Tag Archives: craps online

Wired Up For a Roll at the Craps Table

Internet gambling gains headway amongst the digital crowd as it is no longer a sport needing a trip to Sin City or any of its sister locations. A computer, browser and decent connection to the internet are the primary ingredients to getting this gambling goulash boiling to perfection. With the ability to play online craps, one no longer needs to dress up for the occasion as fashion faux pas is committed in living rooms across the continent. Whether it is a pair of bunny bedroom slippers or a five o’clock shadow needing a weed whacker, players from all walks of life prioritize their trendy taste in comfort over fashion.

As traffic and parking woes are eliminated from the equation with the preference to play craps online, another reason to further advocate this cause is the ability to play for free. Although one may not gain any commercial winnings by opting for this mode, there is surely no value placed on gaining knowledge and hands-on experience by casting rolls of no obligation on the digital craps table. This is probably where the dividing lines are clear when choosing to play online craps over live craps. No game in the physical sense allows free rolls without show of money or chips at the table beforehand. As such, one seeking to learn more about the game or aspiring to be the next king of craps certainly benefits much by staying within this wired zone. Akin to a game of Monopoly, all gain and loss is just paper money and should not spell financial doom of any sort.

Once one gains an upper hand in the spirit of the game, he or she can easily migrate to paid games. In the event one is a little unsure of swimming in the deep end, there are various sites offering small betters a foretaste to play craps online without risking too much. Assuming one has done adequate research on identifying types of bets presenting better odds for the player, there is also the matter of selecting a site suitable to one’s style of play. Although gambling sites look pretty much the same, there will always be differing rules designed to ensure the house odds without driving patrons away. If one does not have the time or finance to test out the many sites, reviews of reputable sites help one gain the needed sea legs in the midst of thrashing gambling waters.

Beckon Lady Luck with A Roll Of The Dice

Although banded with a selection of sport focused on the game of chance, craps is possibly one of the lesser challenging strains in seeing some return in one’s investment. Thanks to the invention of online craps, its attraction multiplies manifold as the game is literally available to an individual with a decent connection to the internet. Even though the technological age serves to provide an edge in efficiency as compared to conventional means of processing complex calculations and communication channels to uttermost parts of the earth, too much of a good thing can sometimes bite one in the rear end.

With easy access to craps online, casino regulars and closet gamblers are presented with an alternative means to feed their fetish. This however is not meant to put down the love of the sport as a little excitement in a relative humdrum of a life is not to be discouraged. In the event some of the added spice starts to overtake daily routines and cause priorities to shift towards less than favorable actions, there is certainly cause for some concern. It is not a wonder why gatherings for gamblers anonymous sprout up all over like mushrooms after a rainy spell. The pull factor may be too strong for some to resist, thus pushing them towards a downward spiral to consequential issues needing external intervention. Although some may shrug their shoulders and consider themselves not affected by the occasional game of online craps, it is always advisable to keep a tight rein on this wild horse.

This sport basically entails the tossing of dice onto a green carpet within the confinements of a larger-than-life wooden basin. Bets are represented by chips of rainbow colors and assorted sizes identifying a range of cash values. Depending on the players’ prowess with the game as well as daredevil streak, they place their stack of chips on top of specific markings on the green carpet. In the arena of playing craps online, conventional rituals performed onto the dice prior to the toss are possibly superseded by another set of rites. The blowing onto the dice by a special someone evolves into a mantra murmured to beckon Lady Luck before the finger descends on a keyboard or mouse button. As long as the dice stops with the desired side facing up, a jig is thus performed thousands of miles away in celebration of victory. With anonymity maintained behind glass monitors, each continues to seek a magic roll in hopes of bringing down the house.