horse feed, herbs and supplements. They have their feed experts there to help answer any questions or concerns owners may have regarding their horse’s diets. This additional day affords spectators an opportunity not only to visit the stalls but to walk the cross country course also.

Cancer Research UK has been chosen as Charity for the 2011 Year for the Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials. This always means they receive large funds for their charity.

The United State has a contingent of six riders, one of their largest contingents in years. Three members of Canada’s WEG Silver Winning Team have joined the Americans coming over for this three Day Event.

The women riders are also well represented. Tina Cook comes with her 2009 European Champion ride. Piggy French brought two of her award winning rides with her, and Triple Badminton victor Pippa Funnell will ride for the first time since 2008. Mary King, a previous winner of the Mitsubishi Badminton Equine Trails, arrives with three horses from which to choose. Daisy Berkeley and Lucy Wiegersma with her 2008 runner-up horse also deserve a hard look.

Those new to the event have winning records that mean they should be closely watched. Laura Collett has made a golden trail through the age specific ranks, and James Robinson, who is a working vet, represents the non professionalrider with his ride Comanche.

With the London 2012 Summer Olympics a year away, the International team managers will be keeping a close eye on Badminton this year to calculate how their plans are evolving.